Trump files, jury sees classified files or Trump wins

They don’t have those at the White House?

Is Mar a Lago more or less secure than Joe Biden’s garage?

Biden had 20-30 documents. Trump had 80 boxes that he wouldn't return.

"It's a nightmarish environment for a careful handling of highly classified information," said a former US intelligence officer. "It's just a nightmare."

The DOJ hasn't provided specific information about how or where the documents and photos had been stored, but the club's general vulnerabilities have been well documented.

In a high profile example, Trump huddled in 2017 with Japan's then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an outdoor dinner table while guests hovered nearby, listening and taking photos that they later posted on Twitter.

The dinner was disrupted by a North Korean missile test, and guests listened as Trump and Abe figured out what to say in response. After issuing a statement, Trump dropped by a wedding party at the club.

"What we saw was Trump be so lax in security that he was having a sensitive meeting regarding a potential war topic where non-US government personnel could observe and photograph," said Mark Zaid, a lawyer who specializes in national security cases. "It would have been easy for someone to also have had a device that heard and recorded what Trump was saying as well."

White House aides did set up a secure room at Mar-a-Lago for sensitive discussions. That was where Trump decided to launch airstrikes against Syria for the use of chemical weapons in April 2017.

The decision made, Trump repaired to dinner with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Over a dessert of chocolate cake, Trump informed Xi about the airstrikes.

In 2019, a Chinese woman who passed security checkpoints at the club carrying a thumb drive coded with "malicious" software was arrested for entering a restricted property and making false statements to officials, authorities said at the time.

It is an FBI internal complaint feature. It show's much discord over raiding an ex-president's home. They are career FBI agents who don't think a raid was needed...........It wasn't. I think there is reference to Wray having to deal with the internal strife over the raid. I read a couple articles on the same subject where there was two groups in on the raid.......and they weren't agreeing at all.

I too, can do the same. Are they classified?? Or are they being reported as classified?

Have you personally seen these documents or you relying on what was reported?

Yes, some FBI agents voted for Trump and believe his bullshit. Too fucking bad. Trump shouldn't have taken the documents, and he was given ample time to return them. Nobody forced him to lie to the FBI or try to cover up evidence that he had the documents.

There was no "raid" on the ex-President's home, there was a legally served search warrant, which Trump knew they had obtained months before. Trump COULD have ended this at any time simply by returning the documents. It was his choice to have that warrant served.

Trump keeps making choices he knows will land him in court. He's already gone back to slandering E. Jean Carroll. He could have said nothing when her book came out and nobody would remember it now. Instead he went on TV and in rallies and called her a liar. So she sued him for slander.

It's really hard to win a slander suit in the USA but she won her case in a jury trial. And was awarded $5 million. And the very next day, Trump went on national television and repeated the same slanders all over again. For the second suit, time he went to court every day and behaved like a total arrogant jerk.

The jury was so impressed with Trump's behaviour, they raised the award to $83 mill. Trump gets Chubb to put up the cash, and goes out and starts defaming the woman again.

How stupid is that!!!
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Not the dumbest statement on USMB, but the dumbest on this thread.
It's common sense.

You can't reclassify a document and magically take the information out of public circulation. Trump had hundreds of classified documents and they're treated as classified until proven otherwise because it's the only way that makes sense.
Yes, some FBI agents voted for Trump and believe his bullshit. Too fucking bad. Trump shouldn't have taken the documents, and he was given ample time to return them. Nobody forced him to lie to the FBI or try to cover up evidence that he had the documents.

There was no "raid" on the ex-President's home, there was a legally served search warrant, which Trump knew they had obtained months before. Trump COULD have ended this at any time simply by returning the documents. It was his choice to have that warrant served.

Last but not least, Trump

Trump keep making choices he knows will land him in court. He's already gone back to slandering E. Jean Carroll. He could have said nothing when her book came out and nobody would remember it now. Instead he went on TV and in rallies and called her a liar. So she sued him for slander.

It's really hard to win a slander suit in the USA but she won her case in a jury trial. And was awarded $5 million. And the very next day, Trump went on national television and repeated the same slanders all over again. For the second suit, time he went to court every day and behaved like a total arrogant jerk.

The jury was so impressed with Trump's behaviour, they raised the award to $83 mill. Trump gets Chubb to put up the cash, and goes out and starts defaming the woman again.

How stupid is that!!!

Chubb has to be livid.
It's common sense.

You can't reclassify a document and magically take the information out of public circulation. Trump had hundreds of classified documents and they're treated as classified until proven otherwise because it's the only way that makes sense.

Trump had 80 boxes of documents.
Biden had 20-30 documents. Trump had 80 boxes that he wouldn't return.

That’s not the reason Hur gave for not prosecuting.

He said that Biden is a well-meaning, forgetful, elderly man.

"It's a nightmarish environment for a careful handling of highly classified information," said a former US intelligence officer. "It's just a nightmare."

The DOJ hasn't provided specific information about how or where the documents and photos had been stored, but the club's general vulnerabilities have been well documented.

In a high profile example, Trump huddled in 2017 with Japan's then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an outdoor dinner table while guests hovered nearby, listening and taking photos that they later posted on Twitter.

The dinner was disrupted by a North Korean missile test, and guests listened as Trump and Abe figured out what to say in response. After issuing a statement, Trump dropped by a wedding party at the club.

"What we saw was Trump be so lax in security that he was having a sensitive meeting regarding a potential war topic where non-US government personnel could observe and photograph," said Mark Zaid, a lawyer who specializes in national security cases. "It would have been easy for someone to also have had a device that heard and recorded what Trump was saying as well."

White House aides did set up a secure room at Mar-a-Lago for sensitive discussions. That was where Trump decided to launch airstrikes against Syria for the use of chemical weapons in April 2017.

The decision made, Trump repaired to dinner with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Over a dessert of chocolate cake, Trump informed Xi about the airstrikes.

In 2019, a Chinese woman who passed security checkpoints at the club carrying a thumb drive coded with "malicious" software was arrested for entering a restricted property and making false statements to officials, authorities said at the time.

It's common sense.

You can't reclassify a document and magically take the information out of public circulation. Trump had hundreds of classified documents and they're treated as classified until proven otherwise because it's the only way that makes sense.
Trump was president and could classify and de classify at his pleasure, whether the media liked it or not.
It is an FBI internal complaint feature. It show's much discord over raiding an ex-president's home. They are career FBI agents who don't think a raid was needed...........It wasn't. I think there is reference to Wray having to deal with the internal strife over the raid. I read a couple articles on the same subject where there was two groups in on the raid.......and they weren't agreeing at all.
The FBI employes thousands of people. One of them wrote a couple of emails to complain about it. I don't know who this was, but they clearly had no involvement in the investigation because they're clueless about what led up to it. Based on what we know now, this individual's opinion was wrong.

Your original claim was that it was from people who were involved in the investigation, which is not what you showed.
I too, can do the same. Are they classified?? Or are they being reported as classified?

Have you personally seen these documents or you relying on what was reported?
They're clearly marked classified. They'll be treated as classified until proven otherwise.
You may not think that's what you said but it is.

That's not what happened here, and everyone knows it. Some people might be ok with it because "Trump is Hitler" or some other justification but that's just cope. James ran her campaign on a promise to prosecute Trump. She had her "criminal" just had to find the "crime". Just don't be surprised when this starts happening to politicians you like.
This investigation began in 2019.
The website has a list of them. That's why I posted the link, fool.
Reading is not Delldud's strong point. He prefers to be spoonfed (ahem!) "information" from other people like Dan Bongino.
Pretty typical MAGAt. Like baby birds in the nest waiting with mouths wide open for someone to drop the food down their throats but in this case it is more cult propaganda from the whacko fringe-right loonies.
I've never seen a group of people so averse to doing their own unbiased research on issues and so willing to be brainwashed.
Just look at Delldud's previous statement that "Bongino doesn't put anything out there that he can't back up."
Oh yeah would you freaking know?
Because BONGINO says so?
Of COURSE he does!
The truth is these radio talking heads don't gain their popularity by being accurate and truthful. They wouldn't last a week on Conservo talk radio being accurate and truthful.
Delldud and other MAGAt RepubliCONS love these guys like Bongino because Bongino pretends to hate the same people that Delldud hates, to have the exact same outrage, umbrage, and sense of grievance that Delldud does.
People like Bongino (and Trump) make MAGAts feel less helpless, less powerless, less alone, forgotten, less impotent and unimportant.
It's a science.
It's mind control. Joeseph Goebbels used the same techniques on the people of Germany in the 1930's. Vlad Putin uses it on his people everyday.
The thing is brainwashing only works because the subjects being brainwashed aren't aware it is happening. It takes place in increments. There has to be a "wedge" to begin with....or a "trigger" to piggyback the indoctrination onto.
Fear and grievance work really well.
Fear of financial insecurity and of being replaced by/having your job/livelihood/resources stolen by other ethnic groups.
Grievance=someone to blame it on.
Of course the people most susceptible to the brainwashing are going to be those with low medium to low intelligence. People who by their nature tend to be rather incurious, complacent, not very well read, ect.
That's not an automatic weapon dumb ass.
Is it the HK MP5 sub machine gun the secret service carry?
M4A1 automatic carbine?

Is it the FN P90 submachine gun the Secret Service carries? No, you can mistake that for the FN P90 which could easily be hidden under a suit jacket or coat

That fact is, the secret service is carrying automatic weapons and your idea that they are not is ridiculous.
The secret service protects Trump. They didn't secure the club. They said Mara Lago is a security nightmare.

You're stubborn and ignorant.
I imagine protecting the president at Mar-A-Lago is a security nightmare. Not so difficult is keeping everyone out of the private residence where the documents are stored.

I am sure a furniture warehouse is not a security nightmare, not at all. But, the secret service does not protect the warehouse, most likely at best, the furniture warehouse is protected by a simple burglar alarm, not even a guard, no fence, easy access from the streets. I bet you could park at walgreens and walk right up to Obama's documents


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