Trump, GOP and Birth Control

I feel like there is so much to life that you have missed. Like having sex 3 times in one day on a couple retreat to only get drunk and do it once more. Or splooging in your wifes face.

I haven't missed anything thst I need. I'd honestly rather cuddle most of the time any way. I find it creates a far deeper bond with far less mess to deal with afterwards.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women

Schools teach sex education, so are we wasting federal dollars on this foolishness. Kids
are well aware of safe sex. The internet is a great teacher. Kids, esp black kids, tend to ignore it.

I agree with handing out condoms in school, but that is a state and local issue. Has nothing to do with this.

Really what we should do is have a planned
parenthood accessible to every corner of the ghetto and provide free abortions to every person of color (excluding Asians. They don’t need it) and provide the pill to every black girl in the ghetto

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He isnt a troll. He just has some different views.

Maybe. Do you watch American Horror Story at all? They had a scene last night where two young twentysomethings were pretending to be a fundamentalist christian on a dark web message board just to inflame people by posting ridiculous, over-the-top Christian rhetoric. Maybe because I watched that last night, it's in my mind. I just think it's someone pretending to be something they're not for the sake of getting people mad.
Sorry couldnt read this post. I havent watched this week yet.
This season and the first are my favorite
He isnt a troll. He just has some different views.

Maybe. Do you watch American Horror Story at all? They had a scene last night where two young twentysomethings were pretending to be a fundamentalist christian on a dark web message board just to inflame people by posting ridiculous, over-the-top Christian rhetoric. Maybe because I watched that last night, it's in my mind. I just think it's someone pretending to be something they're not for the sake of getting people mad.
That sounds like fun. Maybe you could get a fundamentalist to poke out his eye or cut off his c9ck!
I feel like there is so much to life that you have missed. Like having sex 3 times in one day on a couple retreat to only get drunk and do it once more. Or splooging in your wifes face.

I haven't missed anything thst I need. I'd honestly rather cuddle most of the time any way. I find it creates a far deeper bond with far less mess to deal with afterwards.
Cuddle after bro. Come to TN. I get will get you laid!
Schools teach sex education, so are we wasting federal dollars on this foolishness.

No they actually don't depending on what state you live in. Some states teach it, others do not. Try to guess which ones have the higher teen pregnancy rates.

Kidsare well aware of safe sex. The internet is a great teacher. Kids, esp black kids, tend to ignore it.

The internet is a horrible teacher and relying on the internet to do something that should be taught in schools is laziness. No, kids are not well aware of safe sex. If they were, then there would be no instances of kids getting pregnant or STDs.

I agree with handing out condoms in school, but that is a state and local issue. Has nothing to do with this.

Why do you think it's a state/local issue? Do people not have sex outside of the state where you live? Do you think an STD gives a shit about state borders? Does a pregnancy magically disappear the moment someone travels from one state to the next? The "states' rights" argument is just a lazy one intended to make it easier to oppress people.

Really what we should do is have a planned parenthood accessible to every corner of the ghetto and provide free abortions to every person of color (excluding Asians. They don’t need it) and provide the pill to every black girl in the ghetto

And you'll see fewer unwanted pregnancies and less people on welfare as a result. So yes, let's do it! In fact, let's do it for everyone. We are overpopulated as it is anyway.
That sounds like fun. Maybe you could get a fundamentalist to poke out his eye or cut off his c9ck!

Ha! Well, they were pretending to be a fundamentalist to upset the SJWs. It didn't quite work out as they planned, as they were led to a haunted house run by a real fundamentalist Christian who was kidnapping, torturing, and murdering people.
orry couldnt read this post. I havent watched this week yet.
This season and the first are my favorite

OMG, I'm so sorry about that. Should've put in a spoiler alert. But when you watch it, you'll pretty much figure out what's gonna happen.

I totally agree with you...the first and current seasons of AHS are the best.
Typical of the convoluted leftie argument thay claim abortion is no longer an issue because the murder of the unborn declined from a peak of 1.6 million to "only" about 950,000 per year. That's like saying that gun violence has declined so we should legalize machine guns. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, the left will use any trick of convoluted logic as well as hide the true beneficiaries of abortion which are (mostly) liberal sexually abusive men who avoid a lifelong responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel while women endure pain and trauma and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives. All the right wing asks is that the horror of late term abortion be outlawed and their taxpayer money isn't used for the curse of murder of the unborn. Lefties won't give in an inch even when at least one so-called "woman's clinic" in Phila. turned out to be a house of horror with body parts of full term babies in garbage cans. Liberal PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they did the same thing to dogs.
I feel like there is so much to life that you have missed. Like having sex 3 times in one day on a couple retreat to only get drunk and do it once more. Or splooging in your wifes face.

I haven't missed anything thst I need. I'd honestly rather cuddle most of the time any way. I find it creates a far deeper bond with far less mess to deal with afterwards.

I didn't know you were a woman. Maybe that explains a lot!
Abortion is highly useful in reducing the number of blacks and liberals.
Abortion is mostly poor people.

how did you arrive at that piece of information? is there any data on well to do peoples abortion rates?
See page 3 here: American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

Abortion rates by income

The federal govt shouldnt be paying for birth control. That much is certain.
However, whats wrong with it? Would the people against contraceptives be against abortion as well? :eusa_think:

Why shouldn't the government provide free birth control and contraception?

The lack of free birth control is not the reason women are having unwanted pregnancies. Free birth control is already readily available.

Women are having unwanted pregnancies because they and their partners are irresponsible. And no, I don't mean they should be abstaining. I mean they simply are not using birth control even though they have access to it.

And quite a few who do use birth control use it irregularly and/or improperly.

Half of all women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant. It is a total fallacy that using birth control will 100% stop unwanted pregnancies. But it will substantially reduce them.
Which is exactly what I said in my first post in this topic (post 148).
The problem isn't abortion. It's unintended pregnancy. Eliminate that and abortion largely goes away as the data shows.

One would think that pro-lifers would be all in for contraception.
I am a pro-life conservative, and I have been saying for a very long time we should be encouraging the proper use of contraception. This could eliminate half of all abortions all by itself.
Cost should not be a barrier to contraception in the US and throughout the world. So many of our problems can be traced to unwanted children. In the US birthrates among the poorest families are 50% higher the wealthiest. In the poorest countries birthrates are as much as 3 times higher among the poorest compared to wealthiest.
Cost is not a barrier to contraception in the US. It is freely available.

It is a foolish mistake to believe the reason the poor are having unwanted pregnancies is because they can't find free birth control. That is NOT the cause.
I am a pro-lifer, and it baffles me as to why the pro-life movement has not funded women's health clinics to compete with Planned Parenthood. Clinics that would provide low-income women free birth control and OB/GYN exams and breast cancer screenings, and NOT provide abortions.

I would happily donate to such an organization.
Maybe the pro-life movement should start joining Planned Parenthood and take it over.

I've always wondered why the gun control nuts don't do the same thing to the NRA.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.
Your guess is wrong.

American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

The 2014 APS survey design randomly sampled 113 US nonhospital facilities selected from a database of all clinics and physician’s offices where abortions were known to be performed in 2011,7 with updates for new facilities known to have started providing abortion services between 2011 and 2014. We stratified the database by provider type (clinics and private physicians’ offices) and caseload (30–399; 400–1999; 2000–4999; and 5000 or more abortions) and then listed them by census region and state within each stratum to ensure that the sample was geographically representative.
Just a guess, stats from places like Planned Parenthood who do provide abortion for working & low income people. no stats about people who go quietly to a private doctor or fly away some where . never known a person with enough cash unable to get an abortion, even when they where illegal. it may not be fair but its true.

Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.
Does it not seem weird that people go to get abortions at a place called "planned parenthood?"

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