Trump Ends Funding for Covid-19 Testing


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Trump Ends Funding for Covid-19 Testing because he hates seeing rising infection numbers making him look Bad!

"The US federal government plans to stop funding and support for 13 coronavirus testing sites in five states on June 30... The 13 affected sites are located in Texas, Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. Funding for these test sites expire June 30, and federal officials are said to have decided not to extend it."

Trump - "Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we would show fewer cases!"
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When people voted in 2016, even Trump supporters knew that if a crisis struck Trump would completely fail in responding to it. America needs to learn from his failure, and remember their responsibility to the country when voting.
Adm. Ben Giroir, the assistant HHS secretary, said in a statement that the federal government is not ending funding or support for testing sites. He said the government "on the contrary" has increased the number of sites to more than 600 in 48 states and Washington, D.C. through the federal bundled payment program, in addition to more than 1,400 other pharmacy sites and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

"The only truthful, but still misleading report in the media, is that we are transitioning 13 sites from the original now antiquated program to the more efficient and effective testing sites outlined above," he said.

"All 13 sites were provided an extra 30 days from the original transition date in May, and I personally spoke with Governors from all 5 states involved, and/or their leadership designees, who agreed that it was the appropriate time to transition out of the original 13 sites and into the thousands of new testing options," he added.

An HHS spokeswoman told Talking Points Memo that the testing program aimed to “develop and bring initial testing capabilities to socially vulnerable locations across the country” and states were supposed to “transition” to control testing at the end of June.
MAGAt has said it repeatedly - that he doesn't want high numbers because it reflects badly on him. Dumb ass causes higher numbers and then pretends they're not there.

Strangest thing about this particualr example of his utter and total incometence is that its not his enemies that he's killing. Its his own base.

I presume you didn't read what I posted.
The headline is a lie.

So you are calling Trump a Liar?

No retard; this was planned months ago along with the governors whose State are involved...

Adm. Ben Giroir, the assistant HHS secretary, said in a statement that the federal government is not ending funding or support for testing sites. He said the government "on the contrary" has increased the number of sites to more than 600 in 48 states and Washington, D.C. through the federal bundled payment program, in addition to more than 1,400 other pharmacy sites and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

"The only truthful, but still misleading report in the media, is that we are transitioning 13 sites from the original now antiquated program to the more efficient and effective testing sites outlined above," he said.

"All 13 sites were provided an extra 30 days from the original transition date in May, and I personally spoke with Governors from all 5 states involved, and/or their leadership designees, who agreed that it was the appropriate time to transition out of the original 13 sites and into the thousands of new testing options," he added.

An HHS spokeswoman told Talking Points Memo that the testing program aimed to “develop and bring initial testing capabilities to socially vulnerable locations across the country” and states were supposed to “transition” to control testing at the end of June.
Adm. Ben Giroir, the assistant HHS secretary, said in a statement that the federal government is not ending funding or support for testing sites. He said the government "on the contrary" has increased the number of sites to more than 600 in 48 states and Washington, D.C. through the federal bundled payment program, in addition to more than 1,400 other pharmacy sites and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

"The only truthful, but still misleading report in the media, is that we are transitioning 13 sites from the original now antiquated program to the more efficient and effective testing sites outlined above," he said.

"All 13 sites were provided an extra 30 days from the original transition date in May, and I personally spoke with Governors from all 5 states involved, and/or their leadership designees, who agreed that it was the appropriate time to transition out of the original 13 sites and into the thousands of new testing options," he added.

An HHS spokeswoman told Talking Points Memo that the testing program aimed to “develop and bring initial testing capabilities to socially vulnerable locations across the country” and states were supposed to “transition” to control testing at the end of June.
From the same article:

"Several Texas officials are calling on the administration to extend the support for the sites, with the Houston Health Department's public health authority writing that the lack of support could cause "catastrophic cascading consequences." Officials are requesting the funding for these testing locations be extended until Aug. 30."

Trump - "Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we would show fewer cases!"

And, during that disastrous "comeback" rally, he said he was instructing his people to slow or stop testing. Then when what's her name - the latest lying ditz behind the podium - said he was kidding. to which MAGAt said he "never kids".

Remebering that he said th same thing about a cruise ship. Stopped Americans from getting off because it would raise his numbers.

He has withheld testing except for when it protects him so it would not be a lot different if he stops all testing.

Bottom line is that its always all about him.
Adm. Ben Giroir, the assistant HHS secretary, said in a statement that the federal government is not ending funding or support for testing sites. He said the government "on the contrary" has increased the number of sites to more than 600 in 48 states and Washington, D.C. through the federal bundled payment program, in addition to more than 1,400 other pharmacy sites and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

"The only truthful, but still misleading report in the media, is that we are transitioning 13 sites from the original now antiquated program to the more efficient and effective testing sites outlined above," he said.

"All 13 sites were provided an extra 30 days from the original transition date in May, and I personally spoke with Governors from all 5 states involved, and/or their leadership designees, who agreed that it was the appropriate time to transition out of the original 13 sites and into the thousands of new testing options," he added.

An HHS spokeswoman told Talking Points Memo that the testing program aimed to “develop and bring initial testing capabilities to socially vulnerable locations across the country” and states were supposed to “transition” to control testing at the end of June.
From the same article:

"Several Texas officials are calling on the administration to extend the support for the sites, with the Houston Health Department's public health authority writing that the lack of support could cause "catastrophic cascading consequences." Officials are requesting the funding for these testing locations be extended until Aug. 30."
Tough...the plan was in place, agreed upon, and will greatly increase the number of national facilities.
We all know why no politician wants funding to end.

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