Trump FAILURES 2019!

yeah , agree with you on your conclusion in your post 108 [for the most part] Ray .

I understand Grandpa's anger. We all feel the same way. But letting emotions carry out our actions could come back to haunt you making you wish that you kept your cool. Yeah, it was only a drone, but it was a US taxpayer paid drone. It was shot down in international space. So yes, we are all angry about it.
---------------------------------------- I don't see that it was only a DRONE to be acceptable excuse for not killing 150 or a thousand 'iranians' or more 'iranians' . All I think is that Trump may be using tactics for re election Ray . And Trump is a feckhead though as he seeds more illegal aliens throughout the USA . BUT , he is what we have for the moment Ray .

Don't listen to those who tell you Trump is a bumbling fool and stupid to boot. Not many stupid people can become a billionaire.

A good chess player doesn't give up their queen for a rook. I don't think it has anything to do with his reelection. I think it has to do with Trump's quest to maintain a great economy without any hurdles. Iran is just trying to rattle his cage, and in return, Trump placed even more sanctions on them; as if the existing ones were not bad enough for that country.
Did it ever occur to you that our government’s massive military presence surrounding Iran, is a provocation? The drone is a provocation.

When you are the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world, when you sponsor terror groups across the Middle East, and when you have a 40 year history of terrorist acts, THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!

Are you some sort of dope or something?

What did they get? Oh yeah, they shot down a drone of ours and your blob didn’t do shit about it. And won’t do shit about it. More sanctions….LOL.
It's obvious that the last desperate effort is to try to split republican support for the President and even if they are laughable hypocrites, the crazy left has no other strategy when you look at the creepy old guy, the socialist and the rest of the clown car. We are at relative peace with a roaring economy and the crazy left can't seem to stop whining.
Of course it highlights the failed policy of his pulling out of the Iran deal. When you have no engagement with someone, you have no influence. Which in a binary relationship and you’re the stronger of the two; that’s wonderful. We are not in a binary relationship however. Ours is a world economy. Causing turmoil in the Middle East will only cause to raise the price of gasoline that American consumers pay.

Was the Iran deal perfect? No. But having some engagement is better than having no engagement. If, for nothing else, you open up their nation to inspections, requirements, etc… At this point, all we have is the hammer and it is a tool that doesn’t work in all situations.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
/——/ You couldn’t negotiate your way out of a paper bag. “I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!” @RealDonaldTrump

So two weeks from today is July 7; on that day, we should see ICE troops roaming the streets and arresting people, right?
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
/——/ You couldn’t negotiate your way out of a paper bag. “I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!” @RealDonaldTrump

So two weeks from today is July 7; on that day, we should see ICE troops roaming the streets and arresting people, right?
----------------------------------- hope so , Go TRUMP as there is no alternative but I wouldn't mind seeing a reenactment of 'Dresden germany' firestorms in downtown 'tehran' as we speak Candy .
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Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Nothing can be more dishonest.
So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Nothing can be more dishonest.

you are correct, nothing is more dishonest than you partisan sheep
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Nothing can be more dishonest.

you are correct, nothing is more dishonest than you partisan sheep
No I refer to your claim that Obama hands are clean over Iran. It's proven what he did. Now I await your next deflection.
Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Nothing can be more dishonest.

you are correct, nothing is more dishonest than you partisan sheep
No I refer to your claim that Obama hands are clean over Iran. It's proven what he did. Now I await your next deflection.

I did not make that claim fucking liar.

I made the claim our problems with Iran did not start with Obama. Because you said, and I quote..."Obama created the mess in Iran".

But you proudly do not read history books, so you would not know the history of the US and Iran.

all you know is "black man bad".
You never warn your enemy your coming. Trump will get them when there guard is down, could be while the slinging tacos on a street corner or eating mutton stew in a cave.
Why? They are all written by liars like you.

This my friends is the epitome of the partisan sheep voter. Books are bad, history is bad, reading is bad. Only the Party is good.

And the result is this fucking moron thinks all our problems with Iran started with Obama.

and the saddest part is that you relish your ignorance, you are proud of it and wear it like a badge of honor
Nothing can be more dishonest.

you are correct, nothing is more dishonest than you partisan sheep
No I refer to your claim that Obama hands are clean over Iran. It's proven what he did. Now I await your next deflection.

I did not make that claim fucking liar.

I made the claim our problems with Iran did not start with Obama. Because you said, and I quote..."Obama created the mess in Iran".

But you proudly do not read history books, so you would not know the history of the US and Iran.

all you know is "black man bad".
Iran was contained, b hussein tore it up. black man bad black man bad.
Of course it highlights the failed policy of his pulling out of the Iran deal........

The Iran Deal was the failed policy. Trump did the right thing.

Only as bumbling moron like Obama would give billions to a terrorist state like Iran.
Trump withdrew from a deal that brought out a more moderate Iran

His sanctions, threats and rhetoric have brought us closer to war
Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.

If you think China or Russia will risk annihilation because we popped an Iranian facility in the desert, I am here to say that you are mistaken.

Now, I would agree with you that if we were to blow up all of Tehran with a huge nuke somebody might - might - respond. But a tiny mini-atomic warhead, exploded underground, with no visible effects? On Iran? Nope, nobody will launch any nukes against us for that.
If we go into Iran
We go alone

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