Trump Guilty!

Don't cry when it gets overturned. I wouldn't be surprised if the supreme Court took this up real quick
bigreb is one of the fold.

Based on what? In the meantime, yet another victory for the good guys over you pathetic losers. Have a great night lol!
Your"victory" is a pyrrhic one. Just another boost to Trump and pishing him even closer to the White House. Ha e a miserable night knowing that. LOL!
Sentencing is set for 4 days before the Republican convention. What does that tell you?
Hmmm. Someone was bragging the other day Trump was holding the convention on the 4th of July so he could "own the libs".

As for the sentencing four days before the convention, that gives the Republican time to finally come to their senses.

They won't, though. They have sold their souls to Satan. Too late to turn back now.
that should clinch the election for trump,,
It will be interesting see if Trump supporters are ok with electing a convicted felon. Independents and republicans that who did not support Trump have said no to sending a convicted felon to the Whitehouse.

Ignoring Trump support, the question that arises is whether Trump would be able to serve effectively. Obvious, if the judge sentences him to prison, fulfilling his oath of office would be pretty difficult. Even if the judge decides on just probation, that still create numerous problems, restrictions on travel, community service, random drug tests, regular meetings with a probation officer, etc...
They are about to nominate a Convicted Felon
They are nominating the man who launched an attack on our Capitol on Jan 6
They are nominating a former President who was impeached twice

History will condemn those who nominated him and those who supported him
And they’ll be voting for a convicted felon; someone who launched an attack on our Capitol on Jan 6th; someone who was impeached twice; someone who continues to attack the rule of law and our democratic institutions.

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