Trump Going on SEVENTH Vacation in Two Months, FIFTH to Mar-a-Lago

It does not cost ten million dollars to go from DC to Florida.
YES IT DOES! Those are the Secret Services own figures! Cost of Air Force one, ground transport flown by C-130, meals/lodging of SS staff (money goes right into trump's pocket) and Coast Guard protection of the coastline.
Good, he deserves it. After all he is our President, yes yours and mine also.
$400K? That covers ONE DAY for Melania and Barron in New York. ONE DAY.
Actually, it costs $1 million per day to secure them - including costs to NYC for supplementary local law enforcement.

That Trumpbots can excuse or defend this is very disturbing evidence of their mindless allegiance to a 'leader' whose abuse of the public coffers is on pace to rival that of the most notorious third world dictators.

But hey, he's [allegedly] donating his $1.6 million salary to charity. So why shouldn't they be happy to lavish $1 BILLION on his travel habits.

It's not like these folks got very far in maths.

The $1 million was the initial estimates, but De Blasio sent a bill to Washington for $500,000 per day. I'm not sure how much Washington actually sent them, but oddly the federal government isn't responsible to reimburse them despite the fact that New York has to supply the resources.
It's my understanding it's 500k/day federal, plus 500k/day NYC. So total $1 million. Whether the federal government reimburses NYC or not, taxpayers are getting reamed.
Why is the sudden concern about "taxpayers' money?" I saw no concern from the left about raking up trillions of dollars in debt by Hussein Obama.

I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.

Yep, if you simply listed what each of them did side by side and they had no idea who was which, they would be all over Trump for this, which I showed by the simple forum search you can do with "Obama Vacations." Then when someone brings up what Trump is doing, they call it butt hurt whining. I'd give anything for political parties in this country to be banned so that people had to run on their own merits and not get the benefit of votes just because of their political party affiliation.
I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.
Not necessarily true. I consider JFK one of the best presidents in the XX. Century if not the best.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Did Big Ears donate his salary to charity?

President salary is $400k ......... Cost of his 3 trips to Maralago is $10 millions just to play golf. Just imagine how much that will be in a year.

Did we I missed something?
Can you answer the question ?

Why do you care about $400K compared to it costing $500K PER DAY for Trump's wife and son to stay in New York? You are just proving you don't have your priorities straight.

When Obama won the Noble Prize... he donated the entire $1.4 MILLION to charity.
Obama abused his office and you and the DNC media said nothing.

At least Trump donated his salary. Does he get any credit for that? It is more than your messiah ever did.
He has NOT donated his salary, he has claimed that he is going to. He claimed he donated to 9/11 fund and other charities too - but those claims were lies.

Obama took a salary because it was his only income beyond publishing royalties. His wife volunteered her time, as every first lady (until Princess Melanie) has, working full time on WH restoration, events, and special initiatives - as well as State Departmemt sponsored travel. He has two kids to put through college and was also supporting his mother-in-law. At that point in time there was no guarantee of a big book deal post-presidency. He's not a billionaire like your guy claims to be. He had to pay out of pocket for his family's direct travel costs (lodging, meals, entertainment) on their occasional vacations.

How can you be SO stupid?!
I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.
Not necessarily true. I consider JFK one of the best presidents in the XX. Century if not the best.

Why? The failed Bay of Pigs invasion? Because he almost got us in a Nuclear War? Because he cheated on his wife while in office? Because he got his position in life from a rich family that got there by illegal boot legging? Why was he one of the best Presidents of the century?
There are even more costs to Trump's travel - palm beach has to pony up supplementary local LEOs, so there's another community raped by Trump. AND he is killing business at the local airport because SS locks it down every weekend that AF1 flies in & out and Trump is in residence at MaL. Heard a private helicopter charter owner on radio the other day saying he voted for Trump and is now losing $30k every weekend Trump travels down there.

Related article:

Palm Beach County aviation head: Trump flight limits will hurt
There are even more costs to Trump's travel - palm beach has to pony up supplementary local LEOs, so there's another community raped by Trump. AND he is killing business at the local airport because SS locks it down every weekend that AF1 flies in & out and Trump is in residence at MaL. Heard a private helicopter charter owner on radio the other day saying he voted for Trump and is now losing $30k every weekend Trump travels down there.

Related article:

Palm Beach County aviation head: Trump flight limits will hurt

Yep, that would also affect charter fishing boats... and other coastal businesses.
Strange.....Obama took vacations for two weeks or more. Trump goes to Florida for a day and they call it a vacation. He has a home there. I call it escaping the fishbowl for awhile.
I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.
Not necessarily true. I consider JFK one of the best presidents in the XX. Century if not the best.

Why? The failed Bay of Pigs invasion? Because he almost got us in a Nuclear War? Because he cheated on his wife while in office? Because he got his position in life from a rich family that got there by illegal boot legging? Why was he one of the best Presidents of the century?

Kennedy did not almost get us into a Nuclear War. The Soviet Union did that. He was for a strong defense and was a tax cutter. Read his speech at the Detroit Economic Club. It was something that Reagan might have given.
Strange.....Obama took vacations for two weeks or more. Trump goes to Florida for a day and they call it a vacation. He has a home there. I call it escaping the fishbowl for awhile.

It's costing tax payers $3.3 MILLION, it is a vacation. I don't care if he was just taking a dump in the Rose Garden... if it costs $3.3 MILLION dollars it is what it is.
I notice a lot of Trump supporters were complaining about Obama's vacations. It seems there is little difference between left and so-called right. Just whether the President has a R or a D after his name.
Not necessarily true. I consider JFK one of the best presidents in the XX. Century if not the best.

Why? The failed Bay of Pigs invasion? Because he almost got us in a Nuclear War? Because he cheated on his wife while in office? Because he got his position in life from a rich family that got there by illegal boot legging? Why was he one of the best Presidents of the century?

Kennedy did not almost get us into a Nuclear War. The Soviet Union did that. He was for a strong defense and was a tax cutter. Read his speech at the Detroit Economic Club. It was something that Reagan might have given.

He didn't? He attacked Cuba to try to overthrow a Dictator that was friends with Russia who has Nuclear weapons and was wanting to put missile silos there. That certainly sounds like trying to start a war... It isn't much different than the people saying we shouldn't attack North Korea because of China and Russia.
Yes, he is now going on his 7th vacation in as many weekends, including the 5th to Mar-a-Lago... and YOU are paying for it. $3.3 MILLION per trip to Mar-a-Lago... but people are arguing that cutting Meals on Wheels and food for poor kids at schools make sense.

"Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday."

"As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.

On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."

Bruce Bartlett‏ @BruceBartlett
Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers

/---- Libs excused Obozo's constant vacations so STFU and deal with it.

Constant vacations? Trump has gone on vacation EVERY weekend... With the cost of keeping Melania and Barron in New York and on top of his vacations, he's now spent close to what Obama spent in all eight years combined.
So, now weekends are vacations also? :cuckoo:
Dude......... Does it really matter if a weekend trip or vacations? It cost $10 millions just for the 3 trips and that is just for for this dude.

His boys that went overseas and other trips and his wife & son in NY...... How much do you you think it will cost just for the first year?

It is quoted that at this rate in 4 years his travel budget will reach $1 BILLION dollars, compared to $97 million for Obama over 8 years.

Wow. That is just for Trump.
It's costing tax payers $3.3 MILLION, it is a vacation. I don't care if he was just taking a dump in the Rose Garden... if it costs $3.3 MILLION dollars it is what it is.
They bitterly complained about how much it was costing every time Obama went on vacation, which was only a couple of times a year. But when it comes to Trump, they're suddenly unconcerned about the enormous cost. .
Obama never worked a day in his life. Every day was a vacation for him.

The bolder the claim, the fewer the facts to support it. In 2009 you probably lead the field that Obama was doing too much.
He must have dredged up every championship team in the last 30 years, invited them to the WH to get their jersey, just to get rid of the boredom. He never worked. He was just there to read the fucking teleprompter.
It does not cost ten million dollars to go from DC to Florida.

We are not talking commercial flight tipsy.
Every cross-country trip Obama cost us a minimum of $120k in fuel. He can't pay for that. Trump can.

Not sure why you are brining up numbers like that... Obama is out of office and we know how much he cost tax payers. It was $97 million over 8 years. I already showed you Trump is pushing $87 million after 2 months.

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