Trump, GOP and Birth Control

The problem isn't abortion. It's unintended pregnancy. Eliminate that and abortion largely goes away as the data shows.

One would think that pro-lifers would be all in for contraception.
I am a pro-life conservative, and I have been saying for a very long time we should be encouraging the proper use of contraception. This could eliminate half of all abortions all by itself.
Cost should not be a barrier to contraception in the US and throughout the world. So many of our problems can be traced to unwanted children. In the US birthrates among the poorest families are 50% higher the wealthiest. In the poorest countries birthrates are as much as 3 times higher among the poorest compared to wealthiest.
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It is completely subjective, so there is no "fact"
Animals fuck just to fuck, too.

Animals are Lower Order Creatures. Human Beings are supposed to be Higher Order Creatures, better thsn the animals with their base desires.

My dogs crap in the yard, should I start doing that too?
It is completely subjective, so there is no "fact"
Animals fuck just to fuck, too.

Animals are Lower Order Creatures. Human Beings are supposed to be Higher Order Creatures, better thsn the animals with their base desires.

My dogs crap in the yard, should I start doing that too?
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..

I'm equating the base impulses of animals to each other. You noted that some animals have recreational sex and so simply countered that just because Lower Order Creatures do something doesn't me Humans should do it.

I could easily have gone my entire life withoit having sex. At age 43 I can still count my sexual partners on one hand with to gets to spare. I would probably say total sexual encounters at less than three digits. If my wife didnt want kids, that second number would be even lower.

Sex is not a casual activity. Considering the potential physical and psychological side effects it's somethi g thst should o my be occuring in committed long-term relationships.
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..

I'm equating the base impulses of animals to each other. You noted that some animals have recreational sex and so simply countered that just because Lower Order Creatures do something doesn't me Humans should do it.

I could easily have gone my entire life withoit having sex. At age 43 I can still count my sexual partners on one hand with to gets to spare. I would probably say total sexual encounters at less than three digits. If my wife didnt want kids, that second number would be even lower.

Sex is not a casual activity. Considering the potential physical and psychological side effects it's somethi g thst should o my be occuring in committed long-term relationships.
Sorry bro..
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..

I think that guy's just a troll looking to stir things up on a message board.
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..

I'm equating the base impulses of animals to each other. You noted that some animals have recreational sex and so simply countered that just because Lower Order Creatures do something doesn't me Humans should do it.

I could easily have gone my entire life withoit having sex. At age 43 I can still count my sexual partners on one hand with to gets to spare. I would probably say total sexual encounters at less than three digits. If my wife didnt want kids, that second number would be even lower.

Sex is not a casual activity. Considering the potential physical and psychological side effects it's somethi g thst should o my be occuring in committed long-term relationships.

Man, you have my sympathy! You must be butt ugly too!
You are equating shitting in the yard to sex? Seriously?
Why is only having sex for reproductive needs a "lower order?"
I dont think i have ever met anyone that thought a person should have sex once or twice in their life. Sad really..

I think that guy's just a troll looking to stir things up on a message board.
He isnt a troll. He just has some different views.
]Man, you have my sympathy! You must be butt ugly too!

Sympathy for what? I'm a out as good looking as the Southern end of a Northbound donkey. I have a full facial birthmark. That's never been a problem in my dating life. I just don't believe in casual sex or relationships like that. Ive turned down a number of offers over time. It's just not my way of doing things.
He isnt a troll. He just has some different views.

Maybe. Do you watch American Horror Story at all? They had a scene last night where two young twentysomethings were pretending to be a fundamentalist christian on a dark web message board just to inflame people by posting ridiculous, over-the-top Christian rhetoric. Maybe because I watched that last night, it's in my mind. I just think it's someone pretending to be something they're not for the sake of getting people mad.

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