Trump FAILURES 2019!

How dare you not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise and adoration, Grandpa! The sycophants sure get all pissy when you don’t.
Dude! I'm apparently a libtard today! Last night I was a far right bigot!

I'm a motherfucking chameleon lol

welcome to my world!

These people can only see black and white, everything is either far right or far left. They do not understand anything else
No justification to attack Iran based on the shooting down of a spy drone
Except there would be if O did it.

How many "BUT OBAMA" comments do you usually post in a week?
It hits a home run every time with you BO sycophants. I love it too.

There is nothing funnier than watching the self proclaimed "anarchist" be a shrill for the leader of the government. :21::21::21:
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
Except there would be if O did it.

How many "BUT OBAMA" comments do you usually post in a week?
It hits a home run every time with you BO sycophants. I love it too.

There is nothing funnier than watching the self proclaimed "anarchist" be a shrill for the leader of the government. :21::21::21:
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
So if someone dents your car on purpose, you should kill the perp and his family? Seems a little harsh for a downed unmanned drone to then take out 150 Iranians who were just following orders.
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Smart move. Confounds the Democrats and Iranians both, and demonstrates his humanity. Now if the Iranians escalate, the world will understand when he loses his patience and stomps them.

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....

Publicizing it got the Democrats to freak out. They now have a two-week limit to straighten the mess out. If they do not, he will be free to do it his way.

Picking up those under deportation orders is just the first wave.
How many "BUT OBAMA" comments do you usually post in a week?
It hits a home run every time with you BO sycophants. I love it too.

There is nothing funnier than watching the self proclaimed "anarchist" be a shrill for the leader of the government. :21::21::21:
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
First was his bitch move with Iran. Should have struck the radar and missile site within hours. 150 dead? TOO FUCKING BAD.....

Now he canceled the ICE raids???


First he publicized it like a MORON. Yup I went there....he gave every illegal a weeks notice that we were coming....
What kind of moron does that?

Trump fucking up. Better get his shit together
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
So if someone dents your car on purpose, you should kill the perp and his family? Seems a little harsh for a downed unmanned drone to then take out 150 Iranians who were just following orders.

If someone dents you car you should not talk trash about killing them and their family.

It is not that he did not attack them, it is the tough talk that turned out to be nothing but hot air.
How dare you not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise and adoration, Grandpa! The sycophants sure get all pissy when you don’t.
Dude! I'm apparently a libtard today! Last night I was a far right bigot!

I'm a motherfucking chameleon lol

Its hysterical and why I love coming here.

Your support of President Trump the vast and overwhelming majority of the time here means fuck all if you don’t kiss his ass 25/8.
How dare you not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise and adoration, Grandpa! The sycophants sure get all pissy when you don’t.
Dude! I'm apparently a libtard today! Last night I was a far right bigot!

I'm a motherfucking chameleon lol

Its hysterical and why I love coming here.

Your support of President Trump the vast and overwhelming majority of the time here means fuck all if you don’t kiss his ass 25/8.
Of course you voted for the bitch who had the middle east on fire. I am sure we would be in a full fledge Islamic jihad if sick bitch Hillary was in charge. That war mongering bleeding from where ever slut.
Publicizing it got the Democrats to freak out. They now have a two-week limit to straighten the mess out. If they do not, he will be free to do it his way.

So you are admitting that Trump is playing politics with peoples lives? He doesn't need Congress to ENFORCE EXISTING LAW. But he has you somehow believing he is doing something good.... meanwhile how many Americans will die at the hands of illegals while he plays patticake with Democrats?
No justification to attack Iran based on the shooting down of a spy drone

It's more than justified. It's just that the ramifications would make it more of a negative move than a positive. Trump is not the kind of leader to cut off his nose to spite his face. An attack on Iran could mean a huge hike in oil prices and a downturn in the stock market.
How dare you not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise and adoration, Grandpa! The sycophants sure get all pissy when you don’t.
Dude! I'm apparently a libtard today! Last night I was a far right bigot!

I'm a motherfucking chameleon lol

Its hysterical and why I love coming here.

Your support of President Trump the vast and overwhelming majority of the time here means fuck all if you don’t kiss his ass 25/8.
Of course you voted for the bitch who had the middle east on fire. I am sure we would be in a full fledge Islamic jihad if sick bitch Hillary was in charge. That war mongering bleeding from where ever slut.

Sorry, I know it would really fit your narrative if I did for Hillary Clinton, but I didn’t vote for either of the two major candidates. Neither earned my vote.
Trump played his base like a fiddler in a Charlie Daniel's band.

I'm glad he called off the strike, but on the other hand he can't seem to make a decision and stick with it or delay just seems to wishy washy to me. Although we supposedly cyber attacked them. The ICE raids from what I understand were to round up actual criminals, MS 13 and other's, so he gave them one week notice and now an extra 2 to get lost among 330 million people.

His mind is playing tricks on him. It's tough on an old person.

Not to mention I watched him on the news yesterday calling to make Iran great again. What do you suppose he means by this?

Many people in Iran are pro-US, but it's their government they hate.

What Trump did was set the stage to get a reaction out of the Democrats, which he did. I don't believe Trump changed his mind on the raids, but just showing the Democrats what he would do if they don't quit playing politics and actually come up with immigration policies to stop the problems we're having.

So they are on probation; two weeks, and that's it.
You are truly the ugly American. A warmongering moron.

Do you work for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or General Dynamics...or are you just dumb?
I'm just dumb apparently. I expect an American president to stand behind his rhetoric. This isn't fucking junior high dumbass.
Is it news to you that our presidents rarely stand behind their rhetoric?

Have you failed to learn anything regarding military interventions by our criminal government these past few decades?
Military intervention isn't necessary. Someone punches your sister you beat that ass. Unless of course you are as much of a bitch as your sister.

Two tomahawks. One on the radar site. One on the launch pad
So if someone dents your car on purpose, you should kill the perp and his family? Seems a little harsh for a downed unmanned drone to then take out 150 Iranians who were just following orders.

If someone dents you car you should not talk trash about killing them and their family.

It is not that he did not attack them, it is the tough talk that turned out to be nothing but hot air.
I case you haven’t noticed which is hard to understand since it has happened many times before, this is Donnie. Get used to it dummy.

You should be commending him for showing restraint. So far we avoided another war. Dummy!
It hits a home run every time with you BO sycophants. I love it too.

There is nothing funnier than watching the self proclaimed "anarchist" be a shrill for the leader of the government. :21::21::21:
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.
There is nothing funnier than watching the self proclaimed "anarchist" be a shrill for the leader of the government. :21::21::21:
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
I case you haven’t noticed which is hard to understand since it has happened many times before, this is Donnie. Get used to it dummy.

You should be commending him for showing restraint. So far we avoided another war. Dummy!

I bet when you were a kid (assuming you are not now, but that is up in the air) you always told you parents "but everyone else is doing it"
Publicizing it got the Democrats to freak out. They now have a two-week limit to straighten the mess out. If they do not, he will be free to do it his way.

So you are admitting that Trump is playing politics with peoples lives? He doesn't need Congress to ENFORCE EXISTING LAW. But he has you somehow believing he is doing something good.... meanwhile how many Americans will die at the hands of illegals while he plays patticake with Democrats?

I agree with his approach.
LOL. Could you please point out where I have done that?

In this thread where you have been running interference for Trump
What? You aren’t literate are you?

"But But But OBAMA" is the number one Trump sheep tactic. You all do it every time someone has anything even close to negative about Trump to say you all yell "But Obama".
Too funny. You think if one criticizes the great Big Ears, they must be Trumpkins. It’s called binary thinking and you have it in spades.

It is not the criticizing of Obama, it is the doing so every time anyone says anything bad about your god in the White House. When criticism of Obama is used only to distract from what Trump is doing, that is when it is a problem.
But I don’t do that. If you weren’t a binary thinker...well you can’t really think, you would know this.

Stop being a partisan dupe.

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