Trump, GOP and Birth Control

Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.
Yes, we have appliances to take care of most household druggies but appliances don't do a very good job of raising kids. I see it in many families where both parents have demanding careers. Their kids are on their own from the time they get up in the morning till bed time. The parents depend on a neighbor or relative to check the house occasionally to make sure it's still standing. The kids computer turns out to be their closest friend and mentor.

My daughter started her career when the kids were old enough to feed themselves. That was a huge mistake. No matter how hard she tried to find time for the kids, it just wasn't enough.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men in the work place but when kids need their Mom they need her then not next weekend or when she has free time.

Shouldn't it say ... "My Birth Control Is My Business ... But I Want To Make It Yours"

Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.
Yes, we have appliances to take care of most household druggies but appliances don't do a very good job of raising kids. I see it in many families where both parents have demanding careers. Their kids are on their own from the time they get up in the morning till bed time. The parents depend on a neighbor or relative to check the house occasionally to make sure it's still standing. The kids computer turns out to be their closest friend and mentor.

My daughter started her career when the kids were old enough to feed themselves. That was a huge mistake. No matter how hard she tried to find time for the kids, it just wasn't enough.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men in the work place but when kids need their Mom they need her then not next weekend or when she has free time.
So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.

Any woman in my family espousing those concepts will be going in the ground, not the workforce.

So you would murder a woman who disagreed with your cave man concepts. Why am I not surprised?
Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.
Yes, we have appliances to take care of most household druggies but appliances don't do a very good job of raising kids. I see it in many families where both parents have demanding careers. Their kids are on their own from the time they get up in the morning till bed time. The parents depend on a neighbor or relative to check the house occasionally to make sure it's still standing. The kids computer turns out to be their closest friend and mentor.

My daughter started her career when the kids were old enough to feed themselves. That was a huge mistake. No matter how hard she tried to find time for the kids, it just wasn't enough.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men in the work place but when kids need their Mom they need her then not next weekend or when she has free time.

How about kids needing their Dad? Where are their fathers in all this? Dad's are perfectly capable of doing anything a Mom does except give birth.
Pay for your own birth control and quit politicizing it.

shut up idiot... they want to stop it even when the women pay....

like the refugee woman who they're keeping away from a doctor.


That is dishonest and you know it. You are better than that. There is ZERO threat to one obtaining birth control. The argument is a person shouldn’t be forced to have birth control coverage in the medical plan and second (which I strongly disagree with) is that tax payer funds shouldn’t go towards birth control.

I understand the first point, but the second is wrong. I think we should provide free birth control in the ghetto. I happily would pay tax dollars so young low IQ women in the ghetto will be on the pill and not have 10 babies with 10 men to which half are in jail and half are dead (granted they know who the father is).

I also agree with free abortion in the ghetto.

We need to also support free and plentiful birth control and abortion in Latin America and Africa! Both area breed unsustainably and then flee to America and Europe, while bitching about racism.

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Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.
Yes, we have appliances to take care of most household druggies but appliances don't do a very good job of raising kids. I see it in many families where both parents have demanding careers. Their kids are on their own from the time they get up in the morning till bed time. The parents depend on a neighbor or relative to check the house occasionally to make sure it's still standing. The kids computer turns out to be their closest friend and mentor.

My daughter started her career when the kids were old enough to feed themselves. That was a huge mistake. No matter how hard she tried to find time for the kids, it just wasn't enough.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men in the work place but when kids need their Mom they need her then not next weekend or when she has free time.

How about kids needing their Dad? Where are their fathers in all this? Dad's are perfectly capable of doing anything a Mom does except give birth.
LOL, yeah where are they in the final decision? why do the women do abortions behind their backs? I know, do you?
Women were not created to work with men? Explain.

Men a d women were never designed to do the same work. Each sex was designed physically, mentally and emotionally to do different things in a collaborative and mutually beneficial fashion.

There is an Olde Norse philosophy embodied in a couple standing in the doorway of their home holding hands and looking at the world they are in total command of. He looks outward into His and she looks inward into hers.

Such bullshit. The bald fact is that running and household and raising children provides little in the way of intellectual stimulation or challenge for modern women.

The women's rights movement grew out of that lack of challenge and opportunity to use their skills, talents and intellect. We have appliances which do the laundry and dishes. Much of the cooking is done by way of convenience foods and mothers end up as chauffeurs and social convenors driving kids to activities and play dates.

Women's IQ's are generally higher than men's and we have the ability to multitask. A gene that seems lost on men. We do things more cooperatively but we do them better, faster and with less drama than men.

Our prehistoric relatives were hunter/gatherers. Men hunted, women gathered. But women also cleaned and prepared the hides, sewed clothing from them, and bedding. When we evolved into an agrarian society, the men farmed and the women grew gardens, orchards, canning and preserving food, sewing clothing.

Women no longer make a family's clothing, grow their food, or can and preserve it. Laundry isn't done on a washboard and it isn't an all-day job.

Many of the jobs men used to do, like doctor, lawyer, accountant or bank manager are just as easily done by a woman.

So bury your prehistoric notions of what a woman's role is because we're not going back there.
Yes, we have appliances to take care of most household druggies but appliances don't do a very good job of raising kids. I see it in many families where both parents have demanding careers. Their kids are on their own from the time they get up in the morning till bed time. The parents depend on a neighbor or relative to check the house occasionally to make sure it's still standing. The kids computer turns out to be their closest friend and mentor.

My daughter started her career when the kids were old enough to feed themselves. That was a huge mistake. No matter how hard she tried to find time for the kids, it just wasn't enough.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men in the work place but when kids need their Mom they need her then not next weekend or when she has free time.

How about kids needing their Dad? Where are their fathers in all this? Dad's are perfectly capable of doing anything a Mom does except give birth.
Very good point. However, I think when it comes to raising kids, we have to deal with society as it is, not the way we would like it to be. Statistically, men make more money than women so it makes more sense for Dad to spend more time working than Mom. Of course in some families the reverse is true.

Roles of the father and mother also depend on culture. In our society, the man is traditionally seen as the family protector both physical and financial while mother is traditionally seen as the care giver providing emotional support and social development. Although these roles are changing, they are still deeply embedded in our society. Single parent and nontraditional family structures are changing the social rules but those rules are still present in most families.
Seriously????? Abortion rates have been declining as have teen pregnancy rates and Regressives are now attempting to marginalize access to and education on reliable birth control? The rythum method? You have got to be freaking joking!

The Trump administration wants to replace birth control with this dubious method for women

:badgrin::badgrin:---If this is true--you can expect the abortion rate in this country to skyrocket. This must be one of Mike Pence's ideas. Combating abortion--by eliminating birth control pills for young women.

Birth control pills if taken correctly are 99% effective. There are devices today that work for 5 years if a woman is forgetful about taking pills.
Religious conservatives are obsessed with suffering. They prefer the suffering of others, but don't mind suffering a bit themselves as long as everyone is miserable. That's just who they are, for some reason. Don't try and understand it. Your head will explode first.
Why is this your business? Why do you care if people buy contraceptives?
Are you Trump haters going to be in a foul mood for the entire 8 years? Jeeeze! Lighten up just having a little fun. Why aren't you happy for the economic turn around? Don't you care about the well being of people? Don't change...we need people like you to help Trump win again. Transparent as hell.
Why is this your business? Why do you care if people buy contraceptives?
Are you Trump haters going to be in a foul mood for the entire 8 years? Jeeeze! Lighten up just having a little fun. Why aren't you happy for the economic turn around? Don't you care about the well being of people? Don't change...we need people like you to help Trump win again. Transparent as hell.

Trump has nothing to do with the economy--that was turning around before he left office. And typically after a big recession like the one we were in, the economy will make a strong comeback.

He's not going to be around for 8 years, he'll be dam lucky if he makes it through the next 6 months. If Republicans won't impeach him, Democrats will when they take over in 2018.

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