Trump Guilty!

Convicted by who? And convict of what? The prosecution threw it in during their final speech. Didn’t let the defense counter. That’s tyranny of the majority. Democracy is alive and well. The majority jails their competition.
How is it possible you are this ignorant and still able to use a keyboard?
Your happy little leftist circle jerk will be short lived
It's going to be over turned
Oh my god, that's priceless.


In 100 years, our schoolchildren will know Trump as the only president to be impeached twice, who attempted to end our democracy, and is a convicted felon.


The delusions of Trumptards go DEEP!!!
Yes, leftist historians will likely leave out the pesky details like a corrupt DOJ and judicial system. Another possibility is our country will be in ruins and they will point to this as the impetus for the fall.
Reports Trump webste crashed after the reporting He's made $800,000 since the verdict late this afternoon.....
Because he is a serial liar.

DJT is down in after hours trading.
You came in your underwear, and probably still are...... LoL
You freakish cultists think everyone else is as embarrassingly cultish as you are. Because you still think you are normal. You aren't. That ship sailed long ago.
Trump gives his reaction to this sham trial and verdict!

This man loves our country, unlike Dems who are actively destroying it.

did he get up on the stand and defend him self. NO
Did he blame the judge witnesses jury, YES BEFORE but Not this round, NO
NOW he blames the PRESIDENT.
ALLWAYS campaign for your self.
At someone else expense
[Scene: A prison gate, with a few prison gards and a few prisoners in black an white striped uniforms eagerly awaiting an announcement. The atmosphere is charged with excitement and anticipation. The camera focuses on Donald Trump, standing confidently at the podium.]

Donald Trump: "In our quest to Make America Great Again, we need a partner who shares our vision, our values, and our unwavering commitment to the American people, and who both are housed in the same correctional facility.."

[The camera zooms out to reveal Lyndon LaRouche stepping onto the stage, greeted by applause and cheers from the crowd.]

Donald Trump: "I am proud to announce that my running mate for the upcoming election is none other than the esteemed statesman, Lyndon LaRouche!"

[The crowd's cheers reach a crescendo as Trump and LaRouche shake hands firmly, signaling unity and strength.]

Lyndon LaRouche: "Thank you, Mr. President. Together, we will continue the fight to restore American greatness, to uphold our freedoms, and to ensure the best toilet wine for the entire cell block. ."

[Cut to scenes of Trump and LaRouche on the campaign trail, interacting with cell mates, delivering contraband, and sharing moments of camaraderie after lights out.

Voiceover: "With Donald Trump and Lyndon LaRouche at the helm, America's future has never looked brighter. Strong leadership, bold vision, a commitment to having at least one guard stationed at the showers. Together, let's keep America first!"

[The screen fades to black, displaying the campaign slogan: "America First, Stronger Together."]

Voiceover: "Paid for by the Trump-LaRouche 2024 Committee. Approved by Donald J. Trump."

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