Trump Guilty!

Trump does care. His ass is burning bigly right now.

As for voting, convicted felons are not allowed to vote in Florida.
All hisnlofe, Trimp's ONE rhetorical "out" for papering iver his decades of criming has been, "I've never been charged or.convicted."

Trump lost his "Alamo" today. Yes, we can be sure his voluminous asscheeks are chafing badly.
So what?

A group of rabid democrats found Trump “guilty” of charges they didn’t even understand

We the Jury find the Orange Man Bad! Very Bad, your Honor, just like you told us!

Life goes on

No rioting

No buildings burning

See the Biden Body Double in November (unless he’s replaced in July)
Biden holy glare mopped floor.jpg
Lest we forget a certain father groping his minor daughter in the shower.
That is a lie. What is not a lie is that your guy Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old along with his best buddy Jeff Epstein. What is nkt lie is that Trump himself has stated he wantEd to date his daughter. What is not a lie is that Trump was found liable for sexual battery. What is not a lie is that Trump woul barge into the rooms of teenage age girls when he owned those pageants. Try again Trumper.
Bragg speaking now, and one can't help but look at this hypocrite as to how screwed up this nation truly is right now. What a damned embarrassment it all is.
Notice your whining doesn't mention the content of his remarks. This is low IQ crybabying.
There is no rock bottom for the this Trumpist Republican Party.
The of New York bottomed out.

This is how the law is used by NY State

Federal law does not explicitly criminalize falsifying business records, but the act is criminalized under several federal regulations. Additionally, many states consider it a crime and sometimes prosecute it with other crimes, such as grand larceny or insurance fraud. In New York, falsifying business records is not an uncommon charge and can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. The aggravating circumstance occurs when the “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” One example of this is changing a record to cover larceny.

Often with fraud cases, the intent to defraud can be a harder element to prove over unintended error. Moreover, New York law also provides for an affirmative defense for clerks, bookkeepers or other employees who merely executed the orders of their supervisors without personal benefit to themselves. Intent to defraud in the case of falsifying business records means:

  • Making or causing a false entry in the business records of an enterprise; or
  • Altering, erasing, obliterating, deleting, removing or destroying a true entry in the business records of an enterprise; or
  • Preventing the making of a true entry or causing the omission of one in the business records of an enterprise.
One well-publicized case involving falsifying business records in the first degree is that of Tyco International former leadership. In 2005, Leo Dennis Kozlowski and Mark Swartz, CEO and CFO respectively, directed others to falsify Tyco’s books to conceal their secret compensation. They managed this by offsetting the costs through various means, such as relocating a loan forgiveness against the gain from an unrelated IPO of a Tyco subsidiary, against an unrelated gain realized on the disposal of a Tyco subsidiary, and against an unrelated gain on the sale of common stock of a Tyco subsidiary. The latter two included executive compensation that was never disclosed and contrary to the requirements of the federal securities laws. Kozlowski and Swartz were sentenced to terms of 8 1/3 to 25 years and fined $134 million for their roles in the Tyco fraud.

Another infamous New York case involving falsifying business records belongs to Steven Croman, a notorious ”Bernie Madoff of landlords” and real estate mogul. In 2017, Croman owned more than 150 buildings in Manhattan and pleaded guilty to grand larceny, fraudulently refinancing $45 million worth of loans and committing tax fraud; Croman served one year in jail, and as part of his guilty plea, he also agreed to a $5 million tax settlement. Rarely are landlords sentenced to jail for infractions, which underscores the severity of Croman’s crimes.

However, New York has also prosecuted the felony in many smaller ways. In two unrelated cases, women were indicted for fraud for using or selling phony coronavirus vaccination cards. Another case involved a Hurricane Sandy relief worker submitting fake applications for over $200,000 worth of disaster money and used for personal expenses. A few cases addressed falsified information in a Department of Corrections use of force report forms when correction officers covered up assaults on an inmate, while other cases include a false arrest over parking and deliberate misinformation on a food stamp application.
Even though it will be over turned, you are proof that all you lefties wanted was a guilty verdict (even if it was a rigged trial and an intimidation verdict), that will give you all a run up to the election calling Trump a criminal. It's no different than what happened during the false rape allocation that took place, and you leftist ran with that bull shite saying Trump was a rapist when in fact it was proven he wasn't.

We no longer have a trusted judicial system in this country. FACT !!!

Now it's time to hold Biden and company accountable for their crimes, and if this country doesn't do that, then we are living in NAZI Germany. FACT !!!

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