Trump Gives Mitch McConnell's Wife a Job

Impeachment on what grounds?

I suspect he has and will engage in activities much like that which got Nixon impeached. Trump is a compulsive liar and just settled a $40M fraud suit. He will be careful at first, but his true nature will return and he will engage in fraud again, and lie about it later. But this time he won't be able to settle it in a court of law.

Thankfully we can't impeach someone because we think they may do something.

Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.
Draining the swamp? This douchebag needs to be impeached ASAP after inauguration. What a fucking fraud.

Donald Trump Picks Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary
GFY, Wanda got it almost right. Trump interviewed qualified people and offered the job to the most qualified person. She accepted. Good For almost got it right.....

Don't complain about the swamp. You helped reinforce it.
Who else did he interview for Secty of Transportation, you dumb fuck?
Harley Besaw for one...great American....knows the system inside out.

So full of shit you are. No such person. Trumpers are now lying to save face. Anything for their Dear Leader.

Lying bitch..

LEAVE FOR COAST BLACK RIVER -- Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Harley Besaw and four children have left for Lomboc, Calif., after visiting the Besaws* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Branch, N. Main ...
Chao moving from Labor Dept. to Transportation...

Elaine Chao's record suggests skepticism on new safety regs
November 29, 2016 — Elaine Chao's record at the Labor Department suggests she'd have a light hand when it comes to safety regulation as transportation secretary and would seek to shift responsibility from the federal government to states where possible.
President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that Chao was his choice for the Cabinet post. "Secretary Chao's extensive record of strong leadership and her expertise are invaluable assets in our mission to rebuild our infrastructure in a fiscally responsible manner," Trump said in a statement released by his campaign. Chao said Trump "has outlined a clear vision to transform our country's infrastructure, accelerate economic growth and productivity, and create good paying jobs across the country." Chao, 63, was labor secretary under President George W. Bush and the first Asian-American woman to serve in a president's Cabinet. She also is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, which might be of some help if Trump is to fulfill his promise of generating $1 trillion in infrastructure spending.

Chao's record suggests she'd be skeptical of new safety regulations and may attempt to roll back existing regulations. Under Chao, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration didn't issue a single significant new safety regulation for four years, and mine safety inspectors were cut and inspections reduced, said Thomas McGarity, a University of Texas law professor and author of "Freedom to Harm," a book about the labor department that includes Chao's tenure. Among the pressing issues facing the next transportation secretary will be how to boost the nation's aging infrastructure so that it can accommodate population growth and not become a drag on the economy, modernizing the nation's air traffic control system, ensuring that new transportation technologies are adopted in a safe manner and responding to a surge in traffic fatalities.

Whether it's integrating drones into the national airspace, deploying self-driving cars or "some other new technology, she's not going to be especially inclined to second-guess the industry when they say that this will be safe," McGarity said. As labor secretary, her job was to protect the nation's workforce, including setting safety standards and addressing issues related to wages and retirement. She updated overtime regulations for "white-collar" workers and rules intended to force unions to disclose more details on their financial condition to members. Chao is "a strong advocate of letting the markets function as they will, not intervening into private sector arrangements," McGarity said. Mitch Bainwol, president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, applauded Trump's selection of Chao as "a superb choice." "Big issues await," he said. "The traditional regulatory approach is increasingly challenged to keep pace with the rapid rate of innovation in our sector."

More recently, Chao had been on the board of directors for Bloomberg Philanthropies, run by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. She resigned last year after learning the organization planned to expand an environmental initiative to shutter coal-fired power plants. Almost 90 percent of Kentucky's electricity comes from coal, and her ties to the organization were used against McConnell in his Senate race. Chao came to the United States from Taiwan with her family at age 8. Her family settled in New York, where her father, James Si-Cheng Chao, became a wealthy shipping magnate. Chao received her undergraduate degree from Mount Holyoke College and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard. She went on to become head of the Peace Corps and deputy secretary at the Transportation Department. She was head of the United Way of America and worked at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington think tank, before becoming labor secretary.

Elaine Chao's record suggests skepticism on new safety regs
Another whiny butthurt Libtard thread.


It is beyond Ironic how people like you use the term "Libtard". Most of the users who post that word seem to be engaged in Psychological projection, a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities, by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others.

In short on some level, conscious or unconscious you and others users know that your behavior - as a bigot, racist, etc. - and your level of understanding and ability to learn, is retarded, when compared to even the average liberal individual. For some, of course, they are simply dishonest, but the many are just like you.

It's beyond ironic how Trump nominated a woman and you attacked her. So show what your attacks on McConnell's wife are based on. So far it's that she's female

Well, I know you have no ability to understand anything abstract, but quid pro quo is not abstract. Trump is a master manipulator and McConnell has never put Country First (of course my last phrase is likely too abstract for you to comprehend!).

What quid pro quo? You mean like your candidates pay to play? That's the definition of quit quo pro. Funny how clear quit pro quo in a Democrat doesn't bother you at all while you make an accusation of it against Republicans with zero evidence of it. Then you say I can't handles anything abstract, LOL. You haven't provided any quid pro quo other than some woman who dares not to be a Democrat can't hold a job in a Trump administration. She's not white too, bothers the shit out of your racist ass

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