Trump Guilty!


I fought the law and the law won.

I fought the law and the law won.
Trump thinks that he is putting on an epic spectacle of fight for the ages, in doing what every single criminal defendant in the country does. That's the sheltered life Trump has led..

And his cult believes it. "Look at him fight!"

This man could tie his own shoe and say "TA-DAAAA!!", and his cult would ooh and ahhh.
Now the Justice System is corrupt because a rich, privileged white man has been found guilty. This same Justice System has sent countless innocent folks to prison and these same fools claimed it was the best system in the world. Now that their crooked orange god has finally being held accountable, they are crying bloody murder.
Hardly. This is a state not a federal case so Trump appointees are no going to do him any good. Once his lawyers come up with an appeal, the Appellate Division in Manhattan, and possibly the Court of Appeals would hear the case. That assumes that there are legal grounds to do so. The court does not weight the evidence, only whether the defendant got a fair trial.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 11th. An appeals court could make a decesion before the election but as time passes, that becomes less likely.
Now the Justice System is corrupt because a rich, privileged white man has been found guilty. This same Justice System has sent countless innocent folks to prison and these same fools claimed it was the best system in the world. Now that their crooked orange god has finally being held accountable, they are crying bloody murder.
The Con man of the century finally got his.
Give the red hatted crazies a few days....

Nah, I think the cities are safe I’ve this. You might see some local skirmishes, probably because some lefty’s started stuff with republicans, but you won’t see republicans doing like what dems did in 2020.

Now, if you manage to use enough lawfare to get trump thrown in prison or remove his chance to run for office, there’s no guarantee of what could happen…thought I still think even with that, you won’t see repubs acting like they did in 2020. It’s just not in their nature
The court does not weight the evidence, only whether the defendant got a fair trial.
Exactly. Appeals aren't "do-overs". And most appeals are not even heard.

Trumplandia is being told the judge's instructions were biased and ensured a conviction. In reality, the judge was very careful and gracious to the defense, in his instructions. But this is not what they are being told.

So, this is the talking point you are going to hear, until the appeal is settled.
When is the convention?
When is the sentencing?
I'm no one's son.
The nominating convention in which the RNC will forever disgrace itself is set for July 15 - 18.

The sentencing hearing for the convict is set for July 11, free slurpie day.

Sentencing hearings are always several weeks out after a conviction. This gives the defense time to write to the judge why their client should be awarded a Purple Heart and some gold teeth. It gives time for the prosecution to write to the judge why the convict should be loaded a rocket and fired into the sun.

In some cases, the probation office also prepares presentence report for the judge.

Especially in felony and more serious misdemeanor cases, judges typically rely on presentence reports, prepared by probation officers, in making sentencing decisions. Probation officers usually prepare these reports during a several-week interval between the conviction and the date set for sentencing.

And, finally, the convict is offered an opportunity to allocute and tell the judge why he is a saint whose trial was rigged and that the judge is a disgrace. The convict will work with his lawyer to craft this message.

Now it is your chance to invent a conspiracy theory about the sentencing day. I have one involving 7-Eleven but I'll keep that to myself.







How did you forget this? How did you inflict retrograde amnesia on yourself to such a profound degree?


Hmm, did those things happen today? If so, I missed it on the news.

Those, in scale and devastation, were not nearly as bad as what you all did in 2020. You destroyed billions in personal property.

As shitty as what happened on J6, at least their efforts were targeted at government. You all targeted civilians.
Trump thinks that he is putting on an epic spectacle of fight for the ages, in doing what every single criminal defendant in the country does. That's the sheltered life Trump has led..

And his cult believes it. "Look at him fight!"

This man could tie his own shoe and say "TA-DAAAA!!", and his cult would ooh and ahhh.
Trump is a lot like John Gotti in that way.

Gotti called his trials rigged, attacked the prosecutor mercilessly, and he had a large following of fans.

Some people love mob bosses like Trump and Gotti.
Hmm, did those things happen today? If so, I missed it on the news.

Did the Floyd riots you alluded to happen today?

If so, I missed it on the news.

You fucked up, kid. Bigly.

I am serious about wanting to know how you managed to wipe your mind of the insurrection.

Those, in scale and devastation, were not nearly as bad as what you all did in 2020. You destroyed billions in personal property.
"Not nearly as bad". EXCUSE ME?

You fuckwits tried to overthrow our democracy!

NOTHING compares to that!
Trump is a lot like John Gotti in that way.

Gotti called his trials rigged, attacked the prosecutor mercilessly, and he had a large following of fans.

Some people love mob bosses like Trump and Gotti.
And Gotti was convicted in part on the testimony of admitted murderers and liars.

People who committed those crimes FOR him.

The Trumpers don't think such a thing is possible. Yet there it is, in every criminal conspiracy conviction. In fact, their boy Rudy perfected it. Which is a fun fact.
The nominating convention in which the RNC will forever disgrace itself is set for July 15 - 18.

The sentencing hearing for the convict is set for July 11, free slurpie day.

Sentencing hearings are always several weeks out after a conviction. This gives the defense time to write to the judge why their client should be awarded a Purple Heart and some gold teeth. It gives time for the prosecution to write to the judge why the convict should be loaded a rocket and fired into the sun.

In some cases, the probation office also prepares presentence report for the judge.

Especially in felony and more serious misdemeanor cases, judges typically rely on presentence reports, prepared by probation officers, in making sentencing decisions. Probation officers usually prepare these reports during a several-week interval between the conviction and the date set for sentencing.

And, finally, the convict is offered an opportunity to allocute and tell the judge why he is a saint whose trial was rigged and that the judge is a disgrace. The convict will work with his lawyer to craft this message.

Now it is your chance to invent a conspiracy theory about the sentencing day. I have one involving 7-Eleven but I'll keep that to myself.


Oh good you do know the sentencing is 4 days before the convention and not on July 4.. hamas democrats think they can get a Brownie point if they can prevent Trump from going to the convention.

They will be disappointed.

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