Trump Dumps Fox News Debate and Here's Why

Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
Same thing Obama does. Bend over.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.
I do what I also know is one of the democrats favorite election themes is the republican war on women given Hillary Clinton is almost assuared to be the democratic nominee that is going to be used more now than ever and if Trump is the republican nominee those comments Kelly referenced are going to used against him in attack ads. There are a few things I find disturbing about Trump on this first that he didn't seem to be aware of that possibility when the question was first asked second it seems like none of his advisors made him aware of it after the debate and apparently he still hasn't gotten it as he is still carrying the grudge around.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.
I do what I also know is one of the democrats favorite election themes is the republican war on women given Hillary Clinton is almost assuared to be the democratic nominee that is going to be used more now than ever and if Trump is the republican nominee those comments Kelly referenced are going to used against him in attack ads. There are a few things I find disturbing about Trump on this first that he didn't seem to be aware of that possibility when the question was first asked second it seems like none of his advisors made him aware of it after the debate and apparently he still hasn't gotten it as he is still carrying the grudge around.

Like I said Megan Kelly and FOX are being used as tools in Trump's messaging. Have you considered how many disaffected Democrats Trump will attract in the general election by going after FOX like this?

Also if you noticed, Trump diffused Hillary's "women voters" issue a long time ago, by brining up Hillary's past defense of rapists, and her harassment of women who had accused her husband of rape and molestation. He will pump that, and Hillary's deceptions, lies, and foreign policy fuckups endlessly in a general. And nobody knows how to exploit weak points like Trump, you gotta admit.
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Handling biased questions is one thing, attacking one candidate endlessly and handing softball questions to other candidates to attack Trump with is another. There is no use or benefit for Trump to show up to that kind of a forum.
Like I said Megan Kelly and FOX are being used as tools in Trump's messaging. Have you considered how many disaffected Democrats Trump will attract in the general election by going after FOX like this?

I'd guess the next one will put it all the way up into the single digits.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
Same thing Obama does. Bend over.

Have you noticed how Democrat coward candidates haven't held a single FOX News debate? All the while they run around accusing Trump of "not being able to handle biased questions". Hilarious!
Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Handling biased questions is one thing, attacking one candidate endlessly and handing softball questions to other candidates to attack Trump with is another. There is no use or benefit for Trump to show up to that kind of a forum.

Of course not. Because doing so might present an opportunity to demonstrate how he handles adversity. The answer to which is already known: "not well".

Diga me this Tonto --- if there were no use or benefit to Rump showing up, why was he going to do it before?
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
Same thing Obama does. Bend over.

Have you noticed how Democrat coward candidates haven't held a single FOX News debate? All the while they run around accusing Trump of "not being able to handle biased questions". Hilarious!

Yeah, but all Fox goes on and on about is Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.
Like I said Megan Kelly and FOX are being used as tools in Trump's messaging. Have you considered how many disaffected Democrats Trump will attract in the general election by going after FOX like this?

I'd guess the next one will put it all the way up into the single digits.
20% of Trump supporters are Democrats, and this is before trump sets his guns on the Democrat nominee.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.

So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Handling biased questions is one thing, attacking one candidate endlessly and handing softball questions to other candidates to attack Trump with is another. There is no use or benefit for Trump to show up to that kind of a forum.

Of course not. Because doing so might present an opportunity to demonstrate how he handles adversity. The answer to which is already known: "not well".

Diga me this Tonto --- if there were no use or benefit to Rump showing up, why was he going to do it before?

He was pondering it but FOX was stupid enough to send that Tweet, which gave their hand away. Trump has been hanling adversity quite well, don't worry about him.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
Same thing Obama does. Bend over.

Have you noticed how Democrat coward candidates haven't held a single FOX News debate? All the while they run around accusing Trump of "not being able to handle biased questions". Hilarious!

Yeah, but all Fox goes on and on about is Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.
Two of the most important things to Democrats, in this fucked up world and economy. And of course guns.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

trump dropped out because he's too thin skinned to take questions from someone who doesn't suck up to him.

And that's exactly the point of non-Presidentiality; if he runs and hides from Megyn Kelly --- what the hell's he gonna do when faced with Vlad the Imputiner.... Hassan Rouhani.... Raúl Castro... Dim Dong Ding Dong.... etc etc etc ?
Same thing Obama does. Bend over.

Have you noticed how Democrat coward candidates haven't held a single FOX News debate? All the while they run around accusing Trump of "not being able to handle biased questions". Hilarious!
Yes. They are chickenshits
So then you must feel that questions about a candidate's character and attitude toward women is 'losing journalistic objectivity'.


In this case she lost objectivity and journalistic principles by deciding to do the establishment's bidding in taking Trump down with that nasty question.

She went after Trump in a very bad way, and Trump isn't the kind of person to forgive and forget. He's going to make an example out of her and FOX news so that nobody fucks with him again.

He has it right.

Even if that's the case you're admitting he can't handle a biased question.

--- which is a perfect qualification for a leader on the world stage --- where everybody's nice all the time and play in the meadow among unicorns and fairies.

As another poster put it:

"I'll face down Putin! I'll stick it to China! I'll deport the Muslims and the rapists! I'll make Mexico pay for the wall! I'll....
... say, is that Megyn Kelly? :50:"

(credit: Aaronleland)
Handling biased questions is one thing, attacking one candidate endlessly and handing softball questions to other candidates to attack Trump with is another. There is no use or benefit for Trump to show up to that kind of a forum.

Of course not. Because doing so might present an opportunity to demonstrate how he handles adversity. The answer to which is already known: "not well".

Diga me this Tonto --- if there were no use or benefit to Rump showing up, why was he going to do it before?

He was pondering it but FOX was stupid enough to send that Tweet, which gave their hand away. Trump has been hanling adversity quite well, don't worry about him.

Ah. So now you're saying it's not that Rump can't handle a girl ---- it's that Rump can't handle a troll tweet.

This just gets better and better. :popcorn:

Rather interesting Trump showed up for both debates that were on the FOX Business Network so it seems to me it's not about FOX News. It seems he's still steamed over the fact Megyn Kelly asked him one question he didn't like and that FOX wouldn't pull her as one of the moderators for this debate. Now we have a primary front runner basically saying I'm going to take my ball and go home not very impressive or presidential in my opinion.
Do you remember the question? It was a hit, set up to take Trump down. I have no problem with Megan Kelly, I think she's a good reporter tries to pursue the truth aggressively. However, she decided to take sides with Trump's opponents, and because of that lost her journalistic objectivity and therefore her ability to moderate fairly, in the last debate.
I do what I also know is one of the democrats favorite election themes is the republican war on women given Hillary Clinton is almost assuared to be the democratic nominee that is going to be used more now than ever and if Trump is the republican nominee those comments Kelly referenced are going to used against him in attack ads. There are a few things I find disturbing about Trump on this first that he didn't seem to be aware of that possibility when the question was first asked second it seems like none of his advisors made him aware of it after the debate and apparently he still hasn't gotten it as he is still carrying the grudge around.

Like I said Megan Kelly and FOX are being used as tools in Trump's messaging. Have you considered how many disaffected Democrats Trump will attract in the general election by going after FOX like this?

Also if you noticed, Trump diffused Hillary's "women voters" issue a long time ago, by brining up Hillary's past defense of rapists, and her harassment of women who had accused her husband of rape and molestation. He will pump that, and Hillary's deceptions, lies, and foreign policy fuckups endlessly in a general. And nobody knows how to exploit weak points like Trump, you gotta admit.
I don't think very many Democrats will go for Trump in a general bringing up Bills escapades might blunt some of the attacks against Trump on this but I don't know that it helps him with female voters where Hillary already has a big advantage.
Like I said Megan Kelly and FOX are being used as tools in Trump's messaging. Have you considered how many disaffected Democrats Trump will attract in the general election by going after FOX like this?

I'd guess the next one will put it all the way up into the single digits.
20% of Trump supporters are Democrats, and this is before trump sets his guns on the Democrat nominee.
That poll was conducted by Mercury Analytics who does Trump's polling. The poll was an online survey of 916 self-proclaimed likely voters conducted after Trump's first big campaign ad. The survey also found that 14% of the Republicans would vote for Hillary if Trump were nominated. Polls such as these are meaningless because anyone can respond to them any number of times.

How Many Democrats Do You Suppose Would Switch Sides and Vote for Donald Trump? New Poll Reveals the Numbers
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The thing that would serve his ego the most would be the power of the presidency. He really is trying to be elected president. And judging from the polls, he is on track.
I doubt that any of the politicians are empty of ego. They couldnt last in that realm without a very strong one would be my guess.

I would just appreciate a few of them not lying to us in every election and to stop selling themselves out to the corporations like crack whores.

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