Trump Going on SEVENTH Vacation in Two Months, FIFTH to Mar-a-Lago

Conservatives aren't hypocrites on this issue.

Why not? Because to be a hypocrite you have to be able to develop your own thoughts to begin with. They complained about Obama's vacations because they were told to. They aren't smart enough to do their own research on the topic.

And now that Trump is clearly spending way more than Obama ever did and they haven't said a word? Well, they haven't been told to be upset so they're not.

Their corporate masters are hypocrites. Not them. The people on this site aren't smart enough to be hypocrites. They're just uneducated, low information sheep.

Ah, yes...the old "conservatives are stupid" narrative...which gets trotted out by you progressives every time the voters turn their backs on you! I hate to point out the obvious here, RDD but you on the left have people like R-Derp and Franco posting some of the stupidest things imaginable...gleaned from sites like The Huffington Post and Think Progress!

You want to know why you folks just lost an election? Besides running a terrible candidate your snarky attitude towards anyone who isn't a liberal went a long way towards making that happen! Not for nothing but just because people don't buy into your politics...doesn't make them uneducated or sheep!

I never said all liberals were smart. I know you're a conservative and not smart enough to understand that.
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

President salary is $400k ......... Cost of his 3 trips to Maralago is $10 millions just to play golf. Just imagine how much that will be in a year.

Did we I missed something?
Can you answer the question ?

Why do you care about $400K compared to it costing $500K PER DAY for Trump's wife and son to stay in New York? You are just proving you don't have your priorities straight.

When Obama won the Noble Prize... he donated the entire $1.4 MILLION to charity.
Obama abused his office and you and the DNC media said nothing.

At least Trump donated his salary. Does he get any credit for that? It is more than your messiah ever did.

I wasn't even a member here until April of last year when the campaigns were going on... and at no point did I ever support Clinton nor praise Obama.

If Trump donates $400K every year to charity of which he can then writ off on his taxes, that is $1.6 million over 4 years (Not counting the credit he gets for donating it) while Obama gave his entire Noble Prize of $1.4 Million... not including his other donations. So please tell me where this is a big deal?
Since you're relatively new here, I'll tell you something that you're probably already starting to figure out. One of the defining characteristics of right wingers is binary thinking. If you don't like republicans, you MUST be a democrat. If you think that corporations abuse their power, you MUST be a communist. You get the idea.
Conservatives aren't hypocrites on this issue.

Why not? Because to be a hypocrite you have to be able to develop your own thoughts to begin with. They complained about Obama's vacations because they were told to. They aren't smart enough to do their own research on the topic.

And now that Trump is clearly spending way more than Obama ever did and they haven't said a word? Well, they haven't been told to be upset so they're not.

Their corporate masters are hypocrites. Not them. The people on this site aren't smart enough to be hypocrites. They're just uneducated, low information sheep.

Ah, yes...the old "conservatives are stupid" narrative...which gets trotted out by you progressives every time the voters turn their backs on you! I hate to point out the obvious here, RDD but you on the left have people like R-Derp and Franco posting some of the stupidest things imaginable...gleaned from sites like The Huffington Post and Think Progress!

You want to know why you folks just lost an election? Besides running a terrible candidate your snarky attitude towards anyone who isn't a liberal went a long way towards making that happen! Not for nothing but just because people don't buy into your politics...doesn't make them uneducated or sheep!

I never said all liberals were smart. I know you're a conservative and not smart enough to understand that.

So under duress you're willing to admit that all liberals aren't smart...but are still sticking to your belief that all conservatives aren't? I hate to tell you, RDD...but that kind of thought process puts you in the same company as R-Derp, Franco and Reasonable!
President salary is $400k ......... Cost of his 3 trips to Maralago is $10 millions just to play golf. Just imagine how much that will be in a year.

Did we I missed something?
Can you answer the question ?

Why do you care about $400K compared to it costing $500K PER DAY for Trump's wife and son to stay in New York? You are just proving you don't have your priorities straight.

When Obama won the Noble Prize... he donated the entire $1.4 MILLION to charity.
Obama abused his office and you and the DNC media said nothing.

At least Trump donated his salary. Does he get any credit for that? It is more than your messiah ever did.

I wasn't even a member here until April of last year when the campaigns were going on... and at no point did I ever support Clinton nor praise Obama.

If Trump donates $400K every year to charity of which he can then writ off on his taxes, that is $1.6 million over 4 years (Not counting the credit he gets for donating it) while Obama gave his entire Noble Prize of $1.4 Million... not including his other donations. So please tell me where this is a big deal?
Since you're relatively new here, I'll tell you something that you're probably already starting to figure out. One of the defining characteristics of right wingers is binary thinking. If you don't like republicans, you MUST be a democrat. If you think that corporations abuse their power, you MUST be a communist. You get the idea. a post where you deride "binary thinking" you then manage to put on a rather amazing display of that very thing! Not your finest moment, Joe...
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.
Conservatives aren't hypocrites on this issue.

Why not? Because to be a hypocrite you have to be able to develop your own thoughts to begin with. They complained about Obama's vacations because they were told to. They aren't smart enough to do their own research on the topic.

And now that Trump is clearly spending way more than Obama ever did and they haven't said a word? Well, they haven't been told to be upset so they're not.

Their corporate masters are hypocrites. Not them. The people on this site aren't smart enough to be hypocrites. They're just uneducated, low information sheep.

Ah, yes...the old "conservatives are stupid" narrative...which gets trotted out by you progressives every time the voters turn their backs on you! I hate to point out the obvious here, RDD but you on the left have people like R-Derp and Franco posting some of the stupidest things imaginable...gleaned from sites like The Huffington Post and Think Progress!

You want to know why you folks just lost an election? Besides running a terrible candidate your snarky attitude towards anyone who isn't a liberal went a long way towards making that happen! Not for nothing but just because people don't buy into your politics...doesn't make them uneducated or sheep!

I never said all liberals were smart. I know you're a conservative and not smart enough to understand that.

So under duress you're willing to admit that all liberals aren't smart...but are still sticking to your belief that all conservatives aren't? I hate to tell you, RDD...but that kind of thought process puts you in the same company as R-Derp, Franco and Reasonable!

Under duress? Do you even understand what the term means? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

Anyone that voted for or supports Trump that isn't themselves a millionaire is an idiot. That much is a fact.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.
Conservatives aren't hypocrites on this issue.

Why not? Because to be a hypocrite you have to be able to develop your own thoughts to begin with. They complained about Obama's vacations because they were told to. They aren't smart enough to do their own research on the topic.

And now that Trump is clearly spending way more than Obama ever did and they haven't said a word? Well, they haven't been told to be upset so they're not.

Their corporate masters are hypocrites. Not them. The people on this site aren't smart enough to be hypocrites. They're just uneducated, low information sheep.

Ah, yes...the old "conservatives are stupid" narrative...which gets trotted out by you progressives every time the voters turn their backs on you! I hate to point out the obvious here, RDD but you on the left have people like R-Derp and Franco posting some of the stupidest things imaginable...gleaned from sites like The Huffington Post and Think Progress!

You want to know why you folks just lost an election? Besides running a terrible candidate your snarky attitude towards anyone who isn't a liberal went a long way towards making that happen! Not for nothing but just because people don't buy into your politics...doesn't make them uneducated or sheep!

I never said all liberals were smart. I know you're a conservative and not smart enough to understand that.

So under duress you're willing to admit that all liberals aren't smart...but are still sticking to your belief that all conservatives aren't? I hate to tell you, RDD...but that kind of thought process puts you in the same company as R-Derp, Franco and Reasonable!

Under duress? Do you even understand what the term means? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

Anyone that voted for or supports Trump that isn't themselves a millionaire is an idiot. That much is a fact.

Why would a sane Middle Class person have voted for Hillary? Oh, probably thought people "bought" Hillary's rather amusing claims to be THERE for the Middle Class as she was raking in those millions from all those Wall Street fat cats...didn't you, RDD! You really are about as bright as R-Derp!
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.
Conservatives aren't hypocrites on this issue.

Why not? Because to be a hypocrite you have to be able to develop your own thoughts to begin with. They complained about Obama's vacations because they were told to. They aren't smart enough to do their own research on the topic.

And now that Trump is clearly spending way more than Obama ever did and they haven't said a word? Well, they haven't been told to be upset so they're not.

Their corporate masters are hypocrites. Not them. The people on this site aren't smart enough to be hypocrites. They're just uneducated, low information sheep.

Ah, yes...the old "conservatives are stupid" narrative...which gets trotted out by you progressives every time the voters turn their backs on you! I hate to point out the obvious here, RDD but you on the left have people like R-Derp and Franco posting some of the stupidest things imaginable...gleaned from sites like The Huffington Post and Think Progress!

You want to know why you folks just lost an election? Besides running a terrible candidate your snarky attitude towards anyone who isn't a liberal went a long way towards making that happen! Not for nothing but just because people don't buy into your politics...doesn't make them uneducated or sheep!

I never said all liberals were smart. I know you're a conservative and not smart enough to understand that.

So under duress you're willing to admit that all liberals aren't smart...but are still sticking to your belief that all conservatives aren't? I hate to tell you, RDD...but that kind of thought process puts you in the same company as R-Derp, Franco and Reasonable!

Under duress? Do you even understand what the term means? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

Anyone that voted for or supports Trump that isn't themselves a millionaire is an idiot. That much is a fact.

Why would a sane Middle Class person have voted for Hillary? Oh, probably thought people "bought" Hillary's rather amusing claims to be THERE for the Middle Class as she was raking in those millions from all those Wall Street fat cats...didn't you, RDD! You really are about as bright as R-Derp!

Nope, never believed her position for a second. What else ya got?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.

And you know who I have in my daily life how, RDD?

The truth don't know a thing about me or those in my life. So you're assuming things and we all know what that leads to...
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.

And you know who I have in my daily life how, RDD?

The truth don't know a thing about me or those in my life. So you're assuming things and we all know what that leads to...

I'm making inferences based upon how dumb you are on this site. Sure, I could be wrong and you hang out at the local astrophysics lab and your entire family are Rhodes Scholars.

But I have my doubts.
RDD assumes he's more intelligent than I because he's a liberal and I am a conservative. Let's put that to the test. Since you claim to know who and what I am, RDD...would you care to take a crack at telling me what my educational level is...what my career has consisted of...or even what my stance is on topics from abortion to gay rights? I await the display of "brilliance" that you will of course reward us with!
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...when you folks on the left start losing a invariably play the "conservatives are stupid" card. You really should stop because at that point it's obvious nobody's listening to that narrative anymore.

But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.

And you know who I have in my daily life how, RDD?

The truth don't know a thing about me or those in my life. So you're assuming things and we all know what that leads to...

I'm making inferences based upon how dumb you are on this site. Sure, I could be wrong and you hang out at the local astrophysics lab and your entire family are Rhodes Scholars.

But I have my doubts.

Ah, so it's my posts that have you convinced of my mental inferiority? Would you pick out one that's especially stupid, RDD? I'm always willing to take constructive's the sign of an open mind.
RDD assumes he's more intelligent than I because he's a liberal and I am a conservative. Let's put that to the test. Since you claim to know who and what I am, RDD...would you care to take a crack at telling me what my educational level is...what my career has consisted of...or even what my stance is on topics from abortion to gay rights? I await the display of "brilliance" that you will of course reward us with!

I KNOW I'm more intelligent than you are simply due to the fact that you are a Trump supporter that can't admit when you've been duped.

But yeah, other than that do you want me to be a fucking fortune teller and read your palm while we're at it? Maybe I can tell everyone what you had for lunch last Thursday.

Fuck, you're dumb.
But you're listening to it. You took the time to respond to my statement so it proves you're listening. It's not your fault you're an idiot...well, not entirely.

I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.

And you know who I have in my daily life how, RDD?

The truth don't know a thing about me or those in my life. So you're assuming things and we all know what that leads to...

I'm making inferences based upon how dumb you are on this site. Sure, I could be wrong and you hang out at the local astrophysics lab and your entire family are Rhodes Scholars.

But I have my doubts.

Ah, so it's my posts that have you convinced of my mental inferiority? Would you pick out one that's especially stupid, RDD? I'm always willing to take constructive's the sign of an open mind.

Pick any post in this thread.
RDD assumes he's more intelligent than I because he's a liberal and I am a conservative. Let's put that to the test. Since you claim to know who and what I am, RDD...would you care to take a crack at telling me what my educational level is...what my career has consisted of...or even what my stance is on topics from abortion to gay rights? I await the display of "brilliance" that you will of course reward us with!

I KNOW I'm more intelligent than you are simply due to the fact that you are a Trump supporter that can't admit when you've been duped.

But yeah, other than that do you want me to be a fucking fortune teller and read your palm while we're at it? Maybe I can tell everyone what you had for lunch last Thursday.

Fuck, you're dumb.

So everyone that supported Trump over Hillary is less intelligent than you? You keep right on telling yourself that, RDD! Too bad your posts don't back up what you "know"!
I'm listening to it, RDD and I'm laughing at it! Do you not grasp that talking point isn't playing anymore? You folks on the left have accused anyone who doesn't agree with your politics of being stupid or "deplorable" and millions of Americans were sick of hearing that nonsense when they went to the polls in November.

Here's the thing. Stupid people don't usually realize that they're stupid. This is because they typically surround themselves with other stupid people. You have no one in your daily life to call you out for being an idiot....probably because the people in your life are pretty stupid too.

Good thing for you though, you have me to let you know that you're just not that smart. You're welcome.

And you know who I have in my daily life how, RDD?

The truth don't know a thing about me or those in my life. So you're assuming things and we all know what that leads to...

I'm making inferences based upon how dumb you are on this site. Sure, I could be wrong and you hang out at the local astrophysics lab and your entire family are Rhodes Scholars.

But I have my doubts.

Ah, so it's my posts that have you convinced of my mental inferiority? Would you pick out one that's especially stupid, RDD? I'm always willing to take constructive's the sign of an open mind.

Pick any post in this thread.

So you can't find one post of mine that fits that description? Noted...
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
What else is Soros telling you to parrot today?

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