Trump forced off stage by SS

For eight years leftists decried the "unprecedented treatment of Obama". The media (the mouthpeice of the left) feigned outrage and bilderment when Trump didn't promise to accept the election results.

Clinton stood in Congress and questioned Bush's legitimacy. Al Gore had to come out after 911 and walk back some of his more outrageous statements.

While Bush was president there was two novels and a movie made about his assignation.

They cheered when someone rushed the stage to harm Trump. A LA Times journalist recently was fired for tweeting he hopes Trump dies.

IF Trump wins we are going to see real unprecedented riots and violence.
Holy shit! That agent is jump stomping that prick!

let me play the liberal part.

"Too bad they stopped him"
"The SS abused their power by stomping the crap out of an innocent assassin, after all we don't know if he broke any laws."
oh well, pricks deserve to be brought down. Pay back is a bitch.
About time these Trump haters get their ass beat down instead of getting off the hook all the time, because most of them are hired by Clinton to start trouble.

Let's calm down folks.

More information will be forthcoming.

Re: Gun

Remember you have to go through security to get into these events which includes a magnetometer. Getting a gun in wouldn't be easy.



What?! You want people to wait until the facts are known before they lose their heads?

Let's calm down folks.

More information will be forthcoming.

Re: Gun

Remember you have to go through security to get into these events which includes a magnetometer. Getting a gun in wouldn't be easy.


Ever seen the movie with Clint Eastwood bout the guy that tries to kill the president? Plus Trump is HATED by the entire establishment it wouldn't surprise me if someone helped an assassin get in.
Holy shit! That agent is jump stomping that prick!

let me play the liberal part.

"Too bad they stopped him"
"The SS abused their power by stomping the crap out of an innocent assassin, after all we don't know if he broke any laws."
oh well, pricks deserve to be brought down. Pay back is a bitch.
About time these Trump haters get their ass beat down instead of getting off the hook all the time, because most of them are hired by Clinton to start trouble.

You need to understand them and love them.

Let's calm down folks.

More information will be forthcoming.

Re: Gun

Remember you have to go through security to get into these events which includes a magnetometer. Getting a gun in wouldn't be easy.


I went to the Trump rally in Mobile. I could've gotten an RPG in there. A deranged lib would have no problem getting gun in there...
They are getting out of hand. Such hypocrites they say Trump supporters are the Violent ones meanwhile it is totally the other way around. Are they that gawd damn stupid they can't even see what they preach. I think they are.
They know precisely what they are...


historically violence just another method the leftists have in their tool kit

now it is more important then ever to get Trump elected
Holy shit! That agent is jump stomping that prick!

let me play the liberal part.

"Too bad they stopped him"
"The SS abused their power by stomping the crap out of an innocent assassin, after all we don't know if he broke any laws."
oh well, pricks deserve to be brought down. Pay back is a bitch.
About time these Trump haters get their ass beat down instead of getting off the hook all the time, because most of them are hired by Clinton to start trouble.

You need to understand them and love them.
LOL sorry no pitty left for morons stripping this entire republic via SAUL ALINSKI's brainwashing tactics.
That's why they are so flippen stupid, they've been brainwashed .
Just happened in Nevada. Not sure what happened but SS was jumping into the crowd so obviously some tolerant leftist is doing Hillary's bidding or at least trying to! He is back on stage now.

what happened? did his thugs try to beat up a protester?

Are you willfully ignorant? Show me videos of Trump supporters beating up protesters. I have a over a dozen where Trump supporters are attacked, some severely, by your side.

Again, leftists always scream victim and say the right is violent. Such a easily disproven lie.

Just happened in Nevada. Not sure what happened but SS was jumping into the crowd so obviously some tolerant leftist is doing Hillary's bidding or at least trying to! He is back on stage now.

what happened? did his thugs try to beat up a protester?

Are you willfully ignorant? Show me videos of Trump supporters beating up protesters. I have a over a dozen where Trump supporters are attacked, some severely, by your side.

Again, leftists always scream victim and say the right is violent. Such a easily disproven lie.

no trumpster has the right to ask normal people if they're willfully ignorant.

they don't know yet what happened. but there is a history of trump goons beating on protestors. and protestors being removed from dumb donald's rallies.

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