Trump FAILURES 2019!

Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone
The allies do not believe anything coming from the US.
Trump played his base like a fiddler in a Charlie Daniel's band.

I'm glad he called off the strike, but on the other hand he can't seem to make a decision and stick with it or delay just seems to wishy washy to me. Although we supposedly cyber attacked them. The ICE raids from what I understand were to round up actual criminals, MS 13 and other's, so he gave them one week notice and now an extra 2 to get lost among 330 million people.

His mind is playing tricks on him. It's tough on an old person.

Not to mention I watched him on the news yesterday calling to make Iran great again. What do you suppose he means by this?

Many people in Iran are pro-US, but it's their government they hate.

What Trump did was set the stage to get a reaction out of the Democrats, which he did. I don't believe Trump changed his mind on the raids, but just showing the Democrats what he would do if they don't quit playing politics and actually come up with immigration policies to stop the problems we're having.

So they are on probation; two weeks, and that's it.

That's it stand behind the worst flip flopper in many years.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a fiddle. Dance Spanky dance

No, he plays his base like a fiddle.
/—-/ Yet we understand his actions while you Trump haters stare into the sun with oatmeal dribbling out of your mouths mumbling Orange man bad.

Oh do tell Carnac, you understand his actions? Then you must be as fucked in the brain as he is.
Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone
--------------------------------- and that's the way it should be , No 'efffing' holding hands with 'euro wussies' RWinger . Besides that it should only be a number of missile strikes and that's it . After the number of missile strikes the 'iranians' can do as they like RWinger .
Trump played his base like a fiddler in a Charlie Daniel's band.

I'm glad he called off the strike, but on the other hand he can't seem to make a decision and stick with it or delay just seems to wishy washy to me. Although we supposedly cyber attacked them. The ICE raids from what I understand were to round up actual criminals, MS 13 and other's, so he gave them one week notice and now an extra 2 to get lost among 330 million people.

His mind is playing tricks on him. It's tough on an old person.

Not to mention I watched him on the news yesterday calling to make Iran great again. What do you suppose he means by this?

Many people in Iran are pro-US, but it's their government they hate.

What Trump did was set the stage to get a reaction out of the Democrats, which he did. I don't believe Trump changed his mind on the raids, but just showing the Democrats what he would do if they don't quit playing politics and actually come up with immigration policies to stop the problems we're having.

So they are on probation; two weeks, and that's it.

That's it stand behind the worst flip flopper in many years.

I will, because that flipper flopper has done the best job as President than the last two administrations.
Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone
The allies do not believe anything coming from the US.
------------------------------------ who cares about that NNuke??
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone
The allies do not believe anything coming from the US.
Why would they?
Not only that, but Trump is despised in those countries

Our allies would never support any military action Trump proposes
Trump played his base like a fiddler in a Charlie Daniel's band.

I'm glad he called off the strike, but on the other hand he can't seem to make a decision and stick with it or delay just seems to wishy washy to me. Although we supposedly cyber attacked them. The ICE raids from what I understand were to round up actual criminals, MS 13 and other's, so he gave them one week notice and now an extra 2 to get lost among 330 million people.

His mind is playing tricks on him. It's tough on an old person.

Not to mention I watched him on the news yesterday calling to make Iran great again. What do you suppose he means by this?

Many people in Iran are pro-US, but it's their government they hate.

What Trump did was set the stage to get a reaction out of the Democrats, which he did. I don't believe Trump changed his mind on the raids, but just showing the Democrats what he would do if they don't quit playing politics and actually come up with immigration policies to stop the problems we're having.

So they are on probation; two weeks, and that's it.

That's it stand behind the worst flip flopper in many years.

I will, because that flipper flopper has done the best job as President than the last two administrations.
That’s funny

I gotta show this one to my wife
Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone
The allies do not believe anything coming from the US.
Why would they?
Not only that, but Trump is despised in those countries

Our allies would never support any military action Trump proposes
----------------------------------- well knowing that why would any American care about anything about the 'euro weenies' think RWinger .
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
They might be testing Iran's air defense system and collecting data on it
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
They might be testing Iran's air defense system and collecting data on it
DOWD nails it
Blowhard on the Brink

By Maureen Dowd

Mike Pompeo and John Bolton have the president’s ear. That’s not comforting.CreditJonathan Ernst/Reuters


Mike Pompeo and John Bolton have the president’s ear. That’s not comforting.CreditCreditJonathan Ernst/Reuters
WASHINGTON — As shocking as it is to write this sentence, it must be said: Donald Trump did something right.

He finally noticed the abyss once he was right on top of it, calling off a retaliatory strike on Iran after belatedly learning, he said, that 150 people could die.

“I didn’t like it,” Trump told Chuck Todd. “I didn’t think it was proportionate.”

And thank God — and Allah — that he stumbled out just as he stumbled in.

It’s breathtaking that Washington’s conservative foreign policy mandarins would drag us back into Mideast quicksand when we haven’t even had a reckoning about the lies, greed, self-interest and naïveté that led U.S. officials to make so many tragic mistakes in the region.

$5.9 trillion bill for the post-9/11 wars — not to mention that Trumpworld has ended up deeper in the murderous House of Saud’s embrace.

The president blundered into the crisis by canceling the Iranian nuclear deal, tweet-taunting about the “end of Iran” and hiring the hirsute Iran warmonger John Bolton. And our president is such a mercurial blowhard, he could screw it all up again before this column even hits The Times home page.

I’ve been at this treacherous juncture before with presidents. Once the gears in Washington get going, once the military-industrial complex is “cocked & loaded,” once the hawks around you begin Iago-whispering that if you don’t go forward, you’ll be unmanned, it’s awfully hard to reverse course.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld steamrollered W. into the forever war in Iraq by playing on his fears of being a wimp if he pulled back once the Pentagon had moved troops, carriers, covert agents and B-2 bombers into the Persian Gulf. The Saudis told W. that Saddam was not sitting on a cache of W.M.D.s, and was simply blustering like any Arab despot would, but W. dreaded being labeled a wimp, as his father had been in his first presidential campaign.

By Friday morning, Republicans were already painting Trump as a scaredy-cat and Iran as a feral cornered cat.

Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois and Iraq war veteran, told MSNBC that the idea we could now negotiate with Iran “has the potential of inviting a look of weakness.”

Cheney came back to haunt us in the form of his dagger-tongued daughter Liz, the Wyoming House member, who said Trump’s inaction “could in fact be a very serious mistake.” She lobbed the nastiest insultshe could think of, comparing Trump to Barack Obama.

Even “Fox & Friends,” which can always be counted on to fluff Trump’s ego, raised doubts. Brian Kilmeade warned: “North Korea’s watching. All our enemies are watching.”

But maybe something new could work with the impossible child-man in the White House: positive reinforcement.

That was very smart, Mr. President, not to tangle with the Persians, who have been engaged in geopolitics since 550 B.C., until you have a better sense of exactly what is going on here. Listen to your isolationist instincts and your base, not to batty Bolton. You don’t want to get mired in a war that could spill over to Saudi Arabia and Israel, sparking conflagrations from Afghanistan to Lebanon and beyond.

Just remember: The Iranians are great negotiators with a bad hand and you are a terrible negotiator with a good hand.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
Do my eyes deceive me?! A republican criticizing Trump? Amazing.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Trump played his base like a fiddler in a Charlie Daniel's band.

wtf did you expect? he is totally & unequivocally incompetent & ill equipped to be potus; & after 2 years, he has shown he cannot even learn to do the job.

con man's gonna con.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.

No it's public school, where everybody gathers round to watch the Big Fight after class.

The Ayatollahs aren't playing this game. Neither are the Europeans. All are fed up with Bully Boy Trump and they will sit him down and tell him to cut it out.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
Should have figured to a ziocon cuck murdering 150 people for a war that the USA has started to provoke would get your panties in a wad.

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