Trump FAILURES 2019!

First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
--------------------------------------- one or 2 , naw , I prefer wide destruction so maybe 20 - 30 missiles on all military and 'gov' buildings Gramps .

I would go after their nuclear facilities first.
Look, America is NOT going to kill 150 human beings because asshole Iranian leaders shot down an unmanned drone. If you really want to be a tough guy on this target Iranian leadership not 150 low level grunt soldiers.
The democrats want that so bad they can taste it.
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
--------------------------------------- one or 2 , naw , I prefer wide destruction so maybe 20 - 30 missiles on all military and 'gov' buildings Gramps .

I would go after their nuclear facilities first.
The ones Obama helped them with right?
Look, America is NOT going to kill 150 human beings because asshole Iranian leaders shot down an unmanned drone. If you really want to be a tough guy on this target Iranian leadership not 150 low level grunt soldiers.
The democrats want that so bad they can taste it.

Of course they do so they can claim Trump is a war criminal. I'm old enough to remember when Democrats supported GOP American presidents. These current fuckers are traitors.
REMEMBER it wasn't that long ago that Dem's were undermining President Bush in the middle of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars when we had troops in harms way. Dem's are SCUM!
Iran made a very big mistake.....


And he's not going to do anything about it just yet, and it's killing the Iranians.

It's kind of like if your GF or wife dumps you for another guy. You get this hot as hell girlfriend, and attended a place where you know your ex will likely be at.

When she sees you, she congratulates you on your new relationship and wishes you the best. After you get home, you kick over every chair in the house.

Sometimes the best retaliation is not to do anything at all. When you didn't get a reaction you were expecting, it makes you angrier than if you did. Iran was expecting a retaliatory attack, because they knew it would set off the commodities and stock market which in turn would make things much worse on us and worse for Trump. China would certainly be less willing to make deals to solve our trade problems as well.

It's early. Let it play out. Trump is an unpredictable guy.
I would go after their nuclear facilities first.

Bunker buster delivery systems with mini-nuke warheads to make sure each facility is completely destroyed.

No, you never even think of nukes unless it's do or die. Nobody wants to open up that can of worms. I'm sure there are other methods our military can use even more effectively for attacking a nuclear facility. If we could set Iran back five or ten years by destroying what they have, that would hurt them the most.
I would go after their nuclear facilities first.

Bunker buster delivery systems with mini-nuke warheads to make sure each facility is completely destroyed.

No, you never even think of nukes unless it's do or die. Nobody wants to open up that can of worms. I'm sure there are other methods our military can use even more effectively for attacking a nuclear facility. If we could set Iran back five or ten years by destroying what they have, that would hurt them the most.

I disagree. The days of 50MT warheads are long gone. You can have a mini-nuke that can blow up no more than a city block. Nukes have an irrational stigma around them. They are just a bomb.
yeah , agree with you on your conclusion in your post 108 [for the most part] Ray .

I understand Grandpa's anger. We all feel the same way. But letting emotions carry out our actions could come back to haunt you making you wish that you kept your cool. Yeah, it was only a drone, but it was a US taxpayer paid drone. It was shot down in international space. So yes, we are all angry about it.
I would go after their nuclear facilities first.

Bunker buster delivery systems with mini-nuke warheads to make sure each facility is completely destroyed.

No, you never even think of nukes unless it's do or die. Nobody wants to open up that can of worms. I'm sure there are other methods our military can use even more effectively for attacking a nuclear facility. If we could set Iran back five or ten years by destroying what they have, that would hurt them the most.

I disagree. The days of 50MT warheads are long gone. You can have a mini-nuke that can blow up no more than a city block. Nukes have an irrational stigma around them. They are just a bomb.

Nukes are more than just a bomb. Once you use nukes, it virtually gives everybody else permission to use them too. Once an area is nuked, it's not habitable for a hundred years. The negative ramifications of using any nuke would be devastating.
Cancelled ICE raids are considered a "failure" while the DOW is in record territory around 27,000 having increased by 45% since the election? What the hell do lefties want? First they want sanctuary for illegal criminals and then they rant about cancelled ICE raids. It might seem like a lifetime to the crazy angry left but President Trump has only been in office for a little over two years and hypocrite lefties keep whining while their 401k pensions make money.
yeah , agree with you on your conclusion in your post 108 [for the most part] Ray .

I understand Grandpa's anger. We all feel the same way. But letting emotions carry out our actions could come back to haunt you making you wish that you kept your cool. Yeah, it was only a drone, but it was a US taxpayer paid drone. It was shot down in international space. So yes, we are all angry about it.
---------------------------------------- I don't see that it was only a DRONE to be acceptable excuse for not killing 150 or a thousand 'iranians' or more 'iranians' . All I think is that Trump may be using tactics for re election Ray . And Trump is a feckhead though as he seeds more illegal aliens throughout the USA . BUT , he is what we have for the moment Ray .
ART OF THE DEAL..............Trump knows how to play the game, nobody expects the OP to comprehend.
Amateur hour in the Whitehouse this week

Its been that way for two years dipshit.

Remember when he was sending troops to the border? Where are they? Gone.
Remember when he was going to have Mexico pay for the wall? Where is the money?
Remember when he was going to release the FISA memo? Where is it?

Good that you’ve pulled your head out of your ass for a few moments. I’m sure it’s back in there by now.

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