Trump Guilty!

no matter what you say .. i'm a conservative man not ruled by his emotions .. and you are a leftwing Marxist ruled by emotions ... ya just don't get it do ya ? let me explained it to you .. because of your mind set [which you may not be able to help] you will always be emotional and unhappy ... sure you're crowing now ... but in a few days you'll back to your effeminately unhappy emotional self ..

And they’ll be voting for a convicted felon; someone who launched an attack on our Capitol on Jan 6th; someone who was impeached twice; someone who continues to attack the rule of law and our democratic institutions.

History will condemn what the Republican Party has disintegrated to.

They had numerous opportunities to put an end to Trump and were afraid to do so.
As if you've ever posted anything worth reading.
Oh Ropey. You know better. Every time you try to troll me, you end up crying like a little bitch.

Let's instead talk about Trump's new collection of felonies.

One has to think that the people who went to prison out of loyalty to Trump-- then got thrown under the bus by him -- are kind of satisfied with this.
It will be interesting see if Trump supporters are ok with electing a convicted felon. Independents and republicans that who did not support Trump have said no to sending a convicted felon to the Whitehouse.

Ignoring Trump support, the question that arises is whether Trump would be able to serve effectively. Obvious, if the judge sentences him to prison, fulfilling his oath of office would be pretty difficult. Even if the judge decides on just probation, that still create numerous problems, restrictions on travel, community service, random drug tests, regular meetings with a probation officer, etc...
havent you heard??

political persecutions like this always only help a candidate and are profitable,,

hes raking in the bucks,,
Oh Ropey. You know better.

I know that you talk a lot of drivel.

Let's instead talk about Trump's new collection of felonies.

More drivel. New York State drivel. . .

One has to think that the people who went to prison out of loyalty to Trump-- then got thrown under the bus by him -- are kind of satisfied with this.

One can think whatever one wants, and it's not as though your thinking ever got you anywhere decent.
We knew that would happen.

The judge allowed evidence he shouldn't have and refused to allow exculpatory evidence to be introduced.

They weren't going to allow an acquittal.
So has Biden made the promised speech yet?
I know that you talk a lot of drivel.

More drivel. New York State drivel. . .

One can think whatever one wants, and it's not as though your thinking ever got you anywhere decent.
Have your little cry.

When done, feel free to address the on topic comments. Or cry more. Nobody cares either way, trust me.
Have your little cry.

When done, feel free to address the on topic comments. Or cry more. Nobody cares either way, trust me.
You're nobody.

So of course you care or you wouldn't post to me.

Easy button that you are... :cool:

And people who say 'trust me' or 'honestly' are often blurting a Freudian slip of their dishonesty. :thup:
"Like sleeping with porn stars while your wife is home nursing your newborn. Leftist trash culture."

is there an argument to be made that America has been well served by a porn queen?

Should there be an acknowledgement of gratitude to Stormy?

Just sayin'.
Hmmm. Someone was bragging the other day Trump was holding the convention on the 4th of July so he could "own the libs".

As for the sentencing four days before the convention, that gives the Republican time to finally come to their senses.

They won't, though. They have sold their souls to Satan. Too late to turn back now.
WOW you are just all kinds of confused.
Polling says majority will not vote for a convict trump. This is huge. Most Americans have morals unlike yourself.
Correct. But the election isn't being held today, so those polls have little value.

A lot of people haven't decided who they are voting for, which seems absurd. But I think just as many haven't decided whether or not they are voting at all.
is there an argument to be made that America has been well served by a porn queen?

Should there be an acknowledgement of gratitude to Stormy?

Just sayin'.
For doing the minimum of giving truthful testimony at a criminal trial?

Hmm, let's not lower the bar that far, yet.

Though if she did the rounds and talked about how her consent was to avoid the problems associated with refusing a powerful man, we could start THAT discussion again. Then some kudos might be in order.

I fought the law and the law won.

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