Trump Guilty!

Not really. That's literally the entire point of our justice system. That's why juries and grand juries hold the strings.

Think about what you are saying:

Everyone BUT the orange pile of shit is corrupt.

Think about that. Really. I want you to think about it.
All you need is one corrupt person well placed in the prosecution and peer pressure will do the rest.
Really? By number of people or by number of protests? The fact that you had thousands of people for months wreaking havoc on cities and on innocent people kind of overshadows the mostly peaceful protests.

If you have 100 protests of 100 people each, but 10 protests of 10,000 people each..well..those mostly peaceful protests kinda get lost in the shuffle.

ACLED data show that the overwhelming majority of demonstrations associated with the BLM movement have been peaceful. Approximately 94% of all pro-BLM demonstrations have been non-violent, with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity. Of that remaining 6%, it is not clear who instigated the violent or destructive activity.4 While some cases of violence or looting have been provoked by demonstrators, other events have escalated as a result of aggressive police action, intervention from right-wing armed groups, and individual car-ramming attacks (see next section). In contrast to the BLM movement, demonstrations involving right-wing militias or militant social movements (MSMs) — such as the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, or the Three Percenters, among others — have turned violent or destructive over twice as often, or nearly 14% of the time (see graph below).

That’s just incorrect. We have hours and hours of video on YouTube that tells the tale of the tape. It doesn’t agree with your statement.

I'm sure that's what they told you on fox news.

In the aftermath of Floyd’s killing, then-President Trump quickly called for a violent government response to suppress the demonstrations, urging authorities to use lethal force if demonstrators engaged in looting (New York Magazine, 1 June 2020) and instructing governors to “cut through [protesters] like butter” (Vox, 2 June 2020). Then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, in remarks he later recanted, identified domestic protest sites as a “battlespace” that law enforcement and National Guard needed to “dominate” and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy declared that the protest response mission was “D-Day for the National Guard” (Military Times, 1 June 2020; Washington Post, 15 April 2021).

Many federal and local law enforcement agencies heeded these directives. Government authorities — including police as well as federal agents and military forces, like the National Guard — have engaged in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement three times more often than they have engaged in any other type of demonstration in the country (see graph below), according to ACLED data. Authorities have intervened in BLM-related demonstrations over 9% of the time, compared to under 3% of the time for all other demonstrations.

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