Trump, GOP and Birth Control

Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.
Cuddle after bro. Come to TN. I get will get you laid!

Cuddling after, before, and in place of are just fine with me,. Thsnks for the offer Harley but that's not my style and never has been. Not even back in my younger days.

I didn't know you were a woman. Maybe that explains a lot!

Ha ha ha. I knew something like that would be coming. I've never been the classic Guy who is out chasing skirts and down g the wild oats.

Maybe it's because of 40+ years of mental abuse from Society based on my appearance, worldview, and lifestyle. Maybe it's because I was the guy all my female classmates/friends went to cry on the shoulder of when some classic Guy did horrible shit to them. Maybe it's just the way I've always seen the world, Society and relationships.

Whatever it was, from an early age my interest was always in building a relationship with a woman rather than casually dating or playing the field. I was looking for The One, not just anyone. It took my until I was 37 to find her.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.
To the guy who said access to birth control encourages promiscuity, it doesn't.

In the fifties, rock and roll encouraged promiscuity. In the 1920's, it was jazz and liquor. That's why Prohibition was passed - to help America recover its morality.

People are promiscuous because sex is fun. Other than the will, procreation is our strongest biological imperative. Much of religion and history is bound up with men seeking to control women's sexuality.

Prior to birth control and abortions, there were orphanages for the results of promiscuity. And we now have right wingers who want to cut women's access to birth control, in the hopes of freeing up more jobs for men?

The alt-right opposes rights for women, and are also suggesting that only men be allowed to vote.

When Margaret Atwood wrote the Handmaid's Tale, I thought that the idea of an American theocracy where women had lost all rights was ridiculous in the 1980's, but look where we are now.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options than doing it the baby making way.
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Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.
Wow. That's one of the dumbest things said here all day.

Rich people are able to afford a child born from an unwanted pregnancy, you fucking idiot.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

Those are not the only choices for birth control and condoms do not break if used properly. I had one break in about a couple of hundred and guess what? I just removed it and put on another.

There are lots of other choices even besides birth control. You could have your tubes tied when you had enough kids.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?
Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

No critical thinking skills.

Kool Aid chuggers.
That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.
That's a contradictory sentence.

Planned Parenthood offers free birth control to low-income women.

There are 600 PP clinics, and hundreds of other women's clinics all over America.

Planned Parenthood at a Glance
Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, information, and outreach to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide in a single year.
To the guy who said access to birth control encourages promiscuity, it doesn't..

It allows a means for people to avoid the potential consequences of their choices. That's immoral in my mind.

People are promiscuous because sex is fun. Other than the will, procreation is our strongest biological imperative. Much of religion and history is bound up with men seeking to control women's sexuality.

Whzt makes us human and separates us from the animals is our ability to control those primal urged and make proper decisions.

Prior to birth control and abortions, there were orphanages for the results of promiscuity. And we now have right wingers who want to cut women's access to birth control, in the hopes of freeing up more jobs for men?

The alt-right opposes rights for women, and are also suggesting that only men be allowed to vote.

Women were not created to work with Men. They were created to support and assist Men.

When Margaret Atwood wrote the Handmaid's Tale, I thought that the idea of an American theocracy where women had lost all rights was ridiculous in the 1980's, but look where we are now.

I haven't read it yet but if been told I'll probably enjoy it.
The problem isn't abortion. It's unintended pregnancy. Eliminate that and abortion largely goes away as the data shows.

One would think that pro-lifers would be all in for contraception.
I am a pro-life conservative, and I have been saying for a very long time we should be encouraging the proper use of contraception. This could eliminate half of all abortions all by itself.
Cost should not be a barrier to contraception in the US and throughout the world. So many of our problems can be traced to unwanted children. In the US birthrates among the poorest families are 50% higher the wealthiest. In the poorest countries birthrates are as much as 3 times higher among the poorest compared to wealthiest.
Cost is not a barrier to contraception in the US. It is freely available.

It is a foolish mistake to believe the reason the poor are having unwanted pregnancies is because they can't find free birth control. That is NOT the cause.

In order for a woman to get a prescription for birth control pills, she must first have a doctors appointment and blood tests and other examinations must be completed to ensure she isn't at high risk in taking them. Once she is cleared, she can get a prescription put she has to be retested annually.

Without planned parenthood or other similar type of program to provide this testing, women have to rely on barrier methods, or spermicides. And the pill still costs $20 a month. That's $240 a year - a lot of groceries for a poor family.
Typical of the convoluted leftie argument thay claim abortion is no longer an issue because the murder of the unborn declined from a peak of 1.6 million to "only" about 950,000 per year. That's like saying that gun violence has declined so we should legalize machine guns. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, the left will use any trick of convoluted logic as well as hide the true beneficiaries of abortion which are (mostly) liberal sexually abusive men who avoid a lifelong responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel while women endure pain and trauma and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives. All the right wing asks is that the horror of late term abortion be outlawed and their taxpayer money isn't used for the curse of murder of the unborn. Lefties won't give in an inch even when at least one so-called "woman's clinic" in Phila. turned out to be a house of horror with body parts of full term babies in garbage cans. Liberal PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they did the same thing to dogs.
I see the decrease in the number of abortion as an indication that society is going in the right direction. We may never reach zero abortions but at least we are moving in that direction.

I think most people on the Left agree that we should abolish abortions. It is the method where the disagreement lies. The right believes we should abolish abortion by law. The left believes we should abolish abortion by eliminating the need for them.
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Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!
The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women

Conservatives think sex for any reason other than procreation is a sin, and those having sex for fun must pay consequences. They think those consequences entail pregnancy.

Let that sink in: Conservatives think pregnancy is a punishment for sex.

That's why they oppose free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as opposing comprehensive sex education in school; they want you to pay a price for having sex outside of marriage, for reasons other than procreation.
How long have you been suffering from those paranoid delusions?
The problem isn't abortion. It's unintended pregnancy. Eliminate that and abortion largely goes away as the data shows.

One would think that pro-lifers would be all in for contraception.
I am a pro-life conservative, and I have been saying for a very long time we should be encouraging the proper use of contraception. This could eliminate half of all abortions all by itself.
Cost should not be a barrier to contraception in the US and throughout the world. So many of our problems can be traced to unwanted children. In the US birthrates among the poorest families are 50% higher the wealthiest. In the poorest countries birthrates are as much as 3 times higher among the poorest compared to wealthiest.
Cost is not a barrier to contraception in the US. It is freely available.

It is a foolish mistake to believe the reason the poor are having unwanted pregnancies is because they can't find free birth control. That is NOT the cause.

In order for a woman to get a prescription for birth control pills, she must first have a doctors appointment and blood tests and other examinations must be completed to ensure she isn't at high risk in taking them. Once she is cleared, she can get a prescription put she has to be retested annually.

Without planned parenthood or other similar type of program to provide this testing, women have to rely on barrier methods, or spermicides. And the pill still costs $20 a month. That's $240 a year - a lot of groceries for a poor family.
Or, just go to CVS or Target and pick up your pills.

You Can Now Get Birth Control And STD Tests From CVS, Holla
Besides social security the pill remains one of the greatest inventions ever. Young married working couples who don't have kids have security.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.
Contraceptives in the water supply.

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