Trump exposed the weaknesses in American democracy

Well, at least Trump was good for something - exposing weaknesses in American democracy. He proved that our Constitution, laws and system of "norms" won't hold up under a tyrant who has no regard for them.
Donald Trump is not a man who reconfigures himself to fit someone else's agenda

deal with him or get out of the way
These Leftists have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in irrational hate for the bad orange man that they've convinced themselves that 75 million Trump voters are mentally deficient cultists who aren't intelligent enough to have voted for him for any other reason. The majority who voted for him were voting to try to save our nation from the insane radical socialist filth we've had in power in DC for too long.
If Trump decides to run in '24 and he wins, these people will literally finish losing their minds and then they'll go to war against this country. There is NO WAY they will ever again be satisfied to compromise. They don't seem to understand that the other half of us also have a choice. People who demand "all or nothing" often wind up with nothing...
Not only will Trump not run, if by the minute chance he does get the nod, he'll lose. Again.

I'd be absolutely gob-smacked if any Deplorable conservative whackadoodle would even know the meaning of the word 'compromise'.

The majority who voted for him were nothing more than fat, white, trailer trash who should have to take an IQ test before being eligible to vote. Yes, they are that fucking stupid.
I think you are a moron. It's quite obvious to anyone with more than a single digit IQ who the corruptocrats running this country are.

It ain't Trump. It's the political class made up of career politicians, the bureaucrats they employ, and the media that aids and abets.
While some of what you say it true, that doesn't make Trump any less of the low-life piece of scum sucking shit that he is.
A corrupt leader with control of the white house can't last long unless he also has control of the media. Republicans haven't had that advantage for over a hundred years and lots of bad stuff has been done to the United States during the time that the media became the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
Read the article. Beyond making the claim that Trump was broke (a claim bolstered only by the fact that he didn’t release his tax returns not actual proof) it doesn’t say anything. It doesn’t list the “dictato like abuses”. It doesn’t give any examples of the abuses of power he supposedly committed. Can you provide something anything along those lines? Not liking the guy isnt a reason to change our system of government youre going to have to do better than that.
The media (and you can factor government sponsored ignorance in schools) is the weak point in democracy. The Founding Fathers assumed that the media would always be independent and it turns out that they were wrong.
We recall Lakhotas coming to Wisconsin to panhandle and spread rumors about embezzlement on the Rez. Do they now side with the Ho-Chunk racists now aligning with black racists against Whitey in Wisconsin?
The media (and you can factor government sponsored ignorance in schools) is the weak point in democracy. The Founding Fathers assumed that the media would always be independent and it turns out that they were wrong.

The media that I subscribe to are credible and honest. They report facts and truth. And when they report something wrong - they correct it.
You want to make sure that the unwashed never again think THEY can elect an outsider not chosen by our rulers.

Rigging the election worked for you, but no one trusts you - no one. You are thrilled that you stole the election, but you, and every other person in America, know that you stole it.

The Reichstag Fire will teach America that you cannot question, much less protest the Oligarchy. Political prisoners sit in the gulag, total solitary, for 7 months with no charge, no due process. Not until they break and "confess." Big Brother put starving rats in a cage on the face of Winston Smith to break him. You Nazis just lock people in a dark hole away from human contact with nothing to do, no books, just the stone walls of the prison. A different technique, but the same goal, break them so they will say anything you want.

You are indeed traitorous scum.
Oh, bull$hit... your scum are going to prison... end of convo...
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
You are right... We are lucky that Trump was basically incompetent and narcissistic.

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