Trump exposed the weaknesses in American democracy

But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates. The remedy for this inconveniency is to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render them, by different modes of election and different principles of action, as little connected with each other as the nature of their common functions and their common dependence on the society will admit. It may even be necessary to guard against dangerous encroachments by still further precautions. As the weight of the legislative authority requires that it should be thus divided, the weakness of the executive may require, on the other hand, that it should be fortified.

US4CC.AOC_Jim_Halpren - Connecticut_Compromise.png
Trump exposed the Swamp. The Swamp obviously didn’t like his threat to drain it. It fought back. Trump is likely the most investigated individual in history but nothing has been found that sticks so far. He may actually be squeaky clean.

Trump’s ”corruption” if there actually was any is minor compared to the corruption of the senile old politician occuping the Oval Office today.

Joe Biden may appear to be a really nice guy but he has made a fortune for his family and himself over the years by selling his influence.

However since Joe Biden is a important Swamp critter any and all evidence of his corruption will be totally ignored. Just like Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation, Joe will waltz away totally scot-free and never face prosecution for his malfeasance.

These Leftists have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in irrational hate for the bad orange man that they've convinced themselves that 75 million Trump voters are mentally deficient cultists who aren't intelligent enough to have voted for him for any other reason. The majority who voted for him were voting to try to save our nation from the insane radical socialist filth we've had in power in DC for too long.
If Trump decides to run in '24 and he wins, these people will literally finish losing their minds and then they'll go to war against this country. There is NO WAY they will ever again be satisfied to compromise. They don't seem to understand that the other half of us also have a choice. People who demand "all or nothing" often wind up with nothing...
Don't want to mislead you because I am a democrat who voted for Biden and Obama [both times]...but I agree that something drastic has to be done with our out of control left wing of the party, they are the ones responsible for all this.
TEHRAN: Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said that the chaos unleashed on the US Capitol Hill by US counterpart Donald Trump's supporters "exposed the weaknesses of Western democracy".

Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?

Firstly, if your suggesting Joe it about to turn the whole thing on its head and install himself as dictator, you're wrong.
That's just more hatred of dems.

Secondly, the election of trump exposed one big flaw in the system. That being, people can vote in a complete idiot who they believe will play out their hatreds and introduce laws to eliminate their opposition by force.
But it didn't work. That bloody democracy brought it to a halt.

Was that the type of thoughts you were after?
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
I would add how his children were involved in government meetings and behaving like they were government officials.

Trump children traveling

the Trump family took 1,625 trips annually, compared with the Obama family's average of 133.3 trips a year.

Travel cost of the family in 4 years exceeded Obama travel costs in 8 years. The taxpayer footed the bill.

The Trump kids had secret service follow them around for 6 months after Trump left office. Why because trump in his last days in office okay secret service for the kids beyond his time in office. Following them around is estimated to have cost the tax payer about 1 million. Its not that they could not afford to purchase there own protection but why should they when the taxpayer can.

Baron Trump has secret service protection until he turns 16 but that is what all children ( under 16) of president have.

Trump trips to Mar-1-logo which required SS to go and stay in the resort which is paid by the government and benefits his business

Ivanka and hubby were unofficial senior advisors yet what experience did they have. They maintain business ties and get Top Secret clearances because Daddy says so

Well at least they can fly around on AF One.
Trump exposed the Swamp. The Swamp obviously didn’t like his threat to drain it. It fought back. Trump is likely the most investigated individual in history but nothing has been found that sticks so far. He may actually be squeaky clean.

Trump’s ”corruption” if there actually was any is minor compared to the corruption of the senile old politician occuping the Oval Office today.

Joe Biden may appear to be a really nice guy but he has made a fortune for his family and himself over the years by selling his influence.

However since Joe Biden is a important Swamp critter any and all evidence of his corruption will be totally ignored. Just like Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation, Joe will waltz away totally scot-free and never face prosecution for his malfeasance.

Trump did slightly expose the deep state (aka swamp) and they dumped his dumb ass. He clearly is a fraud. He talked about it than installed swamp creatures throughout his cabinet. He’s a fool. Never recognizing they were out to get him, though it was apparent.

What Trump did expose is the weakness of our corporate media. He broke their brains. They ran with an obviously fake Russiagate story for five years. They can never be trusted.
Trump did slightly expose the deep state (aka swamp) and they dumped his dumb ass. He clearly is a fraud. He talked about it than installed swamp creatures throughout his cabinet. He’s a fool. Never recognizing they were out to get him, though it was apparent.

What Trump did expose is the weakness of our corporate media. He broke their brains. They ran with an obviously fake Russiagate story for five years. They can never be trusted.

Trump was a narcissistic dictator who when wound up in his own self importance failed to see he was alienating his own support base. They eventually chucked him out.

He never exposed and deep state or obamagate. He did nothing but use it as a crowd stirrer on the suckers who believed it. The swamp is still there. So are the public servants he threatened to get rid of. They all cleverly conspired to get rid of him in conjunction with Biden.
Bidrn knew them all personally 40 years in government is time well spent making friends.

Just another point, Joe has now convinced repigs to support his infrastructure spending. What does that tell you? Everyone hates him?
I don't think so.
Nahhhhhhh... there is a valid point here... and it's on the Orange Baboon-God's head...

It's time to ensure that no future Piece of $hit ( Orange or otherwise ) can ever again attempt to overturn a general election...

It's time to ensure that those who supported the attempted coup... the Insurrection of Jan 6... go to prison for a very long time...

Traitorous scum...

You want to make sure that the unwashed never again think THEY can elect an outsider not chosen by our rulers.

Rigging the election worked for you, but no one trusts you - no one. You are thrilled that you stole the election, but you, and every other person in America, know that you stole it.

The Reichstag Fire will teach America that you cannot question, much less protest the Oligarchy. Political prisoners sit in the gulag, total solitary, for 7 months with no charge, no due process. Not until they break and "confess." Big Brother put starving rats in a cage on the face of Winston Smith to break him. You Nazis just lock people in a dark hole away from human contact with nothing to do, no books, just the stone walls of the prison. A different technique, but the same goal, break them so they will say anything you want.

You are indeed traitorous scum.
Trump did slightly expose the deep state (aka swamp) and they dumped his dumb ass. He clearly is a fraud. He talked about it than installed swamp creatures throughout his cabinet. He’s a fool. Never recognizing they were out to get him, though it was apparent.

What Trump did expose is the weakness of our corporate media. He broke their brains. They ran with an obviously fake Russiagate story for five years. They can never be trusted.

You give him far too little credit. He exposed the corruption of the FBI - now it is clear they are no different than the Gestapo or KGB. State police, utterly corrupt, serving an unseen and unaccountable Oligarchy.

Trump exposed the international embezzlement racket using the children of politicians to be mules for kickbacks from the foreign aid racket. Not just Hunter Biden and the millions Quid Pro stole from tax payers, but Paul Pelosi Jr., Chris Heinz, Porter McConnell - all part of the scam that funnels billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of corrupt politicians.

That is the REAL reason the Reich had to destroy Trump, he upset the gravy train. Two attempted coups by the Reich failed, so they turned to China and attacked America with biological weapons.

The fact that the Reich feared him to the point that they would unleash this biological attack shows the level of damage he did to them.
Bringing out the old TDS again since you have no other comeback to defend this treasonous scumbag trump, who tried to end our democracy on January 6th.

Because protesting election fraud "ends our democracy."

Say Nazi, Quid Pro declared himself dictator, not bound by the Constitution, the checks and balances of the coequal Judicial branch as he openly defies the SCOTUS and extends the eviction moratorium in open contempt of the court.

Does that "end our democracy"?
From the OP:

"Democracies don’t die suddenly; they’re poisoned by strongmen who systematically chip away at checks on their power."
The United States officially started it road towards Democracy in 1913. The federal reserve act, the federal income tax and the 17th amendment. The 19th amendment a few years later cemented it as the fiat currency became a Prog female's wet dream to right all the wrongs of the world that is not nice to them. Unfortunately they were not the only ones. Prohibition is an example in the early growing pains of feminism that is now running amok. Many people have been denied to uplift the female sex. And there is a reason to uplift them. But there is also a fact that not all will be satisfied. And that there will be many who make bad decisions like men do. The fiat currency is in its mature stage now. And not giving back as much as it is printed as there are more and more people who fall through the cracks. And this is dangerous even as Progs keep throwing trillions and trillions of dollars on those who do. And that makes others fall through the cracks. Archaic federal rules are slowing us down as the same federal government has offshored much of our ways of living off of products to keep the prices down for all of the payouts and lowering of standards and promoting actual hate a and violence of women against the so called male oppressors. And with this a growing amount of males are becoming impoverished. With many of the not well educated and getting violent or criminal like in survival.
TEHRAN: Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said that the chaos unleashed on the US Capitol Hill by US counterpart Donald Trump's supporters "exposed the weaknesses of Western democracy".

Is Iranian troll Faun out sick today? You're covering his shift?
Trump did slightly expose the deep state (aka swamp) and they dumped his dumb ass. He clearly is a fraud. He talked about it than installed swamp creatures throughout his cabinet. He’s a fool. Never recognizing they were out to get him, though it was apparent.

What Trump did expose is the weakness of our corporate media. He broke their brains. They ran with an obviously fake Russiagate story for five years. They can never be trusted.
Trump‘sproblem was he needed to appoint people familiar with the Swamp to drain it. The problem is that all he could find that matched that criteria were Swamp critters.

This cartoon sums up his problem.

Trump‘sproblem was he needed to appoint people familiar with the Swamp to drain it. The problem is that all he could find that matched that criteria were Swamp critters.

This cartoon sums up his problem.

View attachment 523901
You’re giving him way too much credit. He’s not smart enough for the job or he is merely a blow hard fraud, with no real intention of taking down the deep state.
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?

Still think you are full of crap.

That has not changed.
Trump exposing the deep state was a laugh.

Calls to the Ukrainian president asking for a quid pro quo

He ran Jeff Sessions out of the white house after all he did to get him elected and Trump appointed him AG. Why because he recusal himself from the Russia investigation

Installing John Ratcliff at the top of the intelligence community. One way to control oversight by congress. Another to stop them from talking about Russian involvement in the elections. Claiming fear of leaking by Congress more relevant than than transparency in government

Is that what the deep state does when it comes to transparency. It fears transparency. It wants to keep secrets and control the flow of information

That is why Trump hides his income tax returns . He does not believe in transparency. It is best to keep it hidden.

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