Trump Dumps Fox News Debate and Here's Why

this debate is thelast and only debate where the players could really turn up the heat on each other... it would be all candidates against him....and he doesn't want to participate in that, otherwise he'd be there.... imo
Speaking in sports terms, Trump has a lead and he's running out the clock. So why should he show up at a venue that is an obvious ambush set up by the establishment?

In sports terms? More like the team has a lead, kicks off and then doesn't bother to run its defense out there because after all, somebody might get hurt. :gay:
Hah? I can tell you never played team sports, dork.

Wide receiver actually.
Ya I bet you started, with your legs spread. :rofl:
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this debate is thelast and only debate where the players could really turn up the heat on each other... it would be all candidates against him....and he doesn't want to participate in that, otherwise he'd be there.... imo
Speaking in sports terms, Trump has a lead and he's running out the clock. So why should he show up at a venue that is an obvious ambush set up by the establishment?
Before all this went down (Trump dropping out) I think it was Stirewalt that said "on Friday it will be a whole other race I can promise you that" on Twitter.

It was an obvious conspiracy, the candidates and the moderators had teamed up and were going to go nuclear unloading a constant relentless barrage of attacks on Trump. He had much more to lose showing up than not. If this is an example of Trump's decision making, that's exactly the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office.

Exactly. So when he has an op to sit down with Dim Dong and make peace, his strategy will be to run away, because after all Dim Dong could say no.

Brave brave brave brave Sir Rumpy...
He kicked the last debate out of the park, as far as winning it.

If this one wasn't going to be a hit job he would be doing even better.
this debate is thelast and only debate where the players could really turn up the heat on each other... it would be all candidates against him....and he doesn't want to participate in that, otherwise he'd be there.... imo
Speaking in sports terms, Trump has a lead and he's running out the clock. So why should he show up at a venue that is an obvious ambush set up by the establishment?
Before all this went down (Trump dropping out) I think it was Stirewalt that said "on Friday it will be a whole other race I can promise you that" on Twitter.

It was an obvious conspiracy, the candidates and the moderators had teamed up and were going to go nuclear unloading a constant relentless barrage of attacks on Trump. He had much more to lose showing up than not. If this is an example of Trump's decision making, that's exactly the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office.

Exactly. So when he has an op to sit down with Dim Dong and make peace, his strategy will be to run away, because after all Dim Dong could say no.

Brave brave brave brave Sir Rumpy...
He kicked the last debate out of the park, as far as winning it.

If this one wasn't going to be a hit job he would be doing even better.

And right back to sports: "if the other team hadn't scored so many points we coulda won!" :eusa_boohoo:

'Bout that last debate -- I didn't bother to watch so diga me --- did his part of it involve any actual policy? Or was it all the usual emotive blusterfluff that he's been spewing like the exhaust pipe of a Mexican semi?
You just don't want to give him any credit for what he's accomplished.

He's crushed the other candidates who have hundreds of millions and PACS behind them, without hardly spending any money. He's also humiliated and perfectly manipulated the mass media to his benefit, again, without spending a dime.

More reason why he will be a great president as opposed to the other "sponsored" puppets on both the democrat and republican sides.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.
I think he made the right decision. Why should he do it if it looks like a total ambush orchestrated by the establishment? He'd have all his opponents plus the moderators all ganging up trying to break him. He's too smart for that.
He went out on top.

The one thing everyone should take away from this whole election is that the media and big money have controlled the whole process (on both sides) all along. Love Trump or hate him, he has exposed the 'men behind the curtain'. We are bearing witness to a real revolution across America.

That's really a bit much.

No question whatsoever the system is rigged, with a single pseudoparty pretending to dress up as two different parties, both of them being the money party. That's a given. But all Rump has done has been to exploit the media for his own self-aggrandizement.

Said it before, will say it again -- Rump isn't in this to get elected. He's in it for the only thing he's ever been in anything for -- attention. You get a lot more of that kind of thing out of a campaign than you do out of a presidency.
And that is what makes him such an nontraditional candidate. His political philosophy is not conservatism nor liberalism. It's Trumpism. He's a self promoter. Who every heard of a candidate for president whose position statements on issues are a collection of tweets and comments at rallies and interviews. What candidate calls Sunday news programs and ask to go on the air?
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.
Perhaps the Republicans have been running the wrong candidates, people like Romney, Bush, even Reagan. They have needed a candidate less concerned about America or the American pople and more concerned about their own image. With Trump they may have found the perfect Republican candidate, and we can now expect that type every election period from now on.
How is The Donald going to get Mexico to pay for the fence/wall?
Trump said he will "impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages.” According to Trump this is 22 billion dollars. However, like most Trump plans, they are based on only a grain of truth and in this case, it's a very small grain. The 22 billion dollars Trump referred to is for all remittances from the U.S. to Mexico in 2013, not just those from illegal immigrants. Never mind that his plan is impractical, illegal, and probably unconstitutional, it sounds good at rallies and that's what's important.

Donald Trump’s plan to pay for Mexico border wall has a tech problem
The Mexican government has been 100% corrupt for years. The government has trillions of dollars from drug dealing hidden in offshore accounts.
One call by Trump: "Send me a cheque for 500 billion dollars by tomorrow or your produce trucks will be 100% inspected. Every truck will be unloaded and checked for drugs. Yes it could take weeks. I'm using the money to build the most amazing fence the world has ever seen. I'll be looking for that cheque tomorrow". More FACT than fiction.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
The establishment is heavily invested in Trump's opponents, and is now very desperate, therefore they are resorting to any number of tactics to take Trump down, including adopting some of the Democrat propaganda and talking points. It just confirms how corrupt Washington and the establishment is, Democrat or Republican, while they are pretending they are enemies, most of them are bed fellows behind the scenes.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?

Considering the way he's dealt with the media and his opponents, he'll have them eating from his hands in no time.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.
The Mexican government has been 100% corrupt for years. The government has trillions of dollars from drug dealing hidden in offshore accounts.
One call by Trump: "Send me a cheque for 500 billion dollars by tomorrow or your produce trucks will be 100% inspected. Every truck will be unloaded and checked for drugs. Yes it could take weeks. I'm using the money to build the most amazing fence the world has ever seen. I'll be looking for that cheque tomorrow". More FACT than fiction.
That's damn near as nutty as building a wall. So the president of the United States would extort 500 billion dollars from the Mexican government who incidentally has revenues of less than 300 billion by threatening to do the job he was elected to do. That should go a long way toward getting him impeached.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.



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