Trump Funneled Donations For Children’s Cancer Hospital to His Own Business

Sigh...go away. You're annoying as frick. I'm sick of you loons losing your minds over evety little imagined thing

Children dying from cancer is, according to SassyIrishLass a "little imagined thing".

Okay, not like we didn't already know that. What we need is to know if there is anything you vile slime won't lie to cover up for the cheeto.

Can you think of anything?

Kids dying of cancer? Nope.
Crapping on the handicapped?
Insulting Gold Star Families?
Stealing from working class families?

C'mon, we're running out of human beings.

Surely, even you RWNJ Pooting lovers have something you care about more than you want to screw over the country.


Please .. Anything at all?

Well, okay. I tried.


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Not to mention that he is killing the healthcare for the kids not at St. Judes.. ... so they will just go away in the woods and die off.

Everyday I see a bit more of his creepy character ... wow

I think Trump should just let Obamacare die on it's own or at least until Democrats decide their representatives should actually do their job and solve the fiasco and national debt the Democratic Party has created.

Those are exactly his plans...Haaa ... The Republicans are scared to lose their jobs to now they are lying and sabotaging healthcare for the cancer kids..

California has been awesome for Obamacare , why because of legislation.

Ohio never took care of anything so the people are screwed .. and Trump uses it to say how bad it is...

More likely that illegal aliens and freeloading losers are getting their medical care coverage for free at the working mans expense. It's pretty obvious that democrats only provide lip service, not well thought out solutions and they'll screw over the working man for elists bribes any day of the week.
Not everyone gets into car crashes. Why should they have to carry the load for those that get into car crashes? It's not fair!
Children dying from cancer is, according to SassyIrishLass a "little imagined thing".

Okay, not like we didn't already know that. What we need is to know if there is anything you vile slime won't lie to cover up for the cheeto.

Can you think of anything?

Kids dying of cancer? Nope.
Crapping on the handicapped?
Insulting Gold Star Families?
Stealing from working class families?

C'mon, we're running out of human beings.

Surely, even you RWNJ Pooting lovers have something you care about more than you want to screw over the country.


Please .. Anything at all?

Well, okay. I tried.


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Not to mention that he is killing the healthcare for the kids not at St. Judes.. ... so they will just go away in the woods and die off.

Everyday I see a bit more of his creepy character ... wow

I think Trump should just let Obamacare die on it's own or at least until Democrats decide their representatives should actually do their job and solve the fiasco and national debt the Democratic Party has created.

Those are exactly his plans...Haaa ... The Republicans are scared to lose their jobs to now they are lying and sabotaging healthcare for the cancer kids..

California has been awesome for Obamacare , why because of legislation.

Ohio never took care of anything so the people are screwed .. and Trump uses it to say how bad it is...

More likely that illegal aliens and freeloading losers are getting their medical care coverage for free at the working mans expense. It's pretty obvious that democrats only provide lip service, not well thought out solutions and they'll screw over the working man for elists bribes any day of the week.
Not everyone gets into car crashes. Why should they have to carry the load for those that get into car crashes? It's not fair!

Welcome to the USMB deanrd, I'm kinda surprised you could write a post without wobbly-jawed profanity included.

I'm thinking the government doesn't hand out free car insurance yet but if they did the irresponsible would get it for free under a Dimmocrat plan and given the Obamacare example.

and yes .. unlucky or stupid drivers get charged more and eventually ride shanks pony, whereas, I get cheaper insurance and rebates or whatever they call them. Alas, it is unfair that my rates go up because of the nincompoop factor.
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Oh you should have never said that..:laugh2:


Says the loop with a fucking dancing poodle.

This is a nothing, all forgotten in a week...but carry on witb your faux outrage.

Hey girl, you know what I have seen in the last 5 years.... These families need to focus on their child fighting cancer, this is why St. Jude is free....Trump gets rich by other peoples tragedies...what a dick...

So it is personal....

Well saddle up poodle girl. Impeach him hahahaha. ....idiot
The only thing better than 8 years of trump....7 years of Pence.

Pence is a white haired Ken doll...Blah
Works for me lol ok.

Bye now.
Just Wow....

However, Forbes has found that this $100,000 “passed through the Eric Trump Foundation–and wound up in the coffers of Donald Trump’s private businesses.”

Even though Eric Trump had originally set up the golf tournament so that all money raised would go directly to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, sources tell Forbes that the elder Trump grew furious that his younger son let his foundation’s charity use the Trump National Golf Course for free.

REVEALED: Financial docs show Trump funneled money intended for kids’ cancer treatment to his own businesses
meanwhile the clinton foundation… .
Just Wow....

However, Forbes has found that this $100,000 “passed through the Eric Trump Foundation–and wound up in the coffers of Donald Trump’s private businesses.”
Even though Eric Trump had originally set up the golf tournament so that all money raised would go directly to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, sources tell Forbes that the elder Trump grew furious that his younger son let his foundation’s charity use the Trump National Golf Course for free.

REVEALED: Financial docs show Trump funneled money intended for kids’ cancer treatment to his own businesses

meanwhile the clinton foundation… .

The Clinton Foundation received four out of four stars -- the highest rating that Charity Navigator gives

Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

CharityWatch gives it an A

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Since 2005, according to CGI, it has spawned initiatives that:

  • Raised $313 million for R&D into new vaccines and medicines;
  • Helped provide better maternal and child survival care to more than 110 million people, and;
  • Provided treatment for more than 36 million people with tropical diseases.

The Foundation says that another one of its arms, a collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA) called the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, has helped provide access to healthier meals across more than 31,000 American schools and boosted physical education, the availability of nutritious meals, and extracurricular exercise in poor communities with high obesity rates.

But the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which is an independent entity of the Clinton Foundation, may have had the most wide-ranging impact on global public health to date. It has helped negotiate HIV/AIDS therapy price cuts as high as 90%, ensuring access to these treatments for more than 11.5 million people across more than 70 countries, the Foundation says.


What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does


It is impossible to know for certain what Trump has given to charity, because he has declined to release his tax returns. In all, The Post was able to identify $7.8 million in charitable giving from Trump’s own pocket since the early 1980s.

In public appearances, Trump often made it appear that he gave far more.


Trump boasts about his philanthropy. But his giving falls short of his words.

Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold wins Pulitzer Prize for dogged reporting of Trump’s philanthropy

Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold wins Pulitzer Prize for dogged reporting of Trump’s philanthropy

How much money have Clinton and Trump each donated to charity?

Hillary and Bill Clinton, the total is $23.2 million between 2001 and 2015. That figure comes from the Clintons’ joint tax returns, which the Democratic nominee has released.

In that 15-year period — the years since the Clintons left the White House — they earned about $237 million in adjusted gross income, much of it from speaking fees and book royalties. So Clinton and her husband donated about 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income.

Trump says he is worth far more than the Clintons.
He recently claimed his net worth as more than $10 billion.

But it appears he has donated far less.

The Washington Post has identified about $3.9 million in donations since 2001 from Trump’s own pocket.

What we know about the charitable giving by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

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How freaking low can a person get...?

President Trump's charity foundation funneled $100,000 in donations meant for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital into revenue for the Trump Organization by using his son's charity, Forbes reported Tuesday.

For 10 years Eric Trump hosted an annual golf tournament that raised millions of dollars in donations for the hospital. According to the Forbes report, $100,000 of the donations was funneled through the Eric Trump Foundation back into Trump's golf courses for expenses incurred during the tournaments, despite donors being told that all their money would be used for charity.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Trump Foundation funneled $100K in donations into revenue for Trump Organization: report


For Trump supporters, he's just acting like they would. Stealing money from a cancer charity to pay for golf.
It puts me in mind of lefties freaking out when wealthy people file their taxes legally and take advantage of incentives that are legally available to reduce their tax burden.

WTF? Whining because people are doing things legally?

You forgetting that part where they bought Congress to make it legal Cupcake?

So you're pissed he behaved within the confines of the law. Got it.
How freaking low can a person get...?

President Trump's charity foundation funneled $100,000 in donations meant for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital into revenue for the Trump Organization by using his son's charity, Forbes reported Tuesday.

For 10 years Eric Trump hosted an annual golf tournament that raised millions of dollars in donations for the hospital. According to the Forbes report, $100,000 of the donations was funneled through the Eric Trump Foundation back into Trump's golf courses for expenses incurred during the tournaments, despite donors being told that all their money would be used for charity.

Trump Foundation funneled $100K in donations into revenue for Trump Organization: report

I love words like SEEMS like and APPARENTLY aka I HAVE NO FUCKING PROOF. Just more bullshit fake news.

Look at the Forbes link...I should actually put that into my OP..
I did. I then looked up this guys past work. He has a hard on for ANYTHING President obviously not a fan he despises President Trump and can't be trusted that's for sure. Funny how he has NOTHING political on his Twitter I can find and I can't find a facebook page.

In the news today..

It puts me in mind of lefties freaking out when wealthy people file their taxes legally and take advantage of incentives that are legally available to reduce their tax burden.

WTF? Whining because people are doing things legally?

You forgetting that part where they bought Congress to make it legal Cupcake?

So you're pissed he behaved within the confines of the law. Got it.

No Cupcake, pissed the brain dead righties cheer the "job creators" on as CONServatives gutted the effective tax rates by about 1/2 to 2/3rds as those "job creators" off shored US jobs, all the while blaming the poorest among US for the debt explosion since Reaganomics!
How freaking low can a person get...?

President Trump's charity foundation funneled $100,000 in donations meant for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital into revenue for the Trump Organization by using his son's charity, Forbes reported Tuesday.

For 10 years Eric Trump hosted an annual golf tournament that raised millions of dollars in donations for the hospital. According to the Forbes report, $100,000 of the donations was funneled through the Eric Trump Foundation back into Trump's golf courses for expenses incurred during the tournaments, despite donors being told that all their money would be used for charity.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Trump Foundation funneled $100K in donations into revenue for Trump Organization: report


/---- Yarnnnn. Got any intel on the Clintooon Foundation?

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Only Republicans applaud Trump for stealing from charity. Only Republicans.

They truly are deplorable.
are libs pretending to care about children? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You selfish fuckers only care about yourselves and your sacrament of abortion. Do you ever think before posting?:poke::boohoo:

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