Trump FAILURES 2019!

Publicizing it got the Democrats to freak out. They now have a two-week limit to straighten the mess out. If they do not, he will be free to do it his way.

So you are admitting that Trump is playing politics with peoples lives? He doesn't need Congress to ENFORCE EXISTING LAW. But he has you somehow believing he is doing something good.... meanwhile how many Americans will die at the hands of illegals while he plays patticake with Democrats?

I agree with his approach.
I do not. Playing political games rather than enforcing existing law is wrong.
And drawing red lines so to speak with Iran and then doing nothing is a sign of weakness
In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
But I don’t do that. If you weren’t a binary thinker...well you can’t really think, you would know this.

Stop being a partisan dupe.

You just did it in this thread. This thread had nothing to do with Obama, and noting that Obama had done was relevant to this thread. But the OP dared to say bad things about Trump so your first reaction was to bring up Obama.
Publicizing it got the Democrats to freak out. They now have a two-week limit to straighten the mess out. If they do not, he will be free to do it his way.

So you are admitting that Trump is playing politics with peoples lives? He doesn't need Congress to ENFORCE EXISTING LAW. But he has you somehow believing he is doing something good.... meanwhile how many Americans will die at the hands of illegals while he plays patticake with Democrats?

I agree with his approach.
I do not. Playing political games rather than enforcing existing law is wrong.
And drawing red lines so to speak with Iran and then doing nothing is a sign of weakness

What red line?
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
But I don’t do that. If you weren’t a binary thinker...well you can’t really think, you would know this.

Stop being a partisan dupe.

You just did it in this thread. This thread had nothing to do with Obama, and noting that Obama had done was relevant to this thread. But the OP dared to say bad things about Trump so your first reaction was to bring up Obama.
Yes. Does one comment in one thread mean I do it all the time?

As you must know but maybe not due to your condition, Leftnutter sings the praises of the Great Big Ears. So I greatly enjoy making fun of his stupid posts. Clearly BO sucked.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a fiddle. Dance Spanky dance

No, he plays his base like a fiddle.
/—-/ Yet we understand his actions while you Trump haters stare into the sun with oatmeal dribbling out of your mouths mumbling Orange man bad.
"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
But I don’t do that. If you weren’t a binary thinker...well you can’t really think, you would know this.

Stop being a partisan dupe.

You just did it in this thread. This thread had nothing to do with Obama, and noting that Obama had done was relevant to this thread. But the OP dared to say bad things about Trump so your first reaction was to bring up Obama.
Yes. Does one comment in one thread mean I do it all the time?

As you must know but maybe not due to your condition, Leftnutter sings the praises of the Great Big Ears. So I greatly enjoy making fun of his stupid posts. Clearly BO sucked.

But GrandPa is not a lefty or a fan of Obama at all. I am pretty sure that GrandPa agrees with me that Obama was one of the very worst POTUSs ever. I put him at 2nd worst, but not sure if GrandPa agrees with that placing.

He was merely expressing his disagreement with some of Trump's actions. And even you bash him for doing so.
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
But I don’t do that. If you weren’t a binary thinker...well you can’t really think, you would know this.

Stop being a partisan dupe.

You just did it in this thread. This thread had nothing to do with Obama, and noting that Obama had done was relevant to this thread. But the OP dared to say bad things about Trump so your first reaction was to bring up Obama.
Yes. Does one comment in one thread mean I do it all the time?

As you must know but maybe not due to your condition, Leftnutter sings the praises of the Great Big Ears. So I greatly enjoy making fun of his stupid posts. Clearly BO sucked.

But GrandPa is not a lefty or a fan of Obama at all. I am pretty sure that GrandPa agrees with me that Obama was one of the very worst POTUSs ever. I put him at 2nd worst, but not sure if GrandPa agrees with that placing.

He was merely expressing his disagreement with some of Trump's actions. And even you bash him for doing so.
I seldom agree with Donnie. I do commend him for not going to war.
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
----------------------------- on the Raids , yeah I agree , agree , agree . Except for the Fecking up Judgement as that sounds too much like giving the TRUMP an excuse and then acceptance . --------------------- On 'iran' , I heard TRUMP say that he knows lots of 'iranians' in 'new york' city and that they are fine people and he didn't want to kill 150 'iranians' in 'iran' . I don't like that way of thinking especially if it is genuine . What the heck does 'iranians' in New York have to do with an attack by an enemy 'iran' nation that attacked and destroyed expensive American property eh ?? I think that the Trump may be being infected with Pacifist 'euro type' thinking when I hear him use words and concepts like Proportionate Force Gramps ,
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
--------------------------------------- one or 2 , naw , I prefer wide destruction so maybe 20 - 30 missiles on all military and 'gov' buildings Gramps .
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Obama created the mess in Iran, why not talk about that bastard?

Are you fucking kidding?

Are you not old enough to remember the 70s? you know, the Shah being driven out of power and the embassy being taken over? Or did all of that happen because of Obama too?

How fucking shallow can you be?
Sez the queen of deflection.

So, you were not alive in the 70s. Thanks.

You might want to try reading a history book and learn about our countries history with Iran. It did not start in 2008.

Some days it is like you sheep take pride in fighting it out for who can make the most ignorant post.
So he didn't give them billions and a nuke deal. Got it troll.

Those billions were not the start of our problems. Fuck dude, buy a history book
Why? They are all written by liars like you.
Look, America is NOT going to kill 150 human beings because asshole Iranian leaders shot down an unmanned drone. If you really want to be a tough guy on this target Iranian leadership not 150 low level grunt soldiers.

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