Trump Goes On Offense


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Snowflakes/Crybabies don't vote so Trumps in for 8+...

President says he was going to fire Comey no matter what.
May 12, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump went on the offensive yesterday against critics and conspiracy theorists who have been attacking him over his decision earlier this week to fire long-embattled FBI Director James Comey.

Trump fired Comey on Tuesday without warning, three-and-a-half years into his 10-year term, explaining in a letter that his employment was being terminated based on the recommendation of the Department of Justice. Both Republicans and Democrats have been furious with Comey in recent years because the unelected official inappropriately injected himself and the FBI into political matters.

As the firing of Comey sucked up all the media oxygen in America, Lester Holt of NBC News asked Trump in an interview about a meeting he had Monday with Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein who wrote a memo recommending Comey be retired from his post.


There’s nothing there.

And the more that Democrats put all their eggs in the Russian scandal basket, the harder it will be for Americans to take them seriously after the hysteria subsides.

Trump Goes On Offense
In leftwing think tanks across the country liberals are pulling their hair out in clumps over President Trump, its a beautiful thing.
he he he...there hasn't been a move he hasn't botched. Its fun watching his enablers creating excuses for him time and again.
There is something to see here. Jason Chaffetz who is a Trump supporter has asked the DOG IG to investigate the circumstances behind the firing of Comey. Apparently Trump was not happy that Comey retained his independence from Trump by refusing to back his fake news story about Obama spying on him as well as a few other things. Trump has compromised and politicized the FBI and he will lose more support over this.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that 80% of likely voters have a unfavorable opinion of Putin. Polls also show that voters disapprove of Trump's handling of Russia..
There is something to see here. Jason Chaffetz who is a Trump supporter has asked the DOG IG to investigate the circumstances behind the firing of Comey. Apparently Trump was not happy that Comey retained his independence from Trump by refusing to back his fake news story about Obama spying on him as well as a few other things. Trump has compromised and politicized the FBI and he will lose more support over this.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that 80% of likely voters have a unfavorable opinion of Putin. Polls also show that voters disapprove of Trump's handling of Russia..
Is that the same polls that predicted the hillary landslide win, rolmao...
There is something to see here. Jason Chaffetz who is a Trump supporter has asked the DOG IG to investigate the circumstances behind the firing of Comey. Apparently Trump was not happy that Comey retained his independence from Trump by refusing to back his fake news story about Obama spying on him as well as a few other things. Trump has compromised and politicized the FBI and he will lose more support over this.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that 80% of likely voters have a unfavorable opinion of Putin. Polls also show that voters disapprove of Trump's handling of Russia..
Is that the same polls that predicted the hillary landslide win, rolmao...

Rasmussen is a pro-Trump poll so that says something about Putin's popularity in the US. Also many of the polls agree with each other and even the IDB/TIPP poll which missed the popular vote totals by 1 shows Trump has low approval ratings.
A vicious sucker punch to the Fake News Media and Deep State.
June 23, 2017

Humberto Fontova

“Now that I am your President, America will expose the crimes of the Castro regime and stand with the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom….For nearly six decades, the Cuban people have suffered under communist domination. To this day, Cuba is ruled by the same people who killed tens of thousands of their own citizens, who sought to spread their repressive and failed ideology throughout our hemisphere, and who once tried to host enemy nuclear weapons 90 miles from our shores.” (President Donald Trump, June 16, 2017.)

In a vicious sucker punch to the Fake News Media and Deep State, last Friday from Miami President Trump reminded many Americans (and revealed to others) that the regime occupying the large Caribbean island 90 miles south of Florida isn’t mostly an innocent provider of free and fabulous healthcare.

If the term “In-Your-Face” still means anything—then President Trump cranked it up several notches last Friday in Miami. To wit:


Instead we’ll note the discomfiture (panic even!) of the Stalinist regime’s U.S.-based agents and their Obama State Dept. colleagues. The former fear for their paychecks, the latter for their “legacy.” And both of these rewards are now twirling like the contents of a slowly flushing toilet.

If you need more proof—right on the heels of Trump’s big announcement in Miami last week-- Moody’s Investor Service slashed the Castro fiefdom’s already abysmal credit rating to toilet contents level.

Trump Drops Bomb on Obama’s Cuba Policy
July 2, 2017
Trump the Junkyard Dog: Poke Him and Expect to Be Bitten
By Brian C. Joondeph

Remember Bad, Bad Leroy Brown? He was "Badder than old King Kong and meaner than a junkyard dog." Junkyard dogs are good in a fight, mean and nasty when provoked. They're often docile when treated decently, with respect and kindness. But don't poke them with a stick or kick them unless you want to be attacked with bared teeth and a nasty bite.

President Donald Trump is a junkyard dog. Raised in New York City, he spent his entire working life dealing with N.Y. politics, graft, regulations, backstabbing, and aggressiveness. A true junkyard. It's not the lunch room at Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue; it's the trenches of political warfare and bureaucracy of building hotels and managing real estate.

Trump is generally kind and gentle. Ask his employees or his family. For all the thousands of people he has interacted with over the years in his personal and professional life, few have been critical of Trump. Except for a handful of women who piled on, accusing him of unwanted affections just after the Access Hollywood video release.

Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski "fawned over Trump" during much of the presidential campaign, to the dismay of Media Matters and other left-wing groups. Treating him with respect, they had pleasant and informative interviews. And good ratings. Discussions and challenging questions regarding policy were fair game for a presidential candidate. It wasn't personal or nasty.

Post-election, Joe and Mika spent New Year's Eve at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago, enjoying their cordial relationship with and proximity to the president-elect.

Fast-forward to the Trump presidency. Joe and Mika, perhaps responding to their MSNBC viewers and corporate masters, decided that petting the junkyard dog was no longer appropriate. Instead, throwing rocks and poking him with a stick would be more suitable for the MSNBC audience.

How did they provoke the junkyard dog? Mika accused him of "lying every day" and "destroying the country." She also referred to his "teensy" hands.


Read more: Articles: Trump the Junkyard Dog: Poke Him and Expect to Be Bitten
Speaking home truths to an audience that got it.
July 10, 2017

Bruce Bawer


It was appropriate, then, that President Trump visited Poland before proceeding to stops in Western Europe. And his speech in Warsaw struck exactly the right notes. He paid deserved tribute to a people who, subjected for generations to war and tyrannical oppression, retained their courage, their spirit, and their hunger for liberty. He explicitly rebuked Putin's Russia. And while he spoke of the West as a single whole that included America and Poland and everything in between and that would, indeed, “never be broken,” his praise for Poland's virtues (“In the Polish people we see the soul of Europe”) amounted to an implicit rebuke of Western Europe for what Douglas Murray has called its “existential tiredness” – its lack of appreciation for its own history, culture, and values, its failure to believe in itself, its apparent readiness to hand over the reins to Islam. “The fundamental question of our time,” Trump declared, “is whether the West has the will to survive.” His unspoken message was that while America and Poland and other Eastern European countries plainly possess that will, some other Western nations lack it – and should look to Poland to see what they're lacking.


But no matter. In its main points, Trump's Warsaw speech was right-on. And its critics have done a terrific job of illustrating just what kind of mentality we're up against in the struggle to keep the free West alive. In the Washington Post, Jonathan Capehart called the speech “white-nationalist dog-whistling.” In the Atlantic, Peter Beinart accused Trump of “racist and religious paranoia.” And Mark Tapson has already splendidly dispatched the puerile Newsweek writer, Josh Lowe, who mocked Trump's references to “Western values” and negativity on Communism and admitted to being puzzled by the concept of defending the West. It's precisely the brand of decadent thinking represented by these people that Trump was warning against. And it's a warning that the Poles, of all people, understand.

Trump's Warning in Warsaw
The days of ‘strategic patience’ and appeasement are over.
August 10, 2017

Joseph Klein

President Donald Trump issued his strongest warning to date to North Korea on Tuesday, after reports surfaced that North Korea had developed a nuclear weapon small enough to fit on a missile. North Korea has already test fired two intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States. "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States," President Trump declared in blunt language that contained none of the usual diplomatic mumbo jumbo. "They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before."

While President Trump hailed the unanimous passage last Saturday of the toughest United Nations Security Council sanctions resolution to date against North Korea, he evidently is running out of patience with North Korea’s intransigence.

Defense Secretary James Mattis issued his own statement on Wednesday, urging the North Korean regime to stand down or face the consequences. “The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people," Secretary Mattis’s statement read. "While our State Department is making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means, it must be noted that the combined allied militaries now possess the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on Earth."


The world is far less safe today with a nuclear armed North Korea. This existential threat was made possible when former President Bill Clinton started us down the road of negotiations, followed by his successors, that benefited North Korea economically while buying them time to develop their nuclear weapons and ballistic missile capabilities. Barack Obama made the world even less safe when he fell for the same sleight of hand by Iran. In both cases, kicking the can down the road substituted for intelligent strategic policymaking. President Trump has now inherited both nuclear threats, and appears to be ready to confront them head on free of any blinders.

President Trump Sends North Korea an Unprecedented Message
Latin leftists enraged.
August 18, 2017

David Paulin

President Trump's remark about using a “military option” in Venezuela to dislodge the Cuba-backed regime of President Nicolás Maduro has whipped up an anti-American frenzy in Venezuela and the region. In off-the-cuff remarks at his golf resort in New Jersey, Trump called the situation in Venezuela a “dangerous mess,” and he declared: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary.”

The prudence of Trump's remark is debatable. What's not debatable, however, is the outright hypocrisy demonstrated by Latin American leaders who seized upon the president's remarks as an example of Yankee imperialism and saber-rattling – all while conveniently ignoring Cuba's veritable colonization of oil-rich yet impoverished Venezuela, where a Cuban-sponsored socialist nightmare has created a humanitarian crisis and incipient dictatorship.

Cuba -- not Trump -- is the real trouble maker in Venezuela. Yet Latin American leaders turn a blind eye to Cuba's meddling.


It is difficult, to be sure, to envision the type of military operation that might work in Venezuela. But at least Trump's remark about deploying a “military option if necessary” is the sort of language that the leaders of a socialist thug state will understand.

Trump's 'Military Option' for Venezuela
A stark warning for "allies" who harbor terrorists.
August 22, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


Pakistan, the president said, has “much to gain” for partnering with the United States and “much to lose by harboring criminals and terrorists.” So it was “time for Pakistan to demonstrate commitment.”

Likewise, Pakistan’s rival India “makes billions in trade” with the United States and “we want help,” the president said, with the war in Afghanistan. There American forces “will have necessary tools of engagement” and the president would lift “restrictions against waging battles against the enemy.” The president said he would expand battlefield commanders’ authority to target criminal networks.

“These killers need to know they have no place to hide,” President Trump said. “Retribution will be swift and powerful.” The nation would deploy “swift decisive and overwhelming force,” and “fight to win.”

America’s allies needed to help with this strategy, devoting “much more money” to the collective defense. For the Aghans, economic development would help defray costs but the president made it clear that “our commitment is not unlimited” and our support “is not a blank check.”

The American interest was “protecting American lives and American interests,” the president said.

“We know who we are and what we are fighting for.” He warned terrorists that “America will never let up until you are dealt a lasting defeat. We have faced down evil and we have always prevailed.”


President Trump's Afghanistan Strategy: Fighting To Win
July 2, 2017
Trump the Junkyard Dog: Poke Him and Expect to Be Bitten
By Brian C. Joondeph

Remember Bad, Bad Leroy Brown? He was "Badder than old King Kong and meaner than a junkyard dog." Junkyard dogs are good in a fight, mean and nasty when provoked. They're often docile when treated decently, with respect and kindness. But don't poke them with a stick or kick them unless you want to be attacked with bared teeth and a nasty bite.

President Donald Trump is a junkyard dog. Raised in New York City, he spent his entire working life dealing with N.Y. politics, graft, regulations, backstabbing, and aggressiveness. A true junkyard. It's not the lunch room at Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue; it's the trenches of political warfare and bureaucracy of building hotels and managing real estate.

Trump is generally kind and gentle. Ask his employees or his family. For all the thousands of people he has interacted with over the years in his personal and professional life, few have been critical of Trump. Except for a handful of women who piled on, accusing him of unwanted affections just after the Access Hollywood video release.

Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski "fawned over Trump" during much of the presidential campaign, to the dismay of Media Matters and other left-wing groups. Treating him with respect, they had pleasant and informative interviews. And good ratings. Discussions and challenging questions regarding policy were fair game for a presidential candidate. It wasn't personal or nasty.

Post-election, Joe and Mika spent New Year's Eve at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago, enjoying their cordial relationship with and proximity to the president-elect.

Fast-forward to the Trump presidency. Joe and Mika, perhaps responding to their MSNBC viewers and corporate masters, decided that petting the junkyard dog was no longer appropriate. Instead, throwing rocks and poking him with a stick would be more suitable for the MSNBC audience.

How did they provoke the junkyard dog? Mika accused him of "lying every day" and "destroying the country." She also referred to his "teensy" hands.


Read more: Articles: Trump the Junkyard Dog: Poke Him and Expect to Be Bitten

Oh ya, he is a dog alright!
A stark warning for "allies" who harbor terrorists.
August 22, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


Pakistan, the president said, has “much to gain” for partnering with the United States and “much to lose by harboring criminals and terrorists.” So it was “time for Pakistan to demonstrate commitment.”

Likewise, Pakistan’s rival India “makes billions in trade” with the United States and “we want help,” the president said, with the war in Afghanistan. There American forces “will have necessary tools of engagement” and the president would lift “restrictions against waging battles against the enemy.” The president said he would expand battlefield commanders’ authority to target criminal networks.

“These killers need to know they have no place to hide,” President Trump said. “Retribution will be swift and powerful.” The nation would deploy “swift decisive and overwhelming force,” and “fight to win.”

America’s allies needed to help with this strategy, devoting “much more money” to the collective defense. For the Aghans, economic development would help defray costs but the president made it clear that “our commitment is not unlimited” and our support “is not a blank check.”

The American interest was “protecting American lives and American interests,” the president said.

“We know who we are and what we are fighting for.” He warned terrorists that “America will never let up until you are dealt a lasting defeat. We have faced down evil and we have always prevailed.”


President Trump's Afghanistan Strategy: Fighting To Win

I hope this means we are there to wipe them out, the gloves are off now.
A stark warning for "allies" who harbor terrorists.
August 22, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


Pakistan, the president said, has “much to gain” for partnering with the United States and “much to lose by harboring criminals and terrorists.” So it was “time for Pakistan to demonstrate commitment.”

Likewise, Pakistan’s rival India “makes billions in trade” with the United States and “we want help,” the president said, with the war in Afghanistan. There American forces “will have necessary tools of engagement” and the president would lift “restrictions against waging battles against the enemy.” The president said he would expand battlefield commanders’ authority to target criminal networks.

“These killers need to know they have no place to hide,” President Trump said. “Retribution will be swift and powerful.” The nation would deploy “swift decisive and overwhelming force,” and “fight to win.”

America’s allies needed to help with this strategy, devoting “much more money” to the collective defense. For the Aghans, economic development would help defray costs but the president made it clear that “our commitment is not unlimited” and our support “is not a blank check.”

The American interest was “protecting American lives and American interests,” the president said.

“We know who we are and what we are fighting for.” He warned terrorists that “America will never let up until you are dealt a lasting defeat. We have faced down evil and we have always prevailed.”


President Trump's Afghanistan Strategy: Fighting To Win

I hope this means we are there to wipe them out, the gloves are off now.

its the only way to really get through this. let our military do what they do best and stop trying to outthink people who are genius level in our military. very good move on trumps part to just hit 'em and hit 'em hard.

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