Trump Election Fraud Lies are the Defining Issue of our Times

Trump has made some of the most serious claims in US history, that the 2020 "election was stolen" and "your vote was stolen"
He also incited a riot at the Capitol by repeatedly telling all his supporters these lies.
He also lost every single court case across America and has yet to show anybody any real and credible evidence of fraud at all.
Additionally, there is not one credible or respected person in the country that agrees or admits there is any evidence of fraud at all, but there are numerous credible republicans, including Mike Pence, that have all said there was no fraud.

When confronted with the hard fact that Trump lost all his court cases, the gullible republican response is that the judges (some appointed by Trump) were "paid off' or "in on steal"...
A laughable thought.

Still to this day, a substantial amount of republicans still can't even admit Trump is lying about election fraud that never happened.

I think Trump's lies about election fraud that never happened is the most important issue of our time because it shows the complete lack of honesty, integrity, and character of a significant amount of Americans and politicians, all republican.

If you are too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud that never happened then you lack character, integrity, and can not be trusted in anyway shape or form. Republicans don't seem to understand how truly pathetic they look and sound when they are too weak to admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, and for that reason election deniers are completely unfit to be elected officials.

Not only is the election fraud the truth, Selective billionnaires paid a lot of money for screwing Republicans so they could control what the Demonrats do for their benefit and no others. Some powerful people demand that their vote is the most important one of all until the system fails and look out below! They vote in politicians who like lots and lots of rewards for their power. Look at Pelosi. She walked in with a million dollars in the bank. Years later at near retirement, she walked out with 200 million in insider trading bonanzas, to hell with the voters! :cranky:

Not one single person called her out on it. She put an innocent president under the bus with palamoney newsmedia moguls' lies, a televised humiliating inquiry after inquiries in the House and Senate had already cleared him, and two impeachments that wound up unresolved due to the lies that couldn't be proven, namely because they weren't true.

A more primitive people guillotined women who cheated, lied, funneled money to themselves, and hated the common people. Her name was Marie Antoinette whose favorite saying for the poor was "let them eat cake." The common people rose up and got rid of that pretty little thing because of her snubbery of everybody who was less wealthy than she. "CLINK!!!" Down went the blade causing her head to roll.

From Royal Queen of France Disgraced Menace's Death



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Not only is the election fraud the truth, Selective billionnaires paid a lot of money for screwing Republicans so they could control what the Demonrats do for their benefit and no others. Some powerful people demand that their vote is the most important one of all until the system fails and look out below! They vote in politicians who like lots and lots of rewards for their power. Look at Pelosi. She walked in with a million dollars in the bank. Years later at near retirement, she walked out with 200 million in insider trading bonanzas, to hell with the voters! :cranky:

Not one single person called her out on it. She put an innocent president under the bus with palamoney newsmedia moguls' lies, a televised humiliating inquiry after inquiries in the House and Senate had already cleared him, and two impeachments that wound up unresolved due to the lies that couldn't be proven, namely because they weren't true.

A more primitive people guillotined women who cheated, lied, funneled money to themselves, and hated the common people. Her name was Marie Antoinette whose favorite saying for the poor was "let them eat cake." The common people rose up and got rid of that pretty little thing because of her snubbery of everybody who was less wealthy than she. "CLINK!!!" Down went the blade causing her head to roll.
Everything OMB has been accused of, has been proven to be false. All of it. From "Russia, Russia!" to the 'phone call impeachment'. Which was a disgrace but it doesn't matter to dimocrap scum. 'Disgrace' I mean.

dimocrap scum have no honor, no morals of any kind, so how are you to 'disgrace' them? You don't.

You destroy them to the last. Totally and completely. Without mercy.

Time to get dirty, people. You can't defeat an enemy (oh, yes they are) as nasty and dirty and scummy as dimocraps by being nice.

When Republicans, when Patriots finally realize that, I just hope it's not too late.

Trump knows it by now, I hope. At least, I think so. I haven't seen his worthless daughter or even more useless son in law around recently.

And they were the cause of a lot of his bad decisions with selecting TOTALLY incompetent subordinates in his last term.

DeSantis knows it. He don't play with dimocrap scum, he hammers them.
Everything OMB has been accused of, has been proven to be false. All of it. From "Russia, Russia!" to the 'phone call impeachment'. Which was a disgrace but it doesn't matter to dimocrap scum. 'Disgrace' I mean.

dimocrap scum have no honor, no morals of any kind, so how are you to 'disgrace' them? You don't.

You destroy them to the last. Totally and completely. Without mercy.

Time to get dirty, people. You can't defeat an enemy (oh, yes they are) as nasty and dirty and scummy as dimocraps by being nice.

When Republicans, when Patriots finally realize that, I just hope it's not too late.

Trump knows it by now, I hope. At least, I think so. I haven't seen his worthless daughter or even more useless son in law around recently.

And they were the cause of a lot of his bad decisions with selecting TOTALLY incompetent subordinates in his last term.

DeSantis knows it. He don't play with dimocrap scum, he hammers them.
If you meant "Old Man Biden" when you said OMB, the viral video someone took with their phone of Biden bragging to have extorted a large sum of money from the Ukraine, another of the unconstitutional interference of a foreign country's employees' firing,
the Russia Russia Hoax against Donald Trump was paid for and issued by Hillary Rodham Clinton, and it has been proven by another person's phone that showed the Clinton link to the lie of his falsely accused reputation was hurt as 300 times a day in America, different evening (and morning) news supported the Russia Russia hoax Hillary engineered to get even with Trump for beating her at the voting booth fair and square. When I first went online in the 90's, I ran across a forum board one night, of leftist precinct chairmen bragging about how they voted several times at different precincts whose voting morals were based on "I voted more times than you, at thirty different precincts using early voting, false names, shut-in ballots, etc." I remember that, because I almost fainted, having been taught that it was an adult person's duty to vote in my American History and Civics classes, and it never occurred to me that people would ever cheat at the polls, much less after that shocking view of precinct chairmen bragging about their causing a false win or two to happen on account of their personal multiple votes and taking advantage of elderly people's votes to go for their party. These people were Democrats, and I was in total shock that anyone would abuse older voters by voting for them due to their disabilities to see well enough to read small print, who may not have known or cared that it was voting day. Shortly after that the public forum was shut down from public view. Their claim was they could not spend staff time on explosive issues, by unknown persons. I can't disagree with that, but it made me think back to the night I saw the brags of people joking about multiple voting practices that were not consistent with the tradidtional "one man, one vote" understanding. I wish the DOJ had at least looked into the claims of a stolen election requested by Donald Trump. I think a huge mistake was made by not allowing an investigation into the vote that handed Basement Joe the election..
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Trump has made some of the most serious claims in US history, that the 2020 "election was stolen" and "your vote was stolen"
He also incited a riot at the Capitol by repeatedly telling all his supporters these lies.
He also lost every single court case across America and has yet to show anybody any real and credible evidence of fraud at all.
Additionally, there is not one credible or respected person in the country that agrees or admits there is any evidence of fraud at all, but there are numerous credible republicans, including Mike Pence, that have all said there was no fraud.

When confronted with the hard fact that Trump lost all his court cases, the gullible republican response is that the judges (some appointed by Trump) were "paid off' or "in on steal"...
A laughable thought.

Still to this day, a substantial amount of republicans still can't even admit Trump is lying about election fraud that never happened.

I think Trump's lies about election fraud that never happened is the most important issue of our time because it shows the complete lack of honesty, integrity, and character of a significant amount of Americans and politicians, all republican.

If you are too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud that never happened then you lack character, integrity, and can not be trusted in anyway shape or form. Republicans don't seem to understand how truly pathetic they look and sound when they are too weak to admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, and for that reason election deniers are completely unfit to be elected officials.

Christ you people are sad.

The defining issues of our time are
Collapse of our economic stability
Interest rates through the roof
Drug overdose epidemic
Borders overrun
Total education system Collapse in our large cities


Trump whining endlessly about 2020 isn't even a blip on the radar. Know why? Rational people DGAF what people say, they care about what they do.
If you meant "Old Man Biden" when you said OMB, the viral video someone took with their phone of Biden bragging to have extorted a large sum of money from the Ukraine, another of the unconstitutional interference of a foreign country's employees' firing,
the Russia Russia Hoax against Donald Trump was paid for and issued by Hillary Rodham Clinton, and it has been proven by another person's phone that showed the Clinton link to the lie of his falsely accused reputation was hurt as 300 times a day in America, different evening (and morning) news supported the Russia Russia hoax Hillary engineered to get even with Trump for beating her at the voting booth fair and square. When I first went online in the 90's, I ran across a forum board one night, of leftist precinct chairmen bragging about how they voted several times at different precincts whose voting morals were based on "I voted more times than you, at thirty different precincts using early voting, false names, shut-in ballots, etc." I remember that, because I almost fainted, having been taught that it was an adult person's duty to vote in my American History and Civics classes, and it never occurred to me that people would ever cheat at the polls, much less after that shocking view of precinct chairmen bragging about their causing a false win or two to happen on account of their personal multiple votes and taking advantage of elderly people's votes to go for their party. These people were Democrats, and I was in total shock that anyone would abuse older voters by voting for them due to their disabilities to see well enough to read small print, who may not have known or cared that it was voting day. Shortly after that the public forum was shut down from public view. Their claim was they could not spend staff time on explosive issues, by unknown persons. I can't disagree with that, but it made me think back to the night I saw the brags of people joking about multiple voting practices that were not consistent with the tradidtional "one man, one vote" understanding. I wish the DOJ had at least looked into the claims of a stolen election requested by Donald Trump. I think a huge mistake was made by not allowing an investigation into the vote that handed Basement Joe the election..
Switch to Decaf fer chrissakes!!
See post # 13, blowhole, and start debunking. Good luck, traitor.
yea thats all bullshit that has already been completely debunked

you have no real evidence at all and Trump lost all court cases. Game over, you got played for a sucker

Trump has no evidence at all of fraud.
Christ you people are sad.

The defining issues of our time are
Collapse of our economic stability
Interest rates through the roof
Drug overdose epidemic
Borders overrun
Total education system Collapse in our large cities


Trump whining endlessly about 2020 isn't even a blip on the radar. Know why? Rational people DGAF what people say, they care about what they do.
It defines you trash as gullible fools and liars.
It proves you people have no character, no integrity, and no credibility at all.

It is the defining issue of our time because it completely exposes you people for being total trash.
yea thats all bullshit that has already been completely debunked

you have no real evidence at all and Trump lost all court cases. Game over, you got played for a sucker

Trump has no evidence at all of fraud.
Those things are all facts and have not been debunked. They have been denied. It clearly shows those elections should never had been certified by the states themselves. The election had less integrity than you. That means it had 0 integrity.
It defines you trash as gullible fools and liars.
It proves you people have no character, no integrity, and no credibility at all.

It is the defining issue of our time because it completely exposes you people for being total trash.
The trash is in the WH. FACT.
Has the left gone freaking nuts? With all the issues like Covid, the illegal alien crisis, organized criminal attacks on stores, incredible statistics about deaths by fentanyl, the international crisis in Ukraine and Israel the crazy left thinks that claims of election fraud by the former president constitute the "defining issues of out time".
Has the left gone freaking nuts? With all the issues like Covid, the illegal alien crisis, organized criminal attacks on stores, incredible statistics about deaths by fentanyl, the international crisis in Ukraine and Israel the crazy left thinks that claims of election fraud by the former president constitute the "defining issues of out time".
Outstanding post! These wonder babies will not face reality and live in a fantasy world thinking something good will come from chaos. Stupid, stupid bastards.
Even if Trump’s belief that the election was stolen is wrong, that doesn’t make it a lie.

The Wanker is hostile to honesty and accuracy.

Moreover, even if it were a “lie,” it is FAR from being a defining issue of our time.

Hyperbole isn’t much of an argument.

But what do we expect from The Wanker?
He’s not being charged with what he said, but what he did.
Trump has made some of the most serious claims in US history, that the 2020 "election was stolen" and "your vote was stolen"
He also incited a riot at the Capitol by repeatedly telling all his supporters these lies.
He also lost every single court case across America and has yet to show anybody any real and credible evidence of fraud at all.
Additionally, there is not one credible or respected person in the country that agrees or admits there is any evidence of fraud at all, but there are numerous credible republicans, including Mike Pence, that have all said there was no fraud.

When confronted with the hard fact that Trump lost all his court cases, the gullible republican response is that the judges (some appointed by Trump) were "paid off' or "in on steal"...
A laughable thought.

Still to this day, a substantial amount of republicans still can't even admit Trump is lying about election fraud that never happened.

I think Trump's lies about election fraud that never happened is the most important issue of our time because it shows the complete lack of honesty, integrity, and character of a significant amount of Americans and politicians, all republican.

If you are too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud that never happened then you lack character, integrity, and can not be trusted in anyway shape or form. Republicans don't seem to understand how truly pathetic they look and sound when they are too weak to admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, and for that reason election deniers are completely unfit to be elected officials.

Your mom telling you to clean your room is the defining moment of your time

Trump has made some of the most serious claims in US history, that the 2020 "election was stolen" and "your vote was stolen"
He also incited a riot at the Capitol by repeatedly telling all his supporters these lies.
He also lost every single court case across America and has yet to show anybody any real and credible evidence of fraud at all.
Additionally, there is not one credible or respected person in the country that agrees or admits there is any evidence of fraud at all, but there are numerous credible republicans, including Mike Pence, that have all said there was no fraud.

When confronted with the hard fact that Trump lost all his court cases, the gullible republican response is that the judges (some appointed by Trump) were "paid off' or "in on steal"...
A laughable thought.

Still to this day, a substantial amount of republicans still can't even admit Trump is lying about election fraud that never happened.

I think Trump's lies about election fraud that never happened is the most important issue of our time because it shows the complete lack of honesty, integrity, and character of a significant amount of Americans and politicians, all republican.

If you are too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud that never happened then you lack character, integrity, and can not be trusted in anyway shape or form. Republicans don't seem to understand how truly pathetic they look and sound when they are too weak to admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, and for that reason election deniers are completely unfit to be elected officials.

The damage that trump has done to our electoral system will take generations to correct. And, judging from the House chaos, his lies are permeating even the people's house.

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