Trump Guilty!

[Scene: A prison gate, with a few prison gards and a few prisoners in black an white striped uniforms eagerly awaiting an announcement. The atmosphere is charged with excitement and anticipation. The camera focuses on Donald Trump, standing confidently at the podium.]

Donald Trump: "In our quest to Make America Great Again, we need a partner who shares our vision, our values, and our unwavering commitment to the American people, and who both are housed in the same correctional facility.."

[The camera zooms out to reveal Lyndon LaRouche stepping onto the stage, greeted by applause and cheers from the crowd.]

Donald Trump: "I am proud to announce that my running mate for the upcoming election is none other than the esteemed statesman, Lyndon LaRouche!"

[The crowd's cheers reach a crescendo as Trump and LaRouche shake hands firmly, signaling unity and strength.]

Lyndon LaRouche: "Thank you, Mr. President. Together, we will continue the fight to restore American greatness, to uphold our freedoms, and to ensure the best toilet wine for the entire cell block. ."

[Cut to scenes of Trump and LaRouche on the campaign trail, interacting with cell mates, delivering contraband, and sharing moments of camaraderie after lights out.

Voiceover: "With Donald Trump and Lyndon LaRouche at the helm, America's future has never looked brighter. Strong leadership, bold vision, a commitment to having at least one guard stationed at the showers. Together, let's keep America first!"

[The screen fades to black, displaying the campaign slogan: "America First, Stronger Together."]

Voiceover: "Paid for by the Trump-LaRouche 2024 Committee. Approved by Donald J. Trump."

And neither did pretty much anyone else.
Oh my god, that's priceless.


In 100 years, our schoolchildren will know Trump as the only president to be impeached twice, who attempted to end our democracy, and is a convicted felon.


The delusions of Trumptards go DEEP!!!
No you hope that the school children will remember Obama and Biden as if they were these heroes that saved America from Christianity and Republicans, when in fact they were aiding and abetting the left and hollyweird in their indoctrination of a society that has been groomed to adopt the most unhealthy lifestyles in which endangers their very lives without so much of the blinking of an eye.

You are a demon straight out of hell, and you know it when you are protecting what's going on in all of this to date.
Biden is next to be prosecuted. I mean both father and son.
The son, yes.

The father, no. He has committed no crime. Comer and Jordan have expended a lot of taxpayer dollars trying to find a crime, any crime, by Biden. And guess what?

They got nothing!

You see, sap, their exercise has been theater put on just for you.

Comer, Jordan, et al, know you tards don't need to see any evidence of a crime. You just need to be told there was one and you take that ball and run with it.

Remember when Trump told you idiots he would repeal and replace Obamacare?

Yeah. And remember when you didn't even think to ask to see that replacement?

You just bleeved him. Blindly. Like an idiot.

And there never was a replacement.

Did you feel stupid?

Nope. That you were massively hoaxed never even occurred to you because Trump had moved on to the next hoax which you instantly fell for.

You never learn. Trump and his service monkey depend on this. The last thing they want you to do is ask for evidence, or to even THINK for one minute.

If you asked questions or engaged your alleged brain cells for even one minute, that would be the downfall of the grift.

So, yeah. You say Joe Biden is a crook because you have been told to say that and your skull is nothing more than an echo chamber.

Now I want you to pay attention to something going forward. You haven't noticed before now, but since I am pointing it out to you, perhaps you will.

I want you to notice the use of the phrases "the Bidens" or "the Biden crime family" and any other variations.

Your gaslighting liars have rewired you brain so that every time you hear "the Bidens" or "Biden family" or any variations, what you year inside your pointy head is "Joe Biden".

Watch. Listen. You'll see I'm right.
The son, yes.

The father, no. He has committed no crime. Comer and Jordan have expended a lot of taxpayer dollars trying to find a crime, any crime, by Biden. And guess what?

They got nothing!

You see, sap, their exercise has been theater put on just for you.

Comer, Jordan, et al, know you tards don't need to see any evidence of a crime. You just need to be told there was one and you take that ball and run with it.

Remember when Trump told you idiots he would repeal and replace Obamacare?

Yeah. And remember when you didn't even think to ask to see that replacement?

You just bleeved him. Blindly. Like an idiot.

And there never was a replacement.

Did you feel stupid?

Nope. That you were massively hoaxed never even occurred to you because Trump had moved on to the next hoax which you instantly fell for.

You never learn. Trump and his service monkey depend on this. The last thing they want you to do is ask for evidence, or to even THINK for one minute.

If you asked questions or engaged your alleged brain cells for even one minute, that would be the downfall of the grift.

So, yeah. You say Joe Biden is a crook because you have been told to say that and your skull is nothing more than an echo chamber.

Now I want you to pay attention to something going forward. You haven't noticed before now, but since I am pointing it out to you, perhaps you will.

I want you to notice the use of the phrases "the Bidens" or "the Biden crime family" and any other variations.

Your gaslighting liars have rewired you brain so that every time you hear "the Bidens" or "Biden family" or any variations, what you year inside your pointy head is "Joe Biden".

Watch. Listen. You'll see I'm right.
Stay tuned for the October surprise......
How do you know all 12 are Democrats? you think no Republicans, no independents, no libertarian's no green party,
Don't hold your breath.

Beliefs and facts are light years apart in the MAGA universe.
The son, yes.

The father, no. He has committed no crime. Comer and Jordan have expended a lot of taxpayer dollars trying to find a crime, any crime, by Biden. And guess what?

They got nothing!

You see, sap, their exercise has been theater put on just for you.

Comer, Jordan, et al, know you tards don't need to see any evidence of a crime. You just need to be told there was one and you take that ball and run with it.

Remember when Trump told you idiots he would repeal and replace Obamacare?

Yeah. And remember when you didn't even think to ask to see that replacement?

You just bleeved him. Blindly. Like an idiot.

And there never was a replacement.

Did you feel stupid?

Nope. That you were massively hoaxed never even occurred to you because Trump had moved on to the next hoax which you instantly fell for.

You never learn. Trump and his service monkey depend on this. The last thing they want you to do is ask for evidence, or to even THINK for one minute.

If you asked questions or engaged your alleged brain cells for even one minute, that would be the downfall of the grift.

So, yeah. You say Joe Biden is a crook because you have been told to say that and your skull is nothing more than an echo chamber.

Now I want you to pay attention to something going forward. You haven't noticed before now, but since I am pointing it out to you, perhaps you will.

I want you to notice the use of the phrases "the Bidens" or "the Biden crime family" and any other variations.

Your gaslighting liars have rewired you brain so that every time you hear "the Bidens" or "Biden family" or any variations, what you year inside your pointy head is "Joe Biden".

Watch. Listen. You'll see I'm right.
100% correct.
Sentencing is set for 4 days before the Republican convention. What does that tell you?
Exactly... They're power has become flat outright addicting to them, otherwise they are likened to being on meth, wherefore they are the boldest they've ever been in their quest to stop Trump at any cost. They'll try anything. TRUMP better watch his back.
Stay tuned for the October surprise......

Well you said my schemes so…
Dont be a retard who's only avenue in a debate is to take statements literally that clearly arent meant to be literal. Children do that in debates. Its boring.

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