Trump Dumps Manafort?

You Trump haters (which includes me, but) better take notice that he gave a good speech last night. Reasonable for once. If he keeps this up, we got a problem.
Listen, ha ha ha ha...there is nothing Trump can say or do, that will suddenly make people think, he's grown a brain. If anything, we'll all be thinking like we're all doing now, is that finally someone has WRITTEN ENOUGH BULLSHIT ON A TELEPROMPTER THAT THIS FOOL CAN READ.

A little history for ya....did you know that Adolf Hitler, never smoked, never drank, never messed around with a lot of women, was faithful to Ava until the end, dressed immaculately in uniform, but turned out to be the most diabolically human being in the 21st century. Churchill on the other hand, loved women, loved drinking and smoking, dressed like a slob, but become our most important allie and leader of the 21st short, you can put lipstick on a pig, spray it down, make it read from a teleprompted with fake words shoved in its mouth....but guess what its still a pig. Thank God, not all people in this country are stupid like conservatives.....the man goes to a all white part of Milwalkee to talk about BLACK ISSUES....I rest my case!!
Thanks for reminding me ... I know in my head that all these people have their speeches written for them, but every single time, I fall for it. Keep in mind, though, TR, that Trump is not the kinda guy who will read stuff he objects to. He has proven he doesn't do what he doesn't like.
I totally disagree with his policy regarding immigration and refugees; the whole foreign policy speech gave me creepy crawlies. I don't understand economics enough to know what in hell to think about either candidate's proposals there. I won't vote for him, but we can't sleep through his actually hitting the ball once in awhile. "Personality" issues aren't going to be a deal breaker for everyone. If they were, no one would vote for him OR Clinton.
Trump's policies result in recession, a depressed housing market, a net loss of about 10 million jobs, and of course huge tax breaks for the very wealthy.
Nothing personal, Ogibillm, but I'm trying to find someone objective/nonpartisan to give me a summation on that. One of the instructors here began this morning by explaining what micro and macro economics are. He's still struggling to explain WHY America can't manufacture products anymore, why "protectionist" policies will actually lose us more jobs, and how the banking industry had more to do with Reagan's re-boot of the economy than his economic policies. I got a lonnnggg way to go.
I went into the CDZ and tried reading some of 320's threads on the subject but I got way too lost.
Is anyone seeing a strange parallel between Nixon after Watergate and the Trump Campaign? This will be what, his 3rd campaign manager? He brings in this guy to give the campaign a new direction and after a month or so, he’s dismissed after trying to tell his boss how to do things.

Those who need enablers seek only those who will enable them.

If you’re flipping channels in the next few weeks and The Days of Wine and Roses comes on, imagine Trump playing Jack Lemmon’s part. Except for the ending.

Nope, I see Hillary far above the law and Democrats loving it...

View attachment 85864

btw. Trump doesn't drink alcohol..

He’s been sober this whole time? WOW.

Anyway if HRC had broken the law, she would have been prosecuted. She didn’t so she wasn’t.

The reference to the movie wasn’t Alcohol but the inability to control one’s urges…..
Is anyone seeing a strange parallel between Nixon after Watergate and the Trump Campaign? This will be what, his 3rd campaign manager? He brings in this guy to give the campaign a new direction and after a month or so, he’s dismissed after trying to tell his boss how to do things.

Those who need enablers seek only those who will enable them.

If you’re flipping channels in the next few weeks and The Days of Wine and Roses comes on, imagine Trump playing Jack Lemmon’s part. Except for the ending.

Nope, I see Hillary far above the law and Democrats loving it...

View attachment 85864

btw. Trump doesn't drink alcohol..

He’s been sober this whole time? WOW.

Anyway if HRC had broken the law, she would have been prosecuted. She didn’t so she wasn’t.

The reference to the movie wasn’t Alcohol but the inability to control one’s urges…..

Candy, this may surprise you but people who break the law routinely are not charged with a crime for a variety of reasons.
Is anyone seeing a strange parallel between Nixon after Watergate and the Trump Campaign? This will be what, his 3rd campaign manager? He brings in this guy to give the campaign a new direction and after a month or so, he’s dismissed after trying to tell his boss how to do things.

Those who need enablers seek only those who will enable them.

If you’re flipping channels in the next few weeks and The Days of Wine and Roses comes on, imagine Trump playing Jack Lemmon’s part. Except for the ending.

Nope, I see Hillary far above the law and Democrats loving it...

View attachment 85864

btw. Trump doesn't drink alcohol..

He’s been sober this whole time? WOW.

Anyway if HRC had broken the law, she would have been prosecuted. She didn’t so she wasn’t.

The reference to the movie wasn’t Alcohol but the inability to control one’s urges…..

Candy, this may surprise you but people who break the law routinely are not charged with a crime for a variety of reasons.

yeah yeah yeah….we’ve heard it all before….

the entire world is rigged against the Republicans and the fact that they have a loathsome small fraction of a man heading up their party is, in no way, a factor!

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