Trump encourages Russia to hack Hillary's emails

Top U.S. general says cooperation with Russia must preserve 'operational security' “We’re not entering into a transaction that is based on trust,” Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford said at a press briefing at the Pentagon.

Some U.S. military and intelligence officials oppose the proposed deal and say Russia cannot be trusted with classified American intelligence.

In Europe, the Russian military has conducted a series of aggressive actions and maneuvers against U.S. military ships and planes.
Did anyone try watching his news conference? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a couple names, pretends he's meeting with them, and that makes it seems like he has ideas! This can't be real; just doesn't look like reality! Now he's back on Hillary's server! "Donald, give us solutions, not your daily spin of your bizarre and less than memorable comments of bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and total ignorance of current affairs!" I hope his straight-jacket will be ready when he goes down in flames! He will not be able to handle it!

Funny, FNC's "Outnumbered" bimbos would rather talk about DNC convention instead of what just happened! Hilarious that they're too embarrassed to talk about it now or they're still in shock over his comments! ;-/
Desperate times call for desperate measures but when the radical left starts blaming Trump and the freaking president of Russia for Wikileaks revealing the incontrovertible fact, based on her e-mails, that Hillary is a bigoted racist and anti-semite they look like fools. Back in the days of Cronkite, Americans wouldn't even know about it but in the era the democrat party fears most, the age of information, the truth usually comes out. Left wing radicals can relax a bit though, the DNC has their ace in the hole in the liberal media. You can count on the fact that the media will either downplay or ignore Hillary's racist comments and try to forget about it. The longer the idiotic left tries to blame Trump and the president of Russia for Hillary's racism and felonies, the longer the issue will last.
Desperate times call for desperate measures but when the radical left starts blaming Trump and the freaking president of Russia for Wikileaks revealing the incontrovertible fact, based on her e-mails, that Hillary is a bigoted racist and anti-semite they look like fools. Back in the days of Cronkite, Americans wouldn't even know about it but in the era the democrat party fears most, the age of information, the truth usually comes out. Left wing radicals can relax a bit though, the DNC has their ace in the hole in the liberal media. You can count on the fact that the media will either downplay or ignore Hillary's racist comments and try to forget about it. The longer the idiotic left tries to blame Trump and the president of Russia for Hillary's racism and felonies, the longer the issue will last.
Being unwilling to give Ithrael the keys to the United States isn't strictly anti-Semitic. It's prudent.
Desperate times call for desperate measures but when the radical left starts blaming Trump and the freaking president of Russia for Wikileaks revealing the incontrovertible fact, based on her e-mails, that Hillary is a bigoted racist and anti-semite they look like fools. Back in the days of Cronkite, Americans wouldn't even know about it but in the era the democrat party fears most, the age of information, the truth usually comes out. Left wing radicals can relax a bit though, the DNC has their ace in the hole in the liberal media. You can count on the fact that the media will either downplay or ignore Hillary's racist comments and try to forget about it. The longer the idiotic left tries to blame Trump and the president of Russia for Hillary's racism and felonies, the longer the issue will last.
the only desperation bein presented here is on the right,
your rationalization is empirical evidence.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

He was sarcastic and trolled the shit out of liberals....the media will be happy...he knows that me media do not want to do anything goes on to hilarys emails.....he's like a maestro just playing you libtards like a fiddle

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

He was sarcastic and trolled the shit out of liberals....the media will be happy...he knows that me media do not want to do anything goes on to hilarys emails.....he's like a maestro just playing you libtards like a fiddle
false! dump is just pretentious enough to say something like that and believe he will not get called on it .
seems as if the trumps jockstraps (supporters) are getting spooked.
there is no other reason for all the spin,

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