Trump, GOP and Birth Control

Typical of the convoluted leftie argument thay claim abortion is no longer an issue because the murder of the unborn declined from a peak of 1.6 million to "only" about 950,000 per year. That's like saying that gun violence has declined so we should legalize machine guns. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, the left will use any trick of convoluted logic as well as hide the true beneficiaries of abortion which are (mostly) liberal sexually abusive men who avoid a lifelong responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel while women endure pain and trauma and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives. All the right wing asks is that the horror of late term abortion be outlawed and their taxpayer money isn't used for the curse of murder of the unborn. Lefties won't give in an inch even when at least one so-called "woman's clinic" in Phila. turned out to be a house of horror with body parts of full term babies in garbage cans. Liberal PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they did the same thing to dogs.
I see the decrease in the number of abortion as an indication that society is going in the right direction. We may never reach zero abortions but at least we are moving in that direction.

I think most people on the Left agree that we should abolish abortions. It is the method where the disagreement lies. The right believes we should abolish abortion by law. The left believes we should abolish abortion by eliminated the need for them.
If allegedly reasonable people think that the murder of "only" 950,000 as opposed to 1.6 million unborn humans is an indication that "society is going in the right direction" it only means the democrat funded propaganda machine works. If legislation eliminated federal funding for abortion and legislation outlawed the horrific procedure of late term abortion where a full term baby is stabbed in the back of the head and a frankenstein machine sucks it's brain out out it would be the only indication that society is going in the right direction.
Agreed. So not birth control would equal less snort be a if no pregnancy occurs which benefits scour abortion cannot happen. Win win
Rich people are not stupid enough to get pregnant.

Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.
Sure they are. Look at the number of politicians looking to get abortions for their daughters or mistresses.

I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.
Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.
Typical of the convoluted leftie argument thay claim abortion is no longer an issue because the murder of the unborn declined from a peak of 1.6 million to "only" about 950,000 per year. That's like saying that gun violence has declined so we should legalize machine guns. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, the left will use any trick of convoluted logic as well as hide the true beneficiaries of abortion which are (mostly) liberal sexually abusive men who avoid a lifelong responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel while women endure pain and trauma and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives. All the right wing asks is that the horror of late term abortion be outlawed and their taxpayer money isn't used for the curse of murder of the unborn. Lefties won't give in an inch even when at least one so-called "woman's clinic" in Phila. turned out to be a house of horror with body parts of full term babies in garbage cans. Liberal PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they did the same thing to dogs.
I see the decrease in the number of abortion as an indication that society is going in the right direction. We may never reach zero abortions but at least we are moving in that direction.

I think most people on the Left agree that we should abolish abortions. It is the method where the disagreement lies. The right believes we should abolish abortion by law. The left believes we should abolish abortion by eliminated the need for them.
If allegedly reasonable people think that the murder of "only" 950,000 as opposed to 1.6 million unborn humans is an indication that "society is going in the right direction" it only means the democrat funded propaganda machine works. If legislation eliminated federal funding for abortion and legislation outlawed the horrific procedure of late term abortion where a full term baby is stabbed in the back of the head and a frankenstein machine sucks it's brain out out it would be the only indication that society is going in the right direction.
Don't you agree that a reduction of 650,000 abortions a year is a good thing?

It would certainly be great if there were no abortions but realistically, that's not going to happen. Even if the Supreme Court overturned Rowe v Wade. Many states across the country would allow abortion as it is in Canada and parts of Mexico. In states where abortion is illegal, people would travel to states where it is legal or depend on back alley abortions.
I can't look at it because it doesn't happen anything near what happens among the poor.

That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.

I think she wants to try to make a baby with you braugh.
That's because there are less than 1000 Planned Parenthood offices in the US, and a lot of poor women with no access to birth control.

Condoms break - a lot. I was always shocked when one of those things actually held together. Lots of women can't take the Pill. I know because I'm one of them.

I had two unplanned pregnancies and I'm not poor, and I didn't lack access to birth control. One ended in miscarriage and the other recently celebrated his 43rd birthday. Without birth control, I'd have had a dozen children and a hysterectomy by 40.

There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.

I think she wants to try to make a baby with you braugh.

Good luck with that!
There are other options that the baby making way.

Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.

I think she wants to try to make a baby with you braugh.

Good luck with that!

Trying can't hurt anybody dude.
Why are libs so undereducated?

Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.

I think she wants to try to make a baby with you braugh.

Good luck with that!

Trying can't hurt anybody dude.

If her looks are anything like her personality, I couldn't get it up with a crane!
Why are clueless men telling women how their reproductive organs function since you clearly don't have a clue.

What did I say that was incorrect? Why is so hard to dispute something with facts? All we get is hyperbole and deflection.

I think she wants to try to make a baby with you braugh.

Good luck with that!

Trying can't hurt anybody dude.

If her looks are anything like her personality, I couldn't get it up with a crane!

You'd have her purring like a kitten
Typical of the convoluted leftie argument thay claim abortion is no longer an issue because the murder of the unborn declined from a peak of 1.6 million to "only" about 950,000 per year. That's like saying that gun violence has declined so we should legalize machine guns. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, the left will use any trick of convoluted logic as well as hide the true beneficiaries of abortion which are (mostly) liberal sexually abusive men who avoid a lifelong responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel while women endure pain and trauma and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives. All the right wing asks is that the horror of late term abortion be outlawed and their taxpayer money isn't used for the curse of murder of the unborn. Lefties won't give in an inch even when at least one so-called "woman's clinic" in Phila. turned out to be a house of horror with body parts of full term babies in garbage cans. Liberal PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they did the same thing to dogs.
I see the decrease in the number of abortion as an indication that society is going in the right direction. We may never reach zero abortions but at least we are moving in that direction.

I think most people on the Left agree that we should abolish abortions. It is the method where the disagreement lies. The right believes we should abolish abortion by law. The left believes we should abolish abortion by eliminated the need for them.
If allegedly reasonable people think that the murder of "only" 950,000 as opposed to 1.6 million unborn humans is an indication that "society is going in the right direction" it only means the democrat funded propaganda machine works. If legislation eliminated federal funding for abortion and legislation outlawed the horrific procedure of late term abortion where a full term baby is stabbed in the back of the head and a frankenstein machine sucks it's brain out out it would be the only indication that society is going in the right direction.

You're missing the fact that abortion happens whether it's legal or not. It is and always will be an ongoing public health concern. Keeping it legal also keeps it safe and well regulated. The best humanity can hope for is to work to reduce the circumstances in which abortion becomes an option.
Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

People choose their roles in life based on their personality and abilities, not gender.
Would you shit your pants if you saw my wife driving the 26' International box truck (33,000lb GVWR, full air brakes, standard shift) she uses at work?
Did you just say my wife is going to hell because she chose a career as a professional?

Yeah, pretty much.

I only couch the answer because I don't necessarily believe that a Soul only gets one shot to get it right in this plane of existence before being eternally damned.
Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.

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