Trump Going on SEVENTH Vacation in Two Months, FIFTH to Mar-a-Lago

Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

President salary is $400k ......... Cost of his 3 trips to Maralago is $10 millions just to play golf. Just imagine how much that will be in a year.

Did we I missed something?
Can you answer the question ?

I thought I did .... Giving up $400k then spending $10 millions just to play golf on weekends doesn't add up. Is that supposed to be a good justification?
So why not just take the $400k then go to Camp David nearby? Obama did not donate his salary but he did not waste that much tax payers money the first 50 days?
/---- Libs excused Obozo's constant vacations so STFU and deal with it.

Constant vacations? Trump has gone on vacation EVERY weekend... With the cost of keeping Melania and Barron in New York and on top of his vacations, he's now spent close to what Obama spent in all eight years combined.
So, now weekends are vacations also? :cuckoo:

Yes, when you leave the White House to go somewhere else and it costs tax payers extra money,... that's a vacation.
I'm a taxpayer, and I don't mind the expense. The man's doing his job...the job I hired him to do, despite all the brouhaha the libtard left domestic terrorists instigate at each and every turn.

Are you speaking for the rest of Americans....... my almighty?
I'm a tax payer and I don't want to waste my tax $ so this dude can play golf on the weekend. Why not just go to camp David which is nearby?
I'm guessing you don't travel in the same (literate) taxpayer circles as I do. If you even pay taxes. If you are even an American. If you are a US citizen, I would suggest you sue the school system, and the so-called university you might claim to have graduated from for malfeasance.
Vacation? How many weeks?
Meals on wheels supposed to be a church charity. You know, when churches pitch in and cook from one of their kitchens and volunteers are taking the meals to the elderly in need.
Lol you dumbasses will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. You're total sheep.

You mean like how you defended every ridiculous thing that obummer did?
No, that's just you making shit up.

No, you were pretty adamant in your support of the the obummer. He could do no wrong according to you and your type.
Um no you really are just making shit up. You don't know what I think of Obama. Obviously like any president he's done stupid things.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers

I know this is difficult for you to understand, but THEY ARE NOT VACATIONS. He spending a working weekend on one of his residences.
Constant vacations? Trump has gone on vacation EVERY weekend... With the cost of keeping Melania and Barron in New York and on top of his vacations, he's now spent close to what Obama spent in all eight years combined.
So, now weekends are vacations also? :cuckoo:

Yes, when you leave the White House to go somewhere else and it costs tax payers extra money,... that's a vacation.
I'm a taxpayer, and I don't mind the expense. The man's doing his job...the job I hired him to do, despite all the brouhaha the libtard left domestic terrorists instigate at each and every turn.

Are you speaking for the rest of Americans....... my almighty?
I'm a tax payer and I don't want to waste my tax $ so this dude can play golf on the weekend. Why not just go to camp David which is nearby?
I'm guessing you don't travel in the same (literate) taxpayer circles as I do. If you even pay taxes. If you are even an American. If you are a US citizen, I would suggest you sue the school system, and the so-called university you might claim to have graduated from for malfeasance.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers

hope he has a good time. You should to.
Based on the billions he has already saved the American taxpayer, I would say that it was a good investment. Don't you?

You have ZERO idea how much Obama saved tax payers because he didn't publicize every fart he had like Trump does. I didn't vote for Obama, but compared to Trump he was 100 times the President. Period. For someone that says they believe in taxing the rich more and fiscal government, you sure seem to be contradicting yourself here by defending Trump. It sure seems like a lot of Mods around here are changing their tune lately. From Gary Johnson to Trump... hmmm that's like night and day as candidates.

Ummm, hate to break it to ya, but the cost savings are from deals that your hero obummer negotiated...or didn't as the case may be.

He's not my hero, but comparing him to Trump is like comparing a steak to a dog turd.

Please explain to me how you can justify it is ok for him to spend all that unneeded money for his trips that could be used on more useful things... coming from YOU who said you were fiscally conservative and voted for Gary Johnson. No, saying he is saving the U.S. money while on his trips isn't an answer... he could make those same moves in the White House...

Could he? Some people work better from home. The WH is not his "home" it is the official residence of the POTUS, but they are merely guests of the house. I know I work better at my home than i do anywhere else.

That is still not an excuse for $3.3 million per weekend. Let me repeat... $3.3 MILLION per weekend.

How much did it cost for obummer and his wife and children to enjoy SEPARATE vacations? How many times did that happen? Furthermore, those were vacations. No work ensued while they were on them. From every report we have it doesn't matter where trump is, he is working. So long as his "vacations" result in the sort of savings we are seeing overall i am all in favor of the expenditure. We ARE getting what we're paying for.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

President salary is $400k ......... Cost of his 3 trips to Maralago is $10 millions just to play golf. Just imagine how much that will be in a year.

Did we I missed something?
Can you answer the question ?

Why do you care about $400K compared to it costing $500K PER DAY for Trump's wife and son to stay in New York? You are just proving you don't have your priorities straight.

When Obama won the Noble Prize... he donated the entire $1.4 MILLION to charity.
Obama abused his office and you and the DNC media said nothing.

At least Trump donated his salary. Does he get any credit for that? It is more than your messiah ever did.

He hasn't donated a damn thing yet.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.
You have ZERO idea how much Obama saved tax payers because he didn't publicize every fart he had like Trump does. I didn't vote for Obama, but compared to Trump he was 100 times the President. Period. For someone that says they believe in taxing the rich more and fiscal government, you sure seem to be contradicting yourself here by defending Trump. It sure seems like a lot of Mods around here are changing their tune lately. From Gary Johnson to Trump... hmmm that's like night and day as candidates.

Ummm, hate to break it to ya, but the cost savings are from deals that your hero obummer negotiated...or didn't as the case may be.

He's not my hero, but comparing him to Trump is like comparing a steak to a dog turd.

Please explain to me how you can justify it is ok for him to spend all that unneeded money for his trips that could be used on more useful things... coming from YOU who said you were fiscally conservative and voted for Gary Johnson. No, saying he is saving the U.S. money while on his trips isn't an answer... he could make those same moves in the White House...

Could he? Some people work better from home. The WH is not his "home" it is the official residence of the POTUS, but they are merely guests of the house. I know I work better at my home than i do anywhere else.

That is still not an excuse for $3.3 million per weekend. Let me repeat... $3.3 MILLION per weekend.

How much did it cost for obummer and his wife and children to enjoy SEPARATE vacations? How many times did that happen? Furthermore, those were vacations. No work ensued while they were on them. From every report we have it doesn't matter where trump is, he is working. So long as his "vacations" result in the sort of savings we are seeing overall i am all in favor of the expenditure. We ARE getting what we're paying for.

You still won't answer my question because deep down you KNOW I'm right. $3.3 MILLION is stupid to waste for someone to simply "work from home" at his golf resort. We already know how much Obama spent, and it totaled $97 million over 8 years.

Trump has spent $500K PER DAY for Melania and Barron to stay in New York since November 8th. That's 130 days so $65 MILLION currently. He's gone to Mar-a-Lago 5 times at $3.3 MILLION per trip. That's $16.5 MILLION. The other two trip costs aren't listed yet... so we KNOW he's cost tax payers $81.5 MILLION already not counting the other 2 weekend trips which we can only assume is at least $3 million like his trips to Mar-a-Lago. So add another $6 million. He's at $87.5 MILLION in personal expenses and has been President 2 months. How can anyone in their right mind justify that???
typical rw response among themselves: yabut the other guy was black
It also puts money in his pocket. Taxpayers are forced to spend money renting rooms for security. Trump is not giving taxpayers any breaks in rental fees. It also is the Clinton version of the Lincoln bedroom. If lobbyists and special interests want to have access all they have to do is join or rent rooms. That puts more money in Trump's pocket.

I notice all the Trump supporters trying to defend it. They didn't give Obama a break. Trump makes Obama look cheap by comparison.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.
just like he donated all that money to the vets (he only gave it to the vets after being needled by a reporter)
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
Ummm, hate to break it to ya, but the cost savings are from deals that your hero obummer negotiated...or didn't as the case may be.

He's not my hero, but comparing him to Trump is like comparing a steak to a dog turd.

Please explain to me how you can justify it is ok for him to spend all that unneeded money for his trips that could be used on more useful things... coming from YOU who said you were fiscally conservative and voted for Gary Johnson. No, saying he is saving the U.S. money while on his trips isn't an answer... he could make those same moves in the White House...

Could he? Some people work better from home. The WH is not his "home" it is the official residence of the POTUS, but they are merely guests of the house. I know I work better at my home than i do anywhere else.

That is still not an excuse for $3.3 million per weekend. Let me repeat... $3.3 MILLION per weekend.

How much did it cost for obummer and his wife and children to enjoy SEPARATE vacations? How many times did that happen? Furthermore, those were vacations. No work ensued while they were on them. From every report we have it doesn't matter where trump is, he is working. So long as his "vacations" result in the sort of savings we are seeing overall i am all in favor of the expenditure. We ARE getting what we're paying for.

You still won't answer my question because deep down you KNOW I'm right. $3.3 MILLION is stupid to waste for someone to simply "work from home" at his golf resort. We already know how much Obama spent, and it totaled $97 million over 8 years.

Trump has spent $500K PER DAY for Melania and Barron to stay in New York since November 8th. That's 130 days so $65 MILLION currently. He's gone to Mar-a-Lago 5 times at $3.3 MILLION per trip. That's $16.5 MILLION. The other two trip costs aren't listed yet... so we KNOW he's cost tax payers $81.5 MILLION already not counting the other 2 weekend trips which we can only assume is at least $3 million like his trips to Mar-a-Lago. So add another $6 million. He's at $87.5 MILLION in personal expenses and has been President 2 months. How can anyone in their right mind justify that???
Westwalleye can for some reason. He's a Democrat too donchaknow. :rolleyes-41:
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
It's my understanding it's 500k/day federal, plus 500k/day NYC. So total $1 million. Whether the federal government reimburses NYC or not, taxpayers are getting reamed.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
It's my understanding it's 500k/day federal, plus 500k/day NYC. So total $1 million. Whether the federal government reimburses NYC or not, taxpayers are getting reamed.

I know there was something about the Secret Service supposedly having to make a One year lease for an entire floor of office space at Trump Tower. So that will be an expense even if Melania and Barron do move into the White House after the school year...which Melania said she wouldn't move into the White House full time.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
It's my understanding it's 500k/day federal, plus 500k/day NYC. So total $1 million. Whether the federal government reimburses NYC or not, taxpayers are getting reamed.
Why is the sudden concern about "taxpayers' money?" I saw no concern from the left about raking up trillions of dollars in debt by Hussein Obama.
It does not cost ten million dollars to go from DC to Florida.
YES IT DOES! Those are the Secret Services own figures! Cost of Air Force one, ground transport flown by C-130, meals/lodging of SS staff (money goes right into trump's pocket) and Coast Guard protection of the coastline.
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
It's my understanding it's 500k/day federal, plus 500k/day NYC. So total $1 million. Whether the federal government reimburses NYC or not, taxpayers are getting reamed.
Why is the sudden concern about "taxpayers' money?" I saw no concern from the left about raking up trillions of dollars in debt by Hussein Obama.

I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.

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