Trump Dumps Fox News Debate and Here's Why

Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

She did not lose objectivity. She asked a reasonable question. Trump should probably get over it.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?

Trump's nothing like your beloved Obama and Hillary, not to worry, Trump will man up, his ego requires it.
Well he's known for the unexpected. He says it keeps his adversaries off guard. I wonder how that would work for him in a nuclear standoff.

Dumping the debate might work well for him if he get's nominated. I expect he will reveal he's more liberal than Hillary to get Democrat votes. The Republicans will still vote for him because he's their nominee.
While I disagree with most of your conclusions, it is a reasonable post and well expressed.

Thank you.

Trump is not a liberal, except in the 1968 kind of liberal, which makes him a conservative today.

Trump is way ahead in Iowa now according to Fox and so there is no upside to him doing the debate.

And Trumps ability to keep his opponents off guard, or just looking stupid, is why no one will engage in nuclear brinksmanship with him.

Trump will have 'answers' prepared within a month of taking office for a wide variety of situations, just like he does in business, you can count on it.
If Trump is nominated, he will run a general election campaign different than any we have seen, just as he has done in the primaries. If winning means reaching out to Democrats and Independents, he will certainly do so.

Trump is no more conservative than I am. If he should win the general election, he just might break the stranglehold that conservatives have on the party which IMHO would be a good thing. However, my greatest concern is that Trump's authoritarian self-centered approach to leadership is likely to get the country into a war and/or a constitutional crisis.
I think Trump is most accurately described as a 1968 liberal, which would make him natural partners with the GOP neocons, but he has not followed their evolution once in the GOP. He is still that 1968 liberal while neocons have evolved into an America Uber Alles faction..
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?

Trump's nothing like your beloved Obama and Hillary, not to worry, Trump will man up, his ego requires it.

Poor nutty lumpster. You should probably stick to your whining attention-seeking threads.
The GOP has become as ridiculous as it is childish.

Obviously there are no adults running for president in the republican party.


Off topic are these Hillary's cankles? Serious question. I'm assuming yes because I keep seeing her being referred to as 'cankles' :lol:

Yes? No?

Yes, and I'm being mean.

As one gets older, the kidneys tend to perform less efficiently and the water build up tends to accumulate in the ankles. It is also called edema, IIRC.

My ankles used to look like that, and actual pics of Hillary's ankles makes me concerned for her health.

I think the office of the Presidency would kill her, frankly.
The GOP has become as ridiculous as it is childish.

Obviously there are no adults running for president in the republican party.


Off topic are these Hillary's cankles? Serious question. I'm assuming yes because I keep seeing her being referred to as 'cankles' :lol:

Yes? No?

Yes, and I'm being mean.
:lol: :lol: :lol: it all makes sense now

On a serious note, she may have a serious problem. The skin is red which is not a good sign.
The GOP has become as ridiculous as it is childish.

Obviously there are no adults running for president in the republican party.


Off topic are these Hillary's cankles? Serious question. I'm assuming yes because I keep seeing her being referred to as 'cankles' :lol:

Yes? No?

Yes, and I'm being mean.

As one gets older, the kidneys tend to perform less efficiently and the water build up tends to accumulate in the ankles. It is also called edema, IIRC.

My ankles used to look like that, and actual pics of Hillary's ankles makes me concerned for her health.

I think the office of the Presidency would kill her, frankly.

Why on earth do you think that is a picture of her ankles? :rolleyes:

There are so many real issues. Why don't you try to stick to them.
The GOP has become as ridiculous as it is childish.

Obviously there are no adults running for president in the republican party.


Off topic are these Hillary's cankles? Serious question. I'm assuming yes because I keep seeing her being referred to as 'cankles' :lol:

Yes? No?

Yes, and I'm being mean.
:lol: :lol: :lol: it all makes sense now

On a serious note, she may have a serious problem. The skin is red which is not a good sign.

Right. :rolleyes:
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.
I think he made the right decision. Why should he do it if it looks like a total ambush orchestrated by the establishment? He'd have all his opponents plus the moderators all ganging up trying to break him. He's too smart for that.
He went out on top.

The one thing everyone should take away from this whole election is that the media and big money have controlled the whole process (on both sides) all along. Love Trump or hate him, he has exposed the 'men behind the curtain'. We are bearing witness to a real revolution across America.
100% correct, it's truly amazing how elections are bought and paid for even before the campaigns start.
I've been saying that all along. Since the day I signed up here. . .
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?

Trump's nothing like your beloved Obama and Hillary, not to worry, Trump will man up, his ego requires it.

Poor nutty lumpster. You should probably stick to your whining attention-seeking threads.

It's more fun messin with frothing liberals such as yourself, sweet bumps.

So now you're frothing for Fox News, I find that comical..:laugh:

btw. You still lovin on, "Morning Joe" ? Their ass kissing of Trump is truly remarkable, I like it..
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As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.
I think he made the right decision. Why should he do it if it looks like a total ambush orchestrated by the establishment? He'd have all his opponents plus the moderators all ganging up trying to break him. He's too smart for that.
He went out on top.

The one thing everyone should take away from this whole election is that the media and big money have controlled the whole process (on both sides) all along. Love Trump or hate him, he has exposed the 'men behind the curtain'. We are bearing witness to a real revolution across America.

That's really a bit much.

No question whatsoever the system is rigged, with a single pseudoparty pretending to dress up as two different parties, both of them being the money party. That's a given. But all Rump has done has been to exploit the media for his own self-aggrandizement.

Said it before, will say it again -- Rump isn't in this to get elected. He's in it for the only thing he's ever been in anything for -- attention. You get a lot more of that kind of thing out of a campaign than you do out of a presidency.

I'm not so sure. . ..

Let's run the video of a young idealistic Trump, shall we?

You read that -- and what you got out of it is "Fox News is now butt hurt"? :disbelief:

Did you not read,

"Capitulating to politicians' ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards.. Trump is still welcome to join the debate "but he can't dictate the moderators or the questions."​

I mean when you have Fox Noise of all creatures schooling you on journalistic standards --- and they're right --- you've hit rock bottom.
I have now seen it all; Pogo the no Cerebro defending Fox, roflmao

And not for the first time.

I don't defend entities; I defend what's right.
What is cited above is simply right. There is no argument against it.

Is Trump dictating the moderators or the questions .?.

That's what Fox is saying, yes.

You callin' Fox News :salute: a liar???


The media has an agenda and doesn't always tell the whole truth, this is a surprise to you? Does Fox News lie to the degree left wing media outlets do, not even close.
this debate is thelast and only debate where the players could really turn up the heat on each other... it would be all candidates against him....and he doesn't want to participate in that, otherwise he'd be there.... imo
Speaking in sports terms, Trump has a lead and he's running out the clock. So why should he show up at a venue that is an obvious ambush set up by the establishment?
Before all this went down (Trump dropping out) I think it was Stirewalt that said "on Friday it will be a whole other race I can promise you that" on Twitter.

It was an obvious conspiracy, the candidates and the moderators had teamed up and were going to go nuclear unloading a constant relentless barrage of attacks on Trump. He had much more to lose showing up than not. If this is an example of Trump's decision making, that's exactly the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office.

Number 3 and number 5. He's Maximizing the options and Using his leverage :cool-45: It's straight from his book.

11 Winning Negotiation Tactics From Donald Trump's 'The Art of the Deal'
In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Handling biased questions is one thing, attacking one candidate endlessly and handing softball questions to other candidates to attack Trump with is another. There is no use or benefit for Trump to show up to that kind of a forum.

Of course not. Because doing so might present an opportunity to demonstrate how he handles adversity. The answer to which is already known: "not well".

Diga me this Tonto --- if there were no use or benefit to Rump showing up, why was he going to do it before?

He was pondering it but FOX was stupid enough to send that Tweet, which gave their hand away. Trump has been hanling adversity quite well, don't worry about him.

Ah. So now you're saying it's not that Rump can't handle a girl ---- it's that Rump can't handle a troll tweet.

This just gets better and better. :popcorn:


Keep thinking that. :cuckoo:
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

She did not lose objectivity. She asked a reasonable question. Trump should probably get over it.
Trump was over it the first week, in all honesty the first debate was one attack after another when it came to Trump. They even asked other candidates questions that gave them an opportunity to attack Trump. That's exactly what would happen tomorrow and worse. It wouldn't be a problem if the same kind of questions were asked from the other candidates. But they weren't.

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