Trump, GOP and Birth Control

How am i making it up when it says it?

No, you're interpreting it to mean something else, and what you're "making up" is the standard you are using to make that interpretation.

Im not, actually. Using "you all" is a fallacy. I dont blend in with any of the partisan sheep.I am pro choice as they come and think it should be a state issue. But I am open to debate because it is also a liberty issue IMO.

You nonsensically say it's a state issue when pregnancy has nothing to do with state borders or boundaries. In fact, health care in general has nothing to do with state borders and boundaries because the flu you catch in Oregon is the same flu you catch in Delaware.
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The memo may not be independently verified yet but the Whitehouse has not denied it either. I will hold off on certainty except to say that the position is not inconsistent with what we have seen come out of this Administration on this topic.

Why some doctors are questioning Trump’s new birth control rules

The Trump administration’s rule suggests there may be a link between birth control and promiscuity.

It cites a study finding that between 1960 and 1990, “as contraceptive use increased, teen sexual activity outside of marriage likewise increased.” (The administration added a caveat that the study did not prove a cause-and-effect link.)

Lawrence, the ob-gyn, said he thinks that’s a stretch.

“There were a whole lot of other things going on in the ’60s,” he said, such as changing social mores about sex before marriage. Also, many people relied on condoms, diaphragms and spermicides.

“The world of birth control in 2018 is about as similar to the world of birth control in 1960 as a Ralph Nader Chevy Corvair is to a space shuttle,” he said.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
Trump married to Melania for 12 years One child ??? He was shooting blanks or Melania used birth control?
Or they had sex only once.
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  • #84
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
How am i making it up when it says it?

No, you're interpreting it to mean something else, and what you're "making up" is the standard you are using to make that interpretation.

Im not, actually. Using "you all" is a fallacy. I dont blend in with any of the partisan sheep.I am pro choice as they come and think it should be a state issue. But I am open to debate because it is also a liberty issue IMO.

You nonsensically say it's a state issue when pregnancy has nothing to do with state borders or boundaries. In fact, health care in general has nothing to do with state borders and boundaries because the flu you catch in Oregon is the same flu you catch in Delaware.
:lol: Have a great day, Derp.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
I will ask you again, why isnt it? The fed govt has no authority to subsidize peoples sex life.
Goddamn you retarded hack the COTUS says it. Not me. I just happen to be, apparently, one of the few that can READ.

No, what you're doing is reading the document then putting your own arbitrary interpretation of what the words mean. And it is wholly arbitrary because it makes no sense, particularly given the realities of today. Streptococcus doesn't give a shit about state borders. AIDS doesn't give a shit about state borders. Cancer doesn't give a shit about state borders. And pregnancy doesn't give a shit about state borders. They are national, general public issues that require a federal solution. You seem to want to make it a state issue because that way, you can exert more control over the people you seek to oppress. That's all the "states rights" argument is about now. The concept of "states rights" went out the window the moment commerce started routinely happening across state borders. The concept of "states rights" went out the window the moment the first phone call ever was placed. The concept of "states rights" went out the window the moment the Spanish Flu hit us in the early 1900's.

I dont give a shit about all that bologna you posted.
If people wanted to give the fed govt unlimited powers like your bedwetting ass, all they have to do is AMEND it.

Well, the opposite is actually the case; if you don't think the federal government is given broad authority over the General Welfare of people, then you need to amend the Constitution. Until then, Medicare will continue much to your chagrin.
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.It's that simple.

Well, we have advances in medicine and science where we don't have to face consequences for having sex.

It just seems like you don't want people to have casual sex because no one wants to have casual sex with you.
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  • #92
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
Read the op. Otherwise your comments are worthless.

The article is on access to reliable information on preventing pregnancy. That goes beyond the issue of providing free birth control.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
Read the op. Otherwise your comments are worthless.

The article is on access to reliable information on preventing pregnancy. That goes beyond the issue of providing free birth control.

And yet here is the title....

"Trump, GOP and Birth Control"
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  • #94
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
I will ask you again, why isnt it? The fed govt has no authority to subsidize peoples sex life.
It is about even providing accurate information on birth control.
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  • #95
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
Read the op. Otherwise your comments are worthless.

The article is on access to reliable information on preventing pregnancy. That goes beyond the issue of providing free birth control.

And yet here is the title....

"Trump, GOP and Birth Control"
And? Did you read the op?
The memo may not be independently verified yet but the Whitehouse has not denied it either. I will hold off on certainty except to say that the position is not inconsistent with what we have seen come out of this Administration on this topic.

Why some doctors are questioning Trump’s new birth control rules

The Trump administration’s rule suggests there may be a link between birth control and promiscuity.

It cites a study finding that between 1960 and 1990, “as contraceptive use increased, teen sexual activity outside of marriage likewise increased.” (The administration added a caveat that the study did not prove a cause-and-effect link.)

Lawrence, the ob-gyn, said he thinks that’s a stretch.

“There were a whole lot of other things going on in the ’60s,” he said, such as changing social mores about sex before marriage. Also, many people relied on condoms, diaphragms and spermicides.

“The world of birth control in 2018 is about as similar to the world of birth control in 1960 as a Ralph Nader Chevy Corvair is to a space shuttle,” he said.


There is no legislation. No bills drafted, pending, or proposed. NADA. The "memo" is on plain white paper with no names or dates. Yet because it conforms your bias, it must be true!!

It is yet another boogeyman designed to distract. "Trump wants to take away your birth control!!

All that's missing is Sandra Fluke....:rofl:
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
Read the op. Otherwise your comments are worthless.

The article is on access to reliable information on preventing pregnancy. That goes beyond the issue of providing free birth control.

And yet here is the title....

"Trump, GOP and Birth Control"
And? Did you read the op?
Apparently YOU didn't.

The federal govt shouldnt be paying for birth control. That much is certain.
However, whats wrong with it? Would the people against contraceptives be against abortion as well? :eusa_think:

If they don't pay for birth control, they pay for welfare, education and Medicaid for the offspring. Isn't it just cheaper to pay $20 a month for the birth control rather than $500 in welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and education?

As always republicans are penny wise and pound foolish.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women
If you want to get laid, pay for the consequences instead of begging.

It's that simple.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the op. It is not about who pays for it. Try again.
Of course it is. Women are free to buy contraception of all sorts. Asking to have it paid for is another matter. If you wanta have sex and not get knocked up, go to your local Planned Parenthood and beg there.
Read the op. Otherwise your comments are worthless.

The article is on access to reliable information on preventing pregnancy. That goes beyond the issue of providing free birth control.
Do you honestly think I'm going to read an article by Newsweek, which was a respectable magazine till bought by WaPo btw.

Grow up, have sex if you want and pay for it. Don't beg!

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