Trump grants full pardon to George Papadopoulos and others

Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Link coming
Do these people realize that accepting pardons is an admission of guilt?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
I'm sure you'll share, right?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal organizations.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

A crook pardoning crooks; makes sense! Bigly!!!
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.

You're the ones on the verge of offing yourselves. You Trump peons have been wetting yourselves for weeks now.
Don't worry. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And they don't do jack squat against state charges.
Now, they can be called to testify against other people. Whoops. Careful, that pardon may be a double edged sword. :)
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Kissing the ring in the swamp.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

He's building up to the self-pardon attempt.
Wonder what the hell did Jared Kushner's father did to need a pardon?? Damn, even Trump's in-laws are as corrupt as he is.

Tax Fraud. Chris Christie was the prosecutor, which is why Jared hates Chris Christie.
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Of course he does, anything and everything trump says or does he agrees with. His unconditional love and devotion to this guy knows no bounds.

LefTard Logic:
"We love criminals but these guys are way too white for us filthy wokeologists, we love and support dark criminals only, the ones who murder and burn shit down in blue shitholes and those disgusting brown human cockroaches who cross our border without an invite...FUCK those white bastards!"

Oh man, another racist white conservative scared of change.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal organizations.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Two words dimbulb. Mark Rich. You and every other leftard here can STFU and slink off now.
Hey, Corn Cob, I despised Clinton for his pardons. You Trumpers will lick Trump’s ass no matter what he does.
Hey fuckwad, learn to read. Where did I mention Trump? You’re mad because you just got slapped with your own hypocrisy. Now slink off in shame again. You’re a joke.
Hey, dumbshit, you apparently did comprehend what I wrote about Clinton. Now what is hilarious is you running away from Trump. Give me a break you stupid fuck. Your head has permanent residency up Trump’s ass.
Hey asshole, LEARN TO READ. I never mentioned Trump you illiterate inbred fuck. I’m not running away, you’re crying and making excuses. As usual when your shit gets called out.
LOL...Stand by your man, Lantern. Stop running and hiding.
I mention not going anywhere you cowardly asshole. Your pathetic deflection attempts can’t save you from another humiliation. We know you stand by Xi you cowardly traitor.

There is absolutely no comparison between Mark Rich and Manfort and Stone. Manafort and Stone received pardons for not ratting out Trump, after Trump spent months dangling pardons, and obstructing their prosecutions.

Reading the list of Republican liars, crooks and thieves, and murderers in his Christmas gift bag, Santa Trump hasn't drained the Swamp. He pardoned it.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Trump pardoned them because they were innocent, scumbag..
LOL...these People pled guilty you dumb shit.
Meaningless. They were being threatened.
They plead guilty because they were being threatened with facts which showed their guilt.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Link coming
Do these people realize that accepting pardons is an admission of guilt?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
I'm sure you'll share, right?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal organizations.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

A crook pardoning crooks; makes sense! Bigly!!!
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.

You're the ones on the verge of offing yourselves. You Trump peons have been wetting yourselves for weeks now.
Don't worry. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And they don't do jack squat against state charges.
Now, they can be called to testify against other people. Whoops. Careful, that pardon may be a double edged sword. :)
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Kissing the ring in the swamp.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

He's building up to the self-pardon attempt.
Wonder what the hell did Jared Kushner's father did to need a pardon?? Damn, even Trump's in-laws are as corrupt as he is.

Tax Fraud. Chris Christie was the prosecutor, which is why Jared hates Chris Christie.
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Of course he does, anything and everything trump says or does he agrees with. His unconditional love and devotion to this guy knows no bounds.

LefTard Logic:
"We love criminals but these guys are way too white for us filthy wokeologists, we love and support dark criminals only, the ones who murder and burn shit down in blue shitholes and those disgusting brown human cockroaches who cross our border without an invite...FUCK those white bastards!"

Oh man, another racist white conservative scared of change.

What "change" do you speak of?
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Trump pardoned them because they were innocent, scumbag..
LOL...these People pled guilty you dumb shit.
Meaningless. They were being threatened.
They plead guilty because they were being threatened with facts which showed their guilt.

Deal with like a man loser.
Cool. President Trump should also issue pre-emptive pardons to All Fox News staff, Rush, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Joe Piscapo, Curt Schilling, James Woods, James O'Keefe, Clint Eastwood, and any other patriot at risk of imprisonment by the radical Left.
Pardoning the men, who opened fire on unarmed Iraqi civilians is unforgivable.

I don't recall you being outraged when the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned.

Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Trump pardoned them because they were innocent, scumbag..
LOL...these People pled guilty you dumb shit.
Meaningless. They were being threatened.
Exactly,just like a his lawyers and whistleblowers and judges have all been.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Trump pardoned them because they were innocent, scumbag..
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. (Burdick v. US)
The innocent dont need a pardon
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.

You're the ones on the verge of offing yourselves. You Trump peons have been wetting yourselves for weeks now.
Don't worry. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And they don't do jack squat against state charges.
Now, they can be called to testify against other people. Whoops. Careful, that pardon may be a double edged sword. :)
You do know if you get away with cheating this time. Trump will be back stronger than ever in 2024? You screwed yourself.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Link coming
Do these people realize that accepting pardons is an admission of guilt?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
I'm sure you'll share, right?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal organizations.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

A crook pardoning crooks; makes sense! Bigly!!!
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.

You're the ones on the verge of offing yourselves. You Trump peons have been wetting yourselves for weeks now.
Don't worry. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And they don't do jack squat against state charges.
Now, they can be called to testify against other people. Whoops. Careful, that pardon may be a double edged sword. :)
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Kissing the ring in the swamp.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

He's building up to the self-pardon attempt.
Wonder what the hell did Jared Kushner's father did to need a pardon?? Damn, even Trump's in-laws are as corrupt as he is.

Tax Fraud. Chris Christie was the prosecutor, which is why Jared hates Chris Christie.
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Of course he does, anything and everything trump says or does he agrees with. His unconditional love and devotion to this guy knows no bounds.

LefTard Logic:
"We love criminals but these guys are way too white for us filthy wokeologists, we love and support dark criminals only, the ones who murder and burn shit down in blue shitholes and those disgusting brown human cockroaches who cross our border without an invite...FUCK those white bastards!"
You're a fucking idiot.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Link coming
Do these people realize that accepting pardons is an admission of guilt?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
I'm sure you'll share, right?
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal organizations.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

A crook pardoning crooks; makes sense! Bigly!!!
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.

You're the ones on the verge of offing yourselves. You Trump peons have been wetting yourselves for weeks now.
Don't worry. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And they don't do jack squat against state charges.
Now, they can be called to testify against other people. Whoops. Careful, that pardon may be a double edged sword. :)
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Kissing the ring in the swamp.
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

He's building up to the self-pardon attempt.
Wonder what the hell did Jared Kushner's father did to need a pardon?? Damn, even Trump's in-laws are as corrupt as he is.

Tax Fraud. Chris Christie was the prosecutor, which is why Jared hates Chris Christie.
Oh the butt cream will be needed tonight.... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you think those are good pardons?
Of course he does, anything and everything trump says or does he agrees with. His unconditional love and devotion to this guy knows no bounds.

LefTard Logic:
"We love criminals but these guys are way too white for us filthy wokeologists, we love and support dark criminals only, the ones who murder and burn shit down in blue shitholes and those disgusting brown human cockroaches who cross our border without an invite...FUCK those white bastards!"
You're a fucking idiot.
Thanks for confirming my accuracy.
Pardoning the men, who opened fire on unarmed Iraqi civilians is unforgivable.
I don't recall you being outraged when the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned.


This one?

On January 17, 2017, as one of the final acts of his presidency, Barack Obama commuted the sentence of 74-year-old Oscar Lopez Rivera, the Puerto Rican nationalist who had served 35 years of a 55-year conviction for the crime of “seditious conspiracy,” as well as attempted robbery, explosives and vehicle-theft charges. Thanks to Obama’s intercession, Lopez will be freed in May.

So other than the what about isms, are you outraged?
I just want to make sure that the "My Pillow Guy" is given a full pardon...


This is just repulsive. America may as well be a Mafia State like Russia, ruled by mobsters. Disgusting.
Awesome! Good job President Trump! Keep the anti American leftists screeching as long as possible!
Lol you idiots will condone any blatant corruption so long as you think it “owns the libs”. You’re all children.

I guess you think we are triggered by this or whatever but it’s completely unsurprising this moron would do this.

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