Trump Encourages GOP Crowd to Boo US Women's Soccer Team

Wow.. Trump is such a pig. Do his people stand for this crap?

July 25, 2021 Trump Corruption, Trump Lies

NBC Sports reports:

The Tokyo Olympics crossed over with a Donald Trump rally Saturday night, as the former president encouraged a hyped-up Phoenix crowd to boo the U.S. Women’s soccer team. “Wokeism makes you lose,” Trump said, according to a video of the speech posted to Twitter by Turning Point officials.

“The U.S. Women’s soccer team is a very good example of what’s going on,” he continued, shaking his head with a smirk as the crowd booed loudly.

“Earlier this week they unexpected lost to Sweden three to nothing and Americans were happy about it,” he said, a line that drew laughs and cheers – enough for Trump to quickly add “you proved that point before I even said it.”


Why do people put up with people that hate this country? Those ungrateful assholes need to be booed.
Why do people put up with people that hate this country? Those ungrateful assholes need to be booed.
The OP is a liar. Nowhere in that video does Trump encourage anyone to boo. He is amused that they did, but he didn't encourage it. The lying left does not see reality, they see what they imagine.
The Democrats changed all of the election laws prior to the 2020 election in order to flood the system with bogus mail-in ballots. The Democrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Wake up sonny.
Bullshit. Those laws were never changed by anybody. Due to Covid, many chose to vote by mail, which is totally in order. Where, pray tell, did you get that bit of misinformation? From Trump and you believed it, yes? This is why he likes ignorant people like you-easy to manipulate.
Why would people support someone who doesnt support them?
It is not about them. They can stand on their heads and whistle dixie for all I care. Yes, it is the wrong venue to diss Trump at a sporting event. I support my country.
Pledging their loyalty to the US and the principles it stands for.

Biden wasn't president when Trump tried to get the football players fired for kneeling.
fealty means to be faithful to a lord,King or Queen usually sworn to by a vassal.....
Taking a knee means nothing. If these woke bitches were serious they would have refused all of the funding supplied by the country they can’t support. We all know that isn’t going to happene.
If the freak with the purple hair spent more time focusing on soccer and less time bitching about their pay and their politics maybe they wouldn’t have got their asses kicked.
Note to the purple haired freak:
You don’t make as much money as men’s soccer because very few people watch your team. Shitty ratings and fan interest equates to less money. So does losing the olympics.
Bullshit. Those laws were never changed by anybody. Due to Covid, many chose to vote by mail, which is totally in order. Where, pray tell, did you get that bit of misinformation? From Trump and you believed it, yes? This is why he likes ignorant people like you-easy to manipulate.
Yes they were. Wow are you dumb.
How the fuck is wanting to watch baseball or NASCAR instead of soccer un-American?

Baseball and NASCAR are about as American as you can get...
tenor (6).gif
Wow.. Trump is such a pig. Do his people stand for this crap?

July 25, 2021 Trump Corruption, Trump Lies

NBC Sports reports:

The Tokyo Olympics crossed over with a Donald Trump rally Saturday night, as the former president encouraged a hyped-up Phoenix crowd to boo the U.S. Women’s soccer team. “Wokeism makes you lose,” Trump said, according to a video of the speech posted to Twitter by Turning Point officials.

“The U.S. Women’s soccer team is a very good example of what’s going on,” he continued, shaking his head with a smirk as the crowd booed loudly.

“Earlier this week they unexpected lost to Sweden three to nothing and Americans were happy about it,” he said, a line that drew laughs and cheers – enough for Trump to quickly add “you proved that point before I even said it.”


I booed them soon as they took a knee during the anthem.

The Olympics aren't about political or social agendas, they aren't about personal opinion, they aren't about making a statement.

The Olympics are about sportsmanship, doing your best for yourself and your country you represent, and competing.

When they knelt for the anthem it was a disgrace to the country that got them there and the people of the country. It's also very disrespectful to the Olympics itself and what it stands for.

Fuck the USA women's soccer team and anyone else who shamed america at the Olympics. They should be banned for life.

There is a time and place for that nonsense, but it isn't at the Olympics.
They are poseurs, just like all woke idiots. There is no genuine interest in improving other people's lives, especially as they are opposed to the very real-life measures that would actually lead to improvement. THeirs is just an empty gesture designed to feed their OWN ego rather than any real purpose. They are just play actors standing on the street corner saying "hey, look at ME, look at ME, aren't I virtuous?!!?"

This is just a simple Pavlovian conditioned response. THey strike a pose. Others of their ilk rewards them with praise. The praise releases endorphins in their brain and they do it again the next time they need a fix.
The US Women's Soccer team does not represent the USA, they represent the Woke Left and themselves. Trump as usual is right.
You mean, how dare they have their own opinion on stuff? Should we all be like trumptards and just kiss-ass der Fuhrer? Is that it?
I booed them soon as they took a knee during the anthem.

The Olympics aren't about political or social agendas, they aren't about personal opinion, they aren't about making a statement.

The Olympics are about sportsmanship, doing your best for yourself and your country you represent, and competing.

When they knelt for the anthem it was a disgrace to the country that got them there and the people of the country. It's also very disrespectful to the Olympics itself and what it stands for.

Fuck the USA women's soccer team and anyone else who shamed america at the Olympics. They should be banned for life.

There is a time and place for that nonsense, but it isn't at the Olympics.
So, kneeling at the Olympics = Bad. But, attacking the Capitol and trying to kidnap legislatures/murder VP Pence = Good???

Just trying to understand trumptard logic.

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