Trump Economy creates 263,000 jobs in April, unemployment falls to 3.6%


Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump created Obama care?? Huh

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
People are starting to come around on the immigration problem, RW. Democrats and some media

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
People are starting to come around on the immigration problem, RW. Democrats and some media
Democrats are waiting for 40 million illegal DACA to get voting rights. Then they will stop immigration.

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
Lol more responsible? He is he doing the job he said he would do. And is being attacked by opportunist media, they are mad he won and are trying to coup him through the media.. won’t happen and the polls are wrong.. we see time after time pollsters are asking 55% dems 44% republicans. It’s a joke trump is the true representation of what a real American looks like .. assimilate, learn, then democrats might one day win an election
Polls don’t look to ask 50 percent Dems and 50 percent Republicans. That will automatically give you 50 percent

What they do is ask 1000 Americans what they feel. If 55 percent are Dems, it reflects the population leaning Democratic

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
Lol more responsible? He is he doing the job he said he would do. And is being attacked by opportunist media, they are mad he won and are trying to coup him through the media.. won’t happen and the polls are wrong.. we see time after time pollsters are asking 55% dems 44% republicans. It’s a joke trump is the true representation of what a real American looks like .. assimilate, learn, then democrats might one day win an election
Polls don’t look to ask 50 percent Dems and 50 percent Republicans. That will automatically give you 50 percent

What they do is ask 1000 Americans what they feel. If 55 percent are Dems, it reflects the population leaning Democratic
No left wing nut job pollsters are not honest who they ask. They think it influences thought processes of voters when the media spouts garbage.. 2016 proved that.. trump destroyed Hillary lol
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?
I wouldn’t now but we used to have these options.. we no longer do... they eliminated jobs my family relied on for extra income 50-60 years ago. And we did a better job. I know you can’t fathom hard work, But us white city families built urban America doing these jobs and Sustained families

Even Rasmussen can only get him to 50% in an economy with 3.6 percent unemployment
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
Lol more responsible? He is he doing the job he said he would do. And is being attacked by opportunist media, they are mad he won and are trying to coup him through the media.. won’t happen and the polls are wrong.. we see time after time pollsters are asking 55% dems 44% republicans. It’s a joke trump is the true representation of what a real American looks like .. assimilate, learn, then democrats might one day win an election
Polls don’t look to ask 50 percent Dems and 50 percent Republicans. That will automatically give you 50 percent

What they do is ask 1000 Americans what they feel. If 55 percent are Dems, it reflects the population leaning Democratic
No left wing nut job pollsters are not honest who they ask. They think it influences thought processes of voters when the media spouts garbage.. 2016 proved that.. trump destroyed Hillary lol
They are honest
They conduct a random sample which reflects the population
Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?
I wouldn’t now but we used to have these options.. we no longer do... they eliminated jobs my family relied on for extra income 50-60 years ago. And we did a better job. I know you can’t fathom hard work, But us white city families built urban America doing these jobs and Sustained families
What do you do when you are not mowing lawns?
....We had 2.9% GDP growth in 2015 just as we had in 2018, to listen to you thats not possible without Trump.
Obama's 2.9% in 2015 was followed Q1-16 growth of 1.6%
Trump's 2.9% growth in 2018 was followed by Q1-19 growth of 3.2% which is twice as good. Your question is easy enough to answer, but the first question you need to answer is:


Once you know that answer you will understand why Trump continues to enjoy such amazing economic success with nearly inflation free growth rates, fifty percent higher than Obama's.
...Yes economy is doing good so far with Trump, but it has done well under Obama...
Trump's first full 8 quarters are 50% better than Obama's. the way, that was without a 1.5Trillion dollar tax-cutting stimulus and what shaping up to be trillion dollar deficits...
Despite 50% higher GDP growth rates and several interest rate hikes by the Fed, Trump has run up LESS debt than Obama did over the same time period at the end of Obama's presidency.

Trump has been President for 833 days and the Federal debt has increased by
$2,080,195,217,284.10 during that time.

Over Obama's final 833 days, he ran the debt up $2,088,824,525,722.20. So Trump is better on this measure in nominal terms and significantly better on an inflation adjusted basis.
antontoo wrote: can have a huge increase in very short period of time that is not representative of the average...
833 days is his ENTIRE Presidency and he has run up LESS debt in his entire presidency than Obama did in his time as President, of the same length, and near to the same period on the calendar as possible.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

...we do not have “50%” more GDP growth ...
We most certainly do.

Obama's last 8 full quarters averaged 1.94%.
4th 16 1.8
3rd 16 1.9
2nd 16 2.3
1st 16 1.5
4th 15 0.4
3rd 15 1
2nd 15 3.3
1st 15 3.3

Trump's first 8 full quarters averaged 2.91%
1st 19 3.2
4th 18 2.2
3rd 18 3.4
2nd 18 4.2
1st 18 2.2
4th 17 2.3
3rd 17 2.8
2nd 17 3

Trump's growth rate is 50% better than Obama's "new normal.".

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is simply much better at this than Obama was. Don't be sad about this. You were satisfied with Obama's growth and Trump's is 50% better. Be happy for your fellow Americans.

You are just a liar. I posted the entire GDP growth graph, it speaks for itself.

....ok retard, that does not AT ALL answer the question.

How different would these numbers be without Trump policies?

We had 2.9% GDP growth in 2015 just as we had in 2018, to listen to you thats not possible without Trump.
Not sure who you're talking to when you say "retard", anton.
Let me ask can this not be Trump's economy when he got rid of the Obama regulations?
Think about it before you answer.

Also, you might want to look at 'Real GDP' growth. It's more accurate than GDP growth.

Let me help you with that.
Real GDP growth, anton

Dec 31, 2018 2.97%.......Trump
Dec 31, 2017 2.47%.......Trump
Dec 31, 2016 1.88%.......Obama
Dec 31, 2015 2.00%.......Obama

Please don't get all emotional and call me names when you get done looking at those numbers.

...please stop opening your mouth, you have NO IDEA what you are saying or why.

These are the annual basis REAL GDP growth numbers


And you still have not at all answered anything I said, because you obviously have trouble understanding the difference between mere correlations and what it takes to even begin to establish macroeconomic causations.
You must be in your 20's or 30's thinking you have it all figured out.

US Real GDP Growth Rate by Year

Dec 31, 2018 2.97%
Dec 31, 2017 2.47%
Dec 31, 2016 1.88%
Dec 31, 2015 2.00%
Dec 31, 2014 2.70%
Dec 31, 2013 2.61%

Dec 31, 2012 1.47%
Dec 31, 2011 1.61%
Dec 31, 2010 2.57%
Dec 31, 2009 0.18%

I'll go with an economic source over your political source any day...especially Fact Check.

Please note the 2% rate in 2015 and then the 1.88% in 2016, showing a weakening economy
under the pressures from Obama's regulations.

Now.....for you sonny....Go Pound Sand!

You fucking Idiot, the numbers are from BEA just like your numbers. However I’m using the standard ANNUAL basis, while you are using a non-standard period comparison.
Bullshit, you buffoon. Mine was annual. I linked my source, you link yours.
Not only were his economic recovery numbers anemic, he also had the fed reserve
lending rate at nearly 0% his entire time in office. Which was historic, and he couldn't kick start
a strong economy given that. Hell, that had to be embarrassing.

Who knew rightwingers would get this excited about sub 3% growth with no “4,5 or even 6%” in sight. :lol:

Go look up definition of ANNUAL BASIS directly from BEA, and while you are down there look at what those numbers are.
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Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Lol valedictorians that graduate from
Boston public schools are dropping out of college or needing 6 years to finish a 4 year degree. Boston is doing great if you just moved here with money and took a high paying jobs, unfortunately Bostonians are struggling. The mayor has 5-6 new large housing projects in building phases.. democrats have destroyed education in Boston.
Trump can’t force the media to be responsible .. its when cnn is crashing lol

Trump can act more responsible

A President with 3.6 percent unemployment should easily be over 60 percent approval

Trumps behavior is bringing him down
Lol more responsible? He is he doing the job he said he would do. And is being attacked by opportunist media, they are mad he won and are trying to coup him through the media.. won’t happen and the polls are wrong.. we see time after time pollsters are asking 55% dems 44% republicans. It’s a joke trump is the true representation of what a real American looks like .. assimilate, learn, then democrats might one day win an election
Polls don’t look to ask 50 percent Dems and 50 percent Republicans. That will automatically give you 50 percent

What they do is ask 1000 Americans what they feel. If 55 percent are Dems, it reflects the population leaning Democratic
No left wing nut job pollsters are not honest who they ask. They think it influences thought processes of voters when the media spouts garbage.. 2016 proved that.. trump destroyed Hillary lol
They are honest
They conduct a random sample which reflects the population
Obviously they’re not trump took the propaganda tool of the left and took a shit on it lol
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?
I wouldn’t now but we used to have these options.. we no longer do... they eliminated jobs my family relied on for extra income 50-60 years ago. And we did a better job. I know you can’t fathom hard work, But us white city families built urban America doing these jobs and Sustained families
What do you do when you are not mowing lawns?
You see the smile on your daughters face?
That and high gas prices along with wrecking the healthcare system.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Lol valedictorians that graduate from
Boston public schools are dropping out of college or needing 6 years to finish a 4 year degree. Boston is doing great if you just moved here with money and took a high paying jobs, unfortunately Bostonians are struggling. The mayor has 5-6 new large housing projects in building phases.. democrats have destroyed education in Boston.

??? You need to look at surrounding suburban communities not the city itself. Stop using Dorchester and Roxbury as examples. Use Newton, Wellesley, Weston, Concord and Lexington. Boston rules. MA rules. If you don’t like it then leave. Now I agree that idiots like Warren get elected and that reflects very poorly.
Trump will run on the economy and fear of immigration
Dems will counter with fear Trump will take away healthcare and Trumps lying and ineptness as President
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Lol valedictorians that graduate from
Boston public schools are dropping out of college or needing 6 years to finish a 4 year degree. Boston is doing great if you just moved here with money and took a high paying jobs, unfortunately Bostonians are struggling. The mayor has 5-6 new large housing projects in building phases.. democrats have destroyed education in Boston.

??? You need to look at surrounding suburban communities not the city itself. Stop using Dorchester and Roxbury as examples. Use Newton, Wellesley, Weston, Concord and Lexington. Boston rules. MA rules. If you don’t like it then leave. Now I agree that idiots like Warren get elected and that reflects very poorly.
Wellesley Weston concord and Lexington is not Boston lol thoese the suburbs of Massachusetts ,, and Roxbury has more students then Weston and Concord combined. Boston is graduating thousands yearly into poverty. The search for the new superintendent is on hold because they question her ability on race relations not math and science. Democrats need to be removed from education they are using the schools for indoctrination of left-wing policies, race and gender.
I live in Boston and new immigrants are lowering my American wages and destroying public education with their 3rd world culture.. does that not worry you??

Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Lol valedictorians that graduate from
Boston public schools are dropping out of college or needing 6 years to finish a 4 year degree. Boston is doing great if you just moved here with money and took a high paying jobs, unfortunately Bostonians are struggling. The mayor has 5-6 new large housing projects in building phases.. democrats have destroyed education in Boston.

??? You need to look at surrounding suburban communities not the city itself. Stop using Dorchester and Roxbury as examples. Use Newton, Wellesley, Weston, Concord and Lexington. Boston rules. MA rules. If you don’t like it then leave. Now I agree that idiots like Warren get elected and that reflects very poorly.
Wellesley Weston concord and Lexington is not Boston lol thoese the suburbs of Massachusetts ,, and Roxbury has more students then Weston and Concord combined. Boston is graduating thousands yearly into poverty. The search for the new superintendent is on hold because they question her ability on race relations not math and science. Democrats need to be removed from education they are using the schools for indoctrination of left-wing policies, race and gender.

If you live here you know it’s basically “Boston”. Stop your nonsense. City schools blow but that’s because Boston leans left but the burbs lean right. Schools in general suck unless your kids are smart and can get into honors and AP classes or private schools. And I bet you don’t live in “Boston” but likely a burb.
Do you pick crops or mow lawns in Boston?
Is that why your wages are Low?

Boston is thriving don’t listen to him. A bit too Left but hopefully we ll fix that soon
Lol valedictorians that graduate from
Boston public schools are dropping out of college or needing 6 years to finish a 4 year degree. Boston is doing great if you just moved here with money and took a high paying jobs, unfortunately Bostonians are struggling. The mayor has 5-6 new large housing projects in building phases.. democrats have destroyed education in Boston.

??? You need to look at surrounding suburban communities not the city itself. Stop using Dorchester and Roxbury as examples. Use Newton, Wellesley, Weston, Concord and Lexington. Boston rules. MA rules. If you don’t like it then leave. Now I agree that idiots like Warren get elected and that reflects very poorly.
Wellesley Weston concord and Lexington is not Boston lol thoese the suburbs of Massachusetts ,, and Roxbury has more students then Weston and Concord combined. Boston is graduating thousands yearly into poverty. The search for the new superintendent is on hold because they question her ability on race relations not math and science. Democrats need to be removed from education they are using the schools for indoctrination of left-wing policies, race and gender.

If you live here you know it’s basically “Boston”. Stop your nonsense. City schools blow but that’s because Boston leans left but the burbs lean right. Schools in general suck unless your kids are smart and can get into honors and AP classes or private schools. And I bet you don’t live in “Boston” but likely a burb.
Lol what!! I grew up off Hyde park ave cunmins hwy, I live in roslindale still but Further up by West Roxbury, I started School off Humboldt Avenue and graduated from high school at Madison Park high school in Roxbury . As one of the only white students.

Schools in the suburbs are not being invaded by poor Third World country immigrants Democrats are flooding poor African-American neighborhoods, it’s is a shit hole. But we are dumping thousands per student in these schools pumping out poverty.
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