Trump exposed the weaknesses in American democracy

From the OP:

"Democracies don’t die suddenly; they’re poisoned by strongmen who systematically chip away at checks on their power."





From the OP:

The Globe editorial board outlines the key presidential reforms that would prevent a future authoritarian president — perhaps a more competent one than Trump — from abusing their power and subverting our democracy. Just because President Biden has restored a semblance of normalcy to the White House, Americans should not be lulled into inaction. Our government survived a scrape with authoritarian corruption. Next time, we might not be so lucky.

Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
From the OP:

Ultimately, Congress proved itself a deeply flawed check on an authoritarian president willing to break the law out in the open — and sometimes even admit it on national television.
It's Joe Biden who is on video admitting to crimes such as extorting the Ukraine government into firing the prosecutor general who was investigating his family's benefactor, Mykola Zlochevsky, and bragging that he had the largest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
An opinion piece whose author didn't even have the balls to give his or her name and attach it to this load of bullshit....of course YOU fell for it.

An opinion piece whose author didn't even have the balls to give his or her name and attach it to this load of bullshit....of course YOU fell for it.

If you voted for Trump you have no call snickering at anybody. Hey, you sent him your money yet so he can take MORE from the poor to fill his coffers? Only Deplorables are that gullible.
Republicans should be concerned that a Democrat could also attempt a coup in the future.

Patch the holes! Secure our democracy against future tyrants.
If you voted for Trump you have no call snickering at anybody. Hey, you sent him your money yet so he can take MORE from the poor to fill his coffers? Only Deplorables are that gullible.
I don't participate in the joke that are elections in this banana republic. I corrected my legal status years ago and am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus no longer eligible.
From the OP:

There are many people who, justifiably, want to move on from the horror show that was Trump’s presidency. It was riddled with scandals, and it often felt like each day presented a new unprecedented crisis (or two). But that would be extraordinarily irresponsible. Shown how weak our system of government has become, we have an obligation to fix it.
Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?
Who did he expose this to???
Most of us have known about these weaknesses since the insurrection of liberal communists into our government and private lives in the 60's!
For 20 years Americans railed against the flag burning communists who were responsible while a complicit media lent a deaf ear and blind, how do you like your eggs now that the chickens have come home to roost?

All trump gets credit for is making you see what was already obvious to everyone else!
What do you think?
That you should get a hobby or find a good therapist. Your "article" uses inflammatory, unsubstantiated accusations as a lead-in to dreaming about a power-grab that would effectively neutralize the stability of our co-equal branches of government.
The Legislative has tried from the very beginning of the nation to impose its will on the Executive and the Judicial sporadically tries to take on the role of the Legislative without having to stand for election or rejection by the people.
In short, this piece is just another hyperventilating activist disguised as a journalist outlining their hopes to gut the office of the president, and frankly, the Congress has proven itself to be so corrupt, cowardly, and feckless that this activist is going to need a therapist as well. The one truly bold means available to attempt to grab power and hold it indefinitely is on deck for the Dems in Congress right now. They will probably never have as good a chance again.
If they had the guts to risk dumping the filibuster, they could then run the table and so fundamentally change our elections and the makeup of our courts, including packing SCOTUS, that it would become nearly impossible to take control back from them. The temptation will be too strong to restrain themselves, IMO. Chuck and Nancy will be dreaming of a presidential-level of "legacy". Mark my words though, if they give in and force those kinds of changes, this country WILL burn and they won't be able to exercise that power unless they're willing - and able - to use military force to crush resistance.
All trump gets credit for is making you see what was already obvious to everyone else!
These Leftists have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in irrational hate for the bad orange man that they've convinced themselves that 75 million Trump voters are mentally deficient cultists who aren't intelligent enough to have voted for him for any other reason. The majority who voted for him were voting to try to save our nation from the insane radical socialist filth we've had in power in DC for too long.
If Trump decides to run in '24 and he wins, these people will literally finish losing their minds and then they'll go to war against this country. There is NO WAY they will ever again be satisfied to compromise. They don't seem to understand that the other half of us also have a choice. People who demand "all or nothing" often wind up with nothing...
Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House. In this series, the Globe editorial board outlines the urgent reforms needed to prevent the rise of an American tyrant — and to protect our democracy for posterity.

Now it's up to our political leaders to patch the holes to prevent others from exploiting them in the future.

On the one hand I am grateful that Trump exposed these weaknesses, but on the other hand I condemn him for trying to exploit them for personal gain.

What do you think?

I think you are a moron. It's quite obvious to anyone with more than a single digit IQ who the corruptocrats running this country are.

It ain't Trump. It's the political class made up of career politicians, the bureaucrats they employ, and the media that aids and abets.

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