Trump Gave us Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years, and Democrats Destroyed That

I worship a Good God because I am intelligent enough to recognize that we are not like the beasts of the field. There is something unique and supernatural about man and only a fool would deny that.

If man is not a Created being, then we are nothing but beasts. If we are beasts then Natural Law which indicates that Man is different than all of the Animal Kingdom then does not apply to you or I.

We are then subject to The Law of The Jungle. Therefore being subject to The Law of The Jungle, if I am stronger than you, and want what you have I just take it even if that results in your death, your impoverishment, your homelessness, and your genetic line being cut off forever. I could take your wife if I fancied, kill your children and you, and carry my genetic line on through her under the Law of The Jungle.

The Law of the Jungle for instance would not allow for a place like USMB. It would be destroyed completely the first time someone saw it as a threat. The Law of the Jungle does not allow for permanence or stability. It is subject to the winds of nature.

Laws and Morality do not come from The Law of The Jungle. Beasts do not need laws. They do what they have to to survive. Laws and Morality only can come from Natural Law which recognizes that Man is Not a god unto himself. He has a Superior Being that he is accountable to, and that has endowed him with unalienable rights, and urges him to treat other men like he would like to be treated himself.

The Godless and The Wicked do not understand this concept. They accept the blessings of Natural Law without having any understanding of it. They try to uphold a form of godliness without recognizing god nor understanding that they desire to construct a false morality because their Creator put that desire in them, not for false morality but to live by God's Law. Without Natural Law we would all Predate upon each other in an endless cycle of bloodshed and very few things are ever build by dumb animals who's only goal is survival of the fittest. The Law of The Jungle does not allow for self restraint.

To quote William Penn: "Those who refuse to restrain themselves through Morality and Religion (God) must be ruled by Tyrants."

This is why The God Haters, and The Godless always resort to Tyranny to enforce their false morality.

The Godless must be restrained by external means (Tyranny). The Righteous restrain themselves through Supernatural Means (God)

Thinking yourself wise then, you have become a fool.

Only the fool says in his heart that there is No God!

What say you? Is there a God?
It takes bravery to do what is right.
I like how you paired these together "COVID and the Democrats" I think it is more COVID is to blame, look how bad things got when Trump was president when COVID hit...Job loss, Markets crashing, riots, COVID DEATHS spiking. etc.... At least BIDEN came in a did a pretty good job cleaning up the mess left for him to deal with.
not as bad as today, what's the excuse? vaccines and all. wow, loser.
Fido, are you really that much of an idiot?

Indeependent good call. He is a psychopath.

Faun are you ever not a compete lapdog?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You prove yourself wrong but you think I'm the idiot.

Dumbfuck, the Red States have the fewest restrictions. Stupid, lapdog.

You're such a retard, ShortBus. Let me remind you what you said....

Well Fido, I'd say NY and Cali had the strictest. Are the Governors Democrats or GOP? You know the answer and are back pedaling. Poor little lapdog.

.... then you post a link showing NY and CA are NOT the strictest.


You're such a retard, ShortBus. Let me remind you what you said....

.... then you post a link showing NY and CA are NOT the strictest.

Are you kidding me Fido? Look again. Dumbfuck.

Blue states have the highest restrictions.

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