Trump Fed Up Funding Palestinians

According to some research I have done, it is said that the cherry tomatoes come from Peru or Chile (Argentina is not mentioned) and was first domesticated in Mexico.

Care to show me where I ever made a claim about "Argentina"? Seems you are making things up again!

You seem to just want to throw the word Hasbara (Explanation) around because you have such desdain for any pro Israel person saying anything nice about Israel's achievements.

A disdain for a media machine that lies... Justified I think... How's your disdain for Al Jazeera?
I read Argentina on some of my research. You win that point.
And I pointed out that it comes from Peru, and possibly Chile, plus one other country in South America.

You use the word Hasbara as in = Lying machine......because it is what your sources have written.

And it is what you wish to believe.

You do not know anything about Islam, or maybe you do too much, and you do not care how much Muslims use lies in order to achieve what their goals are.

The goal of Islam and the to destroy Israel, as written in the Hamas and PLO charters.

So, when they cry to the world that they have no money, that their people are poor and starving, when the proof is the opposite of it....and Al Jazeera and others like it perpetuate that false image of Israel being murderous, uncaring, etc towards the Muslims and Christians who live in Israel, Judea, Samaria, or even in Gaza.....

That is in complete contradiction to what is actually happening on the ground. Of how many of those in Gaza, or Judea and Samaria get jobs in Israel, health care in Israel, education in Israel.

Israel does not have to allow any of these non Israeli citizens or residents come into its country and have jobs which the P.A does not want to create for them. Or give them the health care that the Billions of money funded to them should have accomplished by now if only the governments of the P.A. and Hamas bothered, really bothered about their populations.

By all means, you go ahead and believe that Israel is this and that, and that Israel is nothing but a "lying machine".

You have clearly never been to Israel, could not care less to ever go there, and will continue to scream "Free Palestine", which in Islamic language means "destroy Israel and retake Muslim conquered land for the Muslims"

But HEY !!!!

We are nothing more than "lying machines".

Let us not waste any more of our "lies" on deaf ears like yours.
endless foul language

Care to provide links to that?

Well, you can provide one but then, the idiot known as roodboy would make jesus himself swear.

As for the rest of your comment, simple deflection.

I don't feel that correcting an error is scoring points, it's helping!

I am seriously bored with the blatant attempts by Team Israel who are involved in the great tomato and irrigation debate!

Cherry tomatoes - South America
Drip Irrigation - China

Israel may have developed drip irrigation using modern techniques but they certainly did NOT invent it.

Roudy may have used the wrong word, so sorry.......

But it is you who are endlessly trying to make fun (your funny clicks are hilarious ) of it instead of showing us how South America and China, not only invented or created those two items, but ended up developing them and making them a global necessity which helped them improve their economy and exports. is Israel's Start up Nation developed what was necessary and made both available to the countries where they came from.

So, we are happy with Israel's accomplishments. South America is happy with Israel's accomplishments, and China feels the same as there is an Israel plant (not the other way around) for drip irrigation.

It does not matter who invented electricity, what matters is who got the patent for it. And both the USA and France take credit for it.

And....when you say Goodnight.....mean it.

I would love to say "goodnight" but you fools keep coming back with BS that needs correcting.

I am not endlessly trying to make fun, I am endlessly trying to correct and educate. The fact that you feel that you are having the "fun" taken out of you is your own issue, possibly embarrassment at being proven wrong on such a simple issue?

Of course, if you care to be educated further I am happy to help...

Simcha and his son developed an 'add on' to drip irrigation. It's called an "emitter" that connects to a drip irrigation system (as in already invented), allowing water to flow to plants and trees without getting blocked as was an issue, with a standard (already invented) drip irrigation system.

.However much you don't like facts it doesn't give you the right to try and change history. An accusation leveled at the Palestinians by Team Israel on so many different occasions.

So, don't be a hypocrite, just accept the history of drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes. You will thank me for it!
Oh dear....

I read Argentina on some of my research. You win that point.
And I pointed out that it comes from Peru, and possibly Chile, plus one other country in South America.

In every post I stated South America. I don't need to win points. Though you clearly feel that some kind of points system should be in place.

You use the word Hasbara as in = Lying machine......because it is what your sources have written.

My "sources"? Well, hasbara is my source! hasbara stated that Israel invented cherry tomatoes and drip irrigation. Two lies. What was your point again?

You do not know anything about Islam, or maybe you do too much, and you do not care how much Muslims use lies in order to achieve what their goals are.

If you would like to debate the use of "lies" throughout history I would be more than happy to do that. Just let me know where you would like to start.

I care that no matter what the cause, religion, politics, whatever, there is no justification for lies.

Of course, your broad sweeping statement that "Muslims" lie is ridiculous! Hamas lies, that is true. PA lies. That is true. Netanyahu lies. That is true but should I state that "Jews" lie because Netanyahu does? Or course not, I would be tagged antisemitic!

Oh and yes, I do know something about Islam, as I do about Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and many other world religions. Did you want to discuss and debate anything in particular?
So how about this:

Israel developed the drip irrigation system and made it exportable to the world, as well as cherry tomatoes, in their quest to improve the world in the last 70 years.
The Palestinians, in their supposed 6,000 year existence, produced suicide vests.


Hey, I said developed instead of invented...
So how about this:

Israel developed the drip irrigation system and made it exportable to the world, as well as cherry tomatoes, in their quest to improve the world in the last 70 years.
The Palestinians, in their supposed 6,000 year existence, produced suicide vests.


Hey, I said developed instead of invented...
We are wasting our time.
That is not what Humanity is about.

Invented, developed......Israel is nothing but a machine of lies.

So how about this:

Israel developed the drip irrigation system and made it exportable to the world, as well as cherry tomatoes, in their quest to improve the world in the last 70 years.
The Palestinians, in their supposed 6,000 year existence, produced suicide vests.


Hey, I said developed instead of invented...
We are wasting our time.
That is not what Humanity is about.

Invented, developed......Israel is nothing but a machine of lies.


Funny, I don't feel that I have wasted my time educating the ignorant.

Have a nice day.
need to cut F-AID to all --big time
we are in DEBT--or do they not know this??
ppl using their brainpower and sweat to come up with new technology and ideas

I think that accusation can be leveled at a great many people!

Israelis invented "drip" agriculture

Ah hem, you will find that drip irrigation has been around since ancient times, first by the Chinese I believe with modern drip irrigation being attributed to Germany. Worse is yet to come.... You will find a great many examples of 'drip irrigation' in Spain, attributed to the Moriscos.

The "pure luck" of having a commodity beneath ones feat is similar to the "pure luck" that America became a wealthy country through immigration wouldn't you say?

As you can see there is more to "contributing" than coming up with technology and ideas.

As for your cherry tomatoes... Maybe you need to speak to the Aztecs about that one
Aww stop whining and discrediting Israel's great acheivements, the fact remains that many Arab and African countries are currently hiring Israeli agricultural and drip irrigation companies.

And if it weren't for Western technology and contracts, the Arabs would NEVER have known how to drill that oil out of the ground.
exactly--they'd still be in the stone age
Hasbara has done a good job on you roodboy!

How about you stop your bullshitting about what Israel DIDN'T do!

Drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes "Israels great achievements"?

Has to be the funniest joke I have heard in a very long time!

Talk about misinformation and "fake news"!

Ah wait, you love all that "fake news" BS don't you... Your beloved leader is full of it!

Yes computerized drip irrigation is an Israeli technology now being implemented in Africa and India.
And cherry tomatoes are too an Israeli development. There're a lot of species, no one is saying Israel invented the small tomato, they've developed their own kind of tomato with its unique properties.
Sassshhh! Don't bring up the truth and facts, our resident PaliNazi internet jihadist has a strong allergy to them.

You are such a dumbass... You speak of truth then try and tell every one that Israel invented drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes
Why do you insist on showing your ignorance and stupidity?

Simcha Blass - Wikipedia

Simcha Blass
Simcha Blass was born in Warsaw, Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He was active in the Jewish self-defense units organized in Warsaw to defend Jews during the end of World War I. His engineering studies in Warsaw were interrupted by the Polish-Soviet War and completed after that war. During the war, he was recruited to the Polish Army, there he invented for the Polish Air Force, a meteorological appliance, measuring the intensity and direction of winds.

Later, he invented, patented and developed an operative wheat planting machine, which was tested in Europe (and even sold there) and in Palestine (1927), but proved uneconomical. The main motivation for this invention was Zionism (i.e. enabling more Jews settle in Palestine). Zionism was the main drive for most of his other activities in adult life.

Water engineering in the Yishuv and State of Israel
During the years 1930–1948 he was the most known water engineer in the Jewish Yishuv of Palestine. He planned the first modern aqueduct in the Jordanvalley. He was the chief engineer and one of the founders (with Levi Eshkol and Pinchas Sapir) of Mekorot water company (established 1937, now Israel's national water company).

checking the sabotaged water pipeline to the Negev isolated settlements,1948
Later, in 1946, he planned the first water pipeline to the Negev. The pipes for which had been used in London during The Blitz for extinguishing fire and bought by Blass after World War II. This pipeline enabled the establishment of 11 new Jewish settlements in the Negev(which was under the British Mandate of Palestine) on a single evening (Yom Kippur night) in 1946 (but also served Arab Bedouins). The Jewish settlements in the Negev had a major role influencing the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to include most of the Negev within the boundaries of the recommended Jewish state.

In 1948 to 1956 Blass was the founder and director of the governmental water institutions of the new state of Israel, the official councillor of the governmenton water affairs and head of planners of the Israeli National Water Carrier.

Blass wrote the chapter "Development of Water Resources in Palestine" in Encyclopaedia Hebraica.

Drip irrigation
In the early 1930s, a farmer drew his attention to a big tree, growing in his backyard "without water". After digging below the apparently dry surface, Simcha Blass discovered why: water from a leaking coupling was causing a small wet area on the surface, while an expanding onion shaped area of underground water was reaching the roots of this particular tree—and not the others. This sight of tiny drops penetrating the soil causing the growth of a giant tree provided the catalyst for Blass's invention. The drip irrigation concept was born and experiments that followed led Blass to create an irrigation device that used friction and water pressure loss to leak drops of water at regular intervals. Recognizing the high potential of his discovery, he began to look for ways to turn his idea into a product.

In the late 1950s, with the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, he took a major step towards implementing his idea. After leaving government service in 1956 he reopened his private Engineering office and worked with his son Yeshayahu on the drip irrigation idea. The main aspect of the new invention was to release water through larger and longer passageways (rather than tiny holes) by using friction to slow water inside a plastic emitter. Larger passageways prevented the blocking of tiny holes by very small particles. The first experimental system of this type was established in 1959. In the early 1960s, Blass developed and patented this method and the new dripper was the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter.

During the years 1960 to 1965 Blass developed the drip-irrigation systems and sold them inside Israel and abroad. In 1965 he contacted Arie Bahir who was in charge of the industry in the kibbutzim in order to find a kibbutz to give him the task of further developing this new enterprise. Out of some suggestions, Blass chose kibbutz Hazerim in the Negev.

Online dripper system
For the desert-based Kibbutz Hatzerim looking to expand its activities beyond agriculture, Simcha Blass's invention opened up a world of possibilities. Blass and his son Yeshayahu and Kibbutz Hatzerim signed a contract (on August 10, 1965) establishing Netafim Irrigation Company (80% Kibbutz Hatzerim and 20% Blass). Production began in 1966. With Blass's original narrow spaghetti tube model and later models as the starting point, Netafim engineers working with Blass, developed the online dripper—indeed allowing the desert to bloom.

Roodboy, why do you continue with this hasbara bullshit?

Your use of wikipedia is hilariously telling. You are so sucked in by the hasbara bullshit media machine you are struggling with reality.

Let me make it very clear for you...

Israel did NOT invent cherry tomatoes (South America)
Israel did NOT invent drip irrigation (China)

End of story.

If you had even half a brain you would know that this is fact. Unlike the hasbara bullshit that came up with these two strangely bizarre claims to try and show how 'great' Israel is.
the Pals are such jackasses even their own kind doesn't want them
Black September - Wikipedia
same thing with the crap they started in Lebanon --they ruined that country also
We know financial aid to Israel results in endless worldly contributions for better lives. Anyone care to educate us as to what financial aid to Palestinians results in?

Trump fed up with funding Palestinians, threatens to shut down mission in Washington

The Palestinians, as well as the larger Arab and Muslim world, do not contribute to the world. The Palestinians will maintain falsely that they can't contribute because they are "oppressed." But they are part of the larger Arab nation, who are all leeches.

Yeah, let's hope that those non contributing Arabs cut all oil supplies to the US as soon as possible. Seeing as they make no contribution to the world it wouldn't make the slightest difference would it!
Finders Keepers

We could seize the Islime oil fields without taking many casualties. It would soon pay off our national debt and end the jihad until the civilized world again falls under the leadership of appeasing weaklings.

The unevolved rabid Arab rabble would never have developed their resources before reaching their evolutionary expiration date. Nature is not a real estate agent; its hidden wealth belongs to those with the brains and drive to develop it, not to wandering unfit savages. There are no seniority rights; indigenous evolutionary rejects have no claim to the wealth of whatever territory they occupy. Let them go back to pounding sand if they don't want to get pounded by our superior weapons. How strong is the Saudi military?
Arafat, PA & Hamas. Anyone disagree that the Palestinians are there own worst enemy?
even their own kind hates them:
Black September - Wikipedia
the Pals did the same crap in Lebanon which started that mess where the US sent troops

They invaded Lebanon in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatilla with arsenals of weapons. No wonder Lebanon called on Israel to help save them from the Palestinians.
Why do you insist on showing your ignorance and stupidity?

Simcha Blass - Wikipedia

Simcha Blass
Simcha Blass was born in Warsaw, Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He was active in the Jewish self-defense units organized in Warsaw to defend Jews during the end of World War I. His engineering studies in Warsaw were interrupted by the Polish-Soviet War and completed after that war. During the war, he was recruited to the Polish Army, there he invented for the Polish Air Force, a meteorological appliance, measuring the intensity and direction of winds.

Later, he invented, patented and developed an operative wheat planting machine, which was tested in Europe (and even sold there) and in Palestine (1927), but proved uneconomical. The main motivation for this invention was Zionism (i.e. enabling more Jews settle in Palestine). Zionism was the main drive for most of his other activities in adult life.

Water engineering in the Yishuv and State of Israel
During the years 1930–1948 he was the most known water engineer in the Jewish Yishuv of Palestine. He planned the first modern aqueduct in the Jordanvalley. He was the chief engineer and one of the founders (with Levi Eshkol and Pinchas Sapir) of Mekorot water company (established 1937, now Israel's national water company).

checking the sabotaged water pipeline to the Negev isolated settlements,1948
Later, in 1946, he planned the first water pipeline to the Negev. The pipes for which had been used in London during The Blitz for extinguishing fire and bought by Blass after World War II. This pipeline enabled the establishment of 11 new Jewish settlements in the Negev(which was under the British Mandate of Palestine) on a single evening (Yom Kippur night) in 1946 (but also served Arab Bedouins). The Jewish settlements in the Negev had a major role influencing the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to include most of the Negev within the boundaries of the recommended Jewish state.

In 1948 to 1956 Blass was the founder and director of the governmental water institutions of the new state of Israel, the official councillor of the governmenton water affairs and head of planners of the Israeli National Water Carrier.

Blass wrote the chapter "Development of Water Resources in Palestine" in Encyclopaedia Hebraica.

Drip irrigation
In the early 1930s, a farmer drew his attention to a big tree, growing in his backyard "without water". After digging below the apparently dry surface, Simcha Blass discovered why: water from a leaking coupling was causing a small wet area on the surface, while an expanding onion shaped area of underground water was reaching the roots of this particular tree—and not the others. This sight of tiny drops penetrating the soil causing the growth of a giant tree provided the catalyst for Blass's invention. The drip irrigation concept was born and experiments that followed led Blass to create an irrigation device that used friction and water pressure loss to leak drops of water at regular intervals. Recognizing the high potential of his discovery, he began to look for ways to turn his idea into a product.

In the late 1950s, with the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, he took a major step towards implementing his idea. After leaving government service in 1956 he reopened his private Engineering office and worked with his son Yeshayahu on the drip irrigation idea. The main aspect of the new invention was to release water through larger and longer passageways (rather than tiny holes) by using friction to slow water inside a plastic emitter. Larger passageways prevented the blocking of tiny holes by very small particles. The first experimental system of this type was established in 1959. In the early 1960s, Blass developed and patented this method and the new dripper was the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter.

During the years 1960 to 1965 Blass developed the drip-irrigation systems and sold them inside Israel and abroad. In 1965 he contacted Arie Bahir who was in charge of the industry in the kibbutzim in order to find a kibbutz to give him the task of further developing this new enterprise. Out of some suggestions, Blass chose kibbutz Hazerim in the Negev.

Online dripper system
For the desert-based Kibbutz Hatzerim looking to expand its activities beyond agriculture, Simcha Blass's invention opened up a world of possibilities. Blass and his son Yeshayahu and Kibbutz Hatzerim signed a contract (on August 10, 1965) establishing Netafim Irrigation Company (80% Kibbutz Hatzerim and 20% Blass). Production began in 1966. With Blass's original narrow spaghetti tube model and later models as the starting point, Netafim engineers working with Blass, developed the online dripper—indeed allowing the desert to bloom.

Roodboy, why do you continue with this hasbara bullshit?

Your use of wikipedia is hilariously telling. You are so sucked in by the hasbara bullshit media machine you are struggling with reality.

Let me make it very clear for you...

Israel did NOT invent cherry tomatoes (South America)
Israel did NOT invent drip irrigation (China)

End of story.

If you had even half a brain you would know that this is fact. Unlike the hasbara bullshit that came up with these two strangely bizarre claims to try and show how 'great' Israel is.

Roudy supported his (and my) theory with proof. Humanity, where is YOUR proof that China developed drip irrigation?

Oh dear...

Well, to start with, go study some history. People were pretty clever BEFORE Israel existed you know!

Sorry for the use of wikipedia but it seems to be fitting your lack of knowledge...

Drip irrigation - Wikipedia

Primitive drip irrigation has been used since ancient times. Fan Sheng-Chih Shu (氾勝之書), written in China during the first century BCE, describes the use of buried, unglazed clay pots filled with water as a means of irrigation.[1][2] Modern drip irrigation began its development in Germany in 1860 when researchers began experimenting with subsurface irrigation using clay pipe to create combination irrigation and drainage systems.[3]

And here is the piece the piece that I am sure you will pick out from the article...

Usage of a plastic emitter in drip irrigation was developed in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.[5] Instead of releasing water through tiny holes easily blocked by tiny particles, water was released through larger and longer passageways by using velocity to slow water inside a plastic emitter. The first experimental system of this type was established in 1959 by Blass who partnered later (1964) with Kibbutz Hatzerim to create an irrigation company called Netafim. Together they developed and patented the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter.[3][4]

You will see from reading, if you can, that it was developed NOT invented as you claim!

I notice that you are pushing just ONE of the claims you made and seem to be ignoring the "invention" of cherry tomatoes by Israel... Do you want me to prove you wrong on that as well or do you already realise your mistake?

So, to go back to the comment you responded to....

Israel did NOT invent cherry tomatoes (South America)
Israel did NOT invent drip irrigation (China)

Thank you and good night...
"Primitive drip irrigation"?! Bwahahaha! So they also invented cars since the wheel is also a primitive invention! We are talking about MODERN drip irrigantion.


What did you want them to do roodboy? Use fucking plastic?!?!?!

You fool!

The clue is in what YOU quoted idiot "Primitive drip irrigation" Read it, digest it and then come back and thank me for teaching you something!
There are over 150 countries currently contracting Israel for its unique drip irrigation systems, you babbling FOOL.
The real point here is that

...hasbara has been caught telling lies and that you believed the lies without thought.
Actually the point is in the OP before you diverted to your "Israel is bad" internet jihadi hissyfit: Palestinian funding has been cut and their corrupt terrorist leadership doesn't get to keep lining their pockets and secret bank accounts.

So how about this:

Israel developed the drip irrigation system and made it exportable to the world, as well as cherry tomatoes, in their quest to improve the world in the last 70 years.
The Palestinians, in their supposed 6,000 year existence, produced suicide vests.


Hey, I said developed instead of invented...
Well they did more than that, they managed to turn IslamoNazism into a political movement that spread through the Middle East and then the world as a whole. But thankfully with chemotherapy aka Zionist and Americanism this cancer is in remission.
Yes computerized drip irrigation is an Israeli technology now being implemented in Africa and India.
And cherry tomatoes are too an Israeli development. There're a lot of species, no one is saying Israel invented the small tomato, they've developed their own kind of tomato with its unique properties.
Sassshhh! Don't bring up the truth and facts, our resident PaliNazi internet jihadist has a strong allergy to them.

You are such a dumbass... You speak of truth then try and tell every one that Israel invented drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes
Why do you insist on showing your ignorance and stupidity?

Simcha Blass - Wikipedia

Simcha Blass
Simcha Blass was born in Warsaw, Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He was active in the Jewish self-defense units organized in Warsaw to defend Jews during the end of World War I. His engineering studies in Warsaw were interrupted by the Polish-Soviet War and completed after that war. During the war, he was recruited to the Polish Army, there he invented for the Polish Air Force, a meteorological appliance, measuring the intensity and direction of winds.

Later, he invented, patented and developed an operative wheat planting machine, which was tested in Europe (and even sold there) and in Palestine (1927), but proved uneconomical. The main motivation for this invention was Zionism (i.e. enabling more Jews settle in Palestine). Zionism was the main drive for most of his other activities in adult life.

Water engineering in the Yishuv and State of Israel
During the years 1930–1948 he was the most known water engineer in the Jewish Yishuv of Palestine. He planned the first modern aqueduct in the Jordanvalley. He was the chief engineer and one of the founders (with Levi Eshkol and Pinchas Sapir) of Mekorot water company (established 1937, now Israel's national water company).

checking the sabotaged water pipeline to the Negev isolated settlements,1948
Later, in 1946, he planned the first water pipeline to the Negev. The pipes for which had been used in London during The Blitz for extinguishing fire and bought by Blass after World War II. This pipeline enabled the establishment of 11 new Jewish settlements in the Negev(which was under the British Mandate of Palestine) on a single evening (Yom Kippur night) in 1946 (but also served Arab Bedouins). The Jewish settlements in the Negev had a major role influencing the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to include most of the Negev within the boundaries of the recommended Jewish state.

In 1948 to 1956 Blass was the founder and director of the governmental water institutions of the new state of Israel, the official councillor of the governmenton water affairs and head of planners of the Israeli National Water Carrier.

Blass wrote the chapter "Development of Water Resources in Palestine" in Encyclopaedia Hebraica.

Drip irrigation
In the early 1930s, a farmer drew his attention to a big tree, growing in his backyard "without water". After digging below the apparently dry surface, Simcha Blass discovered why: water from a leaking coupling was causing a small wet area on the surface, while an expanding onion shaped area of underground water was reaching the roots of this particular tree—and not the others. This sight of tiny drops penetrating the soil causing the growth of a giant tree provided the catalyst for Blass's invention. The drip irrigation concept was born and experiments that followed led Blass to create an irrigation device that used friction and water pressure loss to leak drops of water at regular intervals. Recognizing the high potential of his discovery, he began to look for ways to turn his idea into a product.

In the late 1950s, with the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, he took a major step towards implementing his idea. After leaving government service in 1956 he reopened his private Engineering office and worked with his son Yeshayahu on the drip irrigation idea. The main aspect of the new invention was to release water through larger and longer passageways (rather than tiny holes) by using friction to slow water inside a plastic emitter. Larger passageways prevented the blocking of tiny holes by very small particles. The first experimental system of this type was established in 1959. In the early 1960s, Blass developed and patented this method and the new dripper was the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter.

During the years 1960 to 1965 Blass developed the drip-irrigation systems and sold them inside Israel and abroad. In 1965 he contacted Arie Bahir who was in charge of the industry in the kibbutzim in order to find a kibbutz to give him the task of further developing this new enterprise. Out of some suggestions, Blass chose kibbutz Hazerim in the Negev.

Online dripper system
For the desert-based Kibbutz Hatzerim looking to expand its activities beyond agriculture, Simcha Blass's invention opened up a world of possibilities. Blass and his son Yeshayahu and Kibbutz Hatzerim signed a contract (on August 10, 1965) establishing Netafim Irrigation Company (80% Kibbutz Hatzerim and 20% Blass). Production began in 1966. With Blass's original narrow spaghetti tube model and later models as the starting point, Netafim engineers working with Blass, developed the online dripper—indeed allowing the desert to bloom.

Roodboy, why do you continue with this hasbara bullshit?

Your use of wikipedia is hilariously telling. You are so sucked in by the hasbara bullshit media machine you are struggling with reality.

Let me make it very clear for you...

Israel did NOT invent cherry tomatoes (South America)
Israel did NOT invent drip irrigation (China)

End of story.

If you had even half a brain you would know that this is fact. Unlike the hasbara bullshit that came up with these two strangely bizarre claims to try and show how 'great' Israel is.
the Pals are such jackasses even their own kind doesn't want them
Black September - Wikipedia
same thing with the crap they started in Lebanon --they ruined that country also
They sure don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Sassshhh! Don't bring up the truth and facts, our resident PaliNazi internet jihadist has a strong allergy to them.

You are such a dumbass... You speak of truth then try and tell every one that Israel invented drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes
Why do you insist on showing your ignorance and stupidity?

Simcha Blass - Wikipedia

Simcha Blass
Simcha Blass was born in Warsaw, Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He was active in the Jewish self-defense units organized in Warsaw to defend Jews during the end of World War I. His engineering studies in Warsaw were interrupted by the Polish-Soviet War and completed after that war. During the war, he was recruited to the Polish Army, there he invented for the Polish Air Force, a meteorological appliance, measuring the intensity and direction of winds.

Later, he invented, patented and developed an operative wheat planting machine, which was tested in Europe (and even sold there) and in Palestine (1927), but proved uneconomical. The main motivation for this invention was Zionism (i.e. enabling more Jews settle in Palestine). Zionism was the main drive for most of his other activities in adult life.

Water engineering in the Yishuv and State of Israel
During the years 1930–1948 he was the most known water engineer in the Jewish Yishuv of Palestine. He planned the first modern aqueduct in the Jordanvalley. He was the chief engineer and one of the founders (with Levi Eshkol and Pinchas Sapir) of Mekorot water company (established 1937, now Israel's national water company).

checking the sabotaged water pipeline to the Negev isolated settlements,1948
Later, in 1946, he planned the first water pipeline to the Negev. The pipes for which had been used in London during The Blitz for extinguishing fire and bought by Blass after World War II. This pipeline enabled the establishment of 11 new Jewish settlements in the Negev(which was under the British Mandate of Palestine) on a single evening (Yom Kippur night) in 1946 (but also served Arab Bedouins). The Jewish settlements in the Negev had a major role influencing the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to include most of the Negev within the boundaries of the recommended Jewish state.

In 1948 to 1956 Blass was the founder and director of the governmental water institutions of the new state of Israel, the official councillor of the governmenton water affairs and head of planners of the Israeli National Water Carrier.

Blass wrote the chapter "Development of Water Resources in Palestine" in Encyclopaedia Hebraica.

Drip irrigation
In the early 1930s, a farmer drew his attention to a big tree, growing in his backyard "without water". After digging below the apparently dry surface, Simcha Blass discovered why: water from a leaking coupling was causing a small wet area on the surface, while an expanding onion shaped area of underground water was reaching the roots of this particular tree—and not the others. This sight of tiny drops penetrating the soil causing the growth of a giant tree provided the catalyst for Blass's invention. The drip irrigation concept was born and experiments that followed led Blass to create an irrigation device that used friction and water pressure loss to leak drops of water at regular intervals. Recognizing the high potential of his discovery, he began to look for ways to turn his idea into a product.

In the late 1950s, with the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, he took a major step towards implementing his idea. After leaving government service in 1956 he reopened his private Engineering office and worked with his son Yeshayahu on the drip irrigation idea. The main aspect of the new invention was to release water through larger and longer passageways (rather than tiny holes) by using friction to slow water inside a plastic emitter. Larger passageways prevented the blocking of tiny holes by very small particles. The first experimental system of this type was established in 1959. In the early 1960s, Blass developed and patented this method and the new dripper was the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter.

During the years 1960 to 1965 Blass developed the drip-irrigation systems and sold them inside Israel and abroad. In 1965 he contacted Arie Bahir who was in charge of the industry in the kibbutzim in order to find a kibbutz to give him the task of further developing this new enterprise. Out of some suggestions, Blass chose kibbutz Hazerim in the Negev.

Online dripper system
For the desert-based Kibbutz Hatzerim looking to expand its activities beyond agriculture, Simcha Blass's invention opened up a world of possibilities. Blass and his son Yeshayahu and Kibbutz Hatzerim signed a contract (on August 10, 1965) establishing Netafim Irrigation Company (80% Kibbutz Hatzerim and 20% Blass). Production began in 1966. With Blass's original narrow spaghetti tube model and later models as the starting point, Netafim engineers working with Blass, developed the online dripper—indeed allowing the desert to bloom.

Roodboy, why do you continue with this hasbara bullshit?

Your use of wikipedia is hilariously telling. You are so sucked in by the hasbara bullshit media machine you are struggling with reality.

Let me make it very clear for you...

Israel did NOT invent cherry tomatoes (South America)
Israel did NOT invent drip irrigation (China)

End of story.

If you had even half a brain you would know that this is fact. Unlike the hasbara bullshit that came up with these two strangely bizarre claims to try and show how 'great' Israel is.
the Pals are such jackasses even their own kind doesn't want them
Black September - Wikipedia
same thing with the crap they started in Lebanon --they ruined that country also
They sure don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
the critical point here is the Pals are the common denominator in ''their'' problems
Acting as a state within a state, the fedayeen disregarded local laws and regulations, and even attempted to assassinate King Hussein twice
the Pals are murdering/attacking Arabs/etc --not just Israelis
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Arafat, PA & Hamas. Anyone disagree that the Palestinians are there own worst enemy?
even their own kind hates them:
Black September - Wikipedia
the Pals did the same crap in Lebanon which started that mess where the US sent troops

They invaded Lebanon in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatilla with arsenals of weapons. No wonder Lebanon called on Israel to help save them from the Palestinians.
The Cedars Cede to Termites

The Lebanese plutocracy sent their sissyboy sons to hide out in Paris during the invasions by the Paleonasties and Hezbollah. A country led by Chickenhawks will not survive long, nor should it.
Arafat, PA & Hamas. Anyone disagree that the Palestinians are there own worst enemy?
even their own kind hates them:
Black September - Wikipedia
the Pals did the same crap in Lebanon which started that mess where the US sent troops

They invaded Lebanon in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatilla with arsenals of weapons. No wonder Lebanon called on Israel to help save them from the Palestinians.
The Cedars Cede to Termites

The Lebanese plutocracy sent their sissyboy sons to hide out in Paris during the invasions by the Paleonasties and Hezbollah. A country led by Chickenhawks will not survive long, nor should it.
Lebanon was a big mess to begin with
the many groups even fought among themselves there

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