Trump had over 8000 more people show up to vote for him in Pennsylvania then Biden did LOL HAHAH

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.

Police have been shot exercising no-knock warrants late at night in the past. That just seems highly dangerous to the cops, it just seems a lot safer to knock politely.

I agree. And to bust into someone's apartment a little after midnight seems like a good way to get shot.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

Breonna Tayler was an EMT. She had more education than you do. I doubt you could pass the course.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.

Police have been shot exercising no-knock warrants late at night in the past. That just seems highly dangerous to the cops, it just seems a lot safer to knock politely.

I agree. And to bust into someone's apartment a little after midnight seems like a good way to get shot.

The libs would have had a conniption if Roger Stone had responded like that during his surprise wake up call.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

Breonna Tayler was an EMT. She had more education than you do. I doubt you could pass the course.
Lol she was a low rated quota job. Affirmative action she took a job from a great white person like me

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

That is the claim. But no proof.

And the police did not announce who they were when they busted through the door. That is why the boyfriend shot at them.

Boyfriend WAS in jail. But when the DA found out that the grand jury was never informed that the boyfriend kept saying that he didn't know they were cops (in the 911 call immediately after the shooting he says "people" broke in) they let him go.

If someone breaks down your door a little after midnight, are you going to ask them who they are? Or are you going to shoot?

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

That is the claim. But no proof.

And the police did not announce who they were when they busted through the door. That is why the boyfriend shot at them.

Boyfriend WAS in jail. But when the DA found out that the grand jury was never informed that the boyfriend kept saying that he didn't know they were cops (in the 911 call immediately after the shooting he says "people" broke in) they let him go.

If someone breaks down your door a little after midnight, are you going to ask them who they are? Or are you going to shoot?
Yea he sold them drugs

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

Breonna Tayler was an EMT. She had more education than you do. I doubt you could pass the course.
Lol she was a low rated quota job. Affirmative action she took a job from a great white person like me

Have you had the training to be an emergency medical technician? No. It takes up to two years of training.

Just like you to claim it was a "quota" job, and that she took it away from someone like you. But you never completed the course work. So you are just using it as an excuse.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

I will kneel during the national anthem.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

Breonna Tayler was an EMT. She had more education than you do. I doubt you could pass the course.
Lol she was a low rated quota job. Affirmative action she took a job from a great white person like me

Have you had the training to be an emergency medical technician? No. It takes up to two years of training.

Just like you to claim it was a "quota" job, and that she took it away from someone like you. But you never completed the course work. So you are just using it as an excuse.
She wasn’t that good she got shot ha

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

I will kneel during the national anthem.
Why are you scared of yes or no questions lol if you are really man enough say yes.. if not then your
A coward and won’t do it

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

That is the claim. But no proof.

And the police did not announce who they were when they busted through the door. That is why the boyfriend shot at them.

Boyfriend WAS in jail. But when the DA found out that the grand jury was never informed that the boyfriend kept saying that he didn't know they were cops (in the 911 call immediately after the shooting he says "people" broke in) they let him go.

If someone breaks down your door a little after midnight, are you going to ask them who they are? Or are you going to shoot?
Yea he sold them drugs

Bullshit. And the boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was licensed to carry the gun he fired.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

Breonna Tayler was an EMT. She had more education than you do. I doubt you could pass the course.
Lol she was a low rated quota job. Affirmative action she took a job from a great white person like me

Have you had the training to be an emergency medical technician? No. It takes up to two years of training.

Just like you to claim it was a "quota" job, and that she took it away from someone like you. But you never completed the course work. So you are just using it as an excuse.
She wasn’t that good she got shot ha

WTF? You sick motherfucker. A woman was murdered by the cops. First you claim she had a job because of quotas. Then you claim she wasn't good at her job because she couldn't dodge bullets?

You are a despicable human being.
A friend who lives in Rhode Island was telling me just tonight that in the last two days her region has caught Trump fever. She is still anti Trump, and alone. Her little neighborhood is filled with Trump signs. In Rhode Island. In two days.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

That is the claim. But no proof.

And the police did not announce who they were when they busted through the door. That is why the boyfriend shot at them.

Boyfriend WAS in jail. But when the DA found out that the grand jury was never informed that the boyfriend kept saying that he didn't know they were cops (in the 911 call immediately after the shooting he says "people" broke in) they let him go.

If someone breaks down your door a little after midnight, are you going to ask them who they are? Or are you going to shoot?
Yea he sold them drugs

Bullshit. And the boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was licensed to carry the gun he fired.
He is a drug dealer

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

I will kneel during the national anthem.
Why are you scared of yes or no questions lol if you are really man enough say yes.. if not then your
A coward and won’t do it

Fuck you. I am not scared of a damned thing. You have said you want to clarify. I have explained it a dozen times. I don't know why you obsess over wanting a one word answer. But you will have to be satisfied with what you have. Your Signature says enough about how dishonest you are (as if all your lies were not).

I am plenty man enough to say it to your face.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Here is the definition of "National Anthem".
from: Definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM
"Definition of national anthem
: a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country's song"

If you notice, there is no mention at all of any flag.
Hey do you know why the police went to that address?

What address?
For the dumb black biatch that got shot, and kneeling for

The police claim that they thought her apartment had been used to receive packages containing drugs. But they had absolutely no evidence to support such a claim. And they certainly did not have evidence to support a No Knock warrant after midnight. YOu bust in my door after midnight, and don't announce who you are? You will be shot.

Oh, and no drugs were found at all.
the drugs came from that address, and the BF shot at cops.. end of story the BF should be in jail

That is the claim. But no proof.

And the police did not announce who they were when they busted through the door. That is why the boyfriend shot at them.

Boyfriend WAS in jail. But when the DA found out that the grand jury was never informed that the boyfriend kept saying that he didn't know they were cops (in the 911 call immediately after the shooting he says "people" broke in) they let him go.

If someone breaks down your door a little after midnight, are you going to ask them who they are? Or are you going to shoot?
Yea he sold them drugs

Bullshit. And the boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was licensed to carry the gun he fired.
He is a drug dealer

Got a link? Or are you just spouting lies again? Hell, you are more likely to be a drug dealer.

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

I will kneel during the national anthem.
Why are you scared of yes or no questions lol if you are really man enough say yes.. if not then your
A coward and won’t do it

Fuck you. I am not scared of a damned thing. You have said you want to clarify. I have explained it a dozen times. I don't know why you obsess over wanting a one word answer. But you will have to be satisfied with what you have. Your Signature says enough about how dishonest you are (as if all your lies were not).

I am plenty man enough to say it to your face.
Yes or no? Or are you to scared

Lol Trump is the incumbent this is unheard of he’s running against nobody!
And people are showing up by the thousands tens of thousands to out number of Democrats! Awwww hell yeah!
So, what you're saying is tRumplings are so stupid they thought they had to vote even though he's unopposed for the nomination?
No it means blacks can’t wait to vote for trump! Ppl can’t wait to show the switch! It means your party is dead!

Once again, you ignore what I actually said.

You are talking about numbers of votes. That is not what gets someone elected. Perhaps a civics lesson is in order.

Getting 8,000 more votes is not winning an election. Especially since it was only the primary, and not the actual election.

As for the "...your party is dead" comment, your ignorance is showing again.

It is the sign of the tremendous enthusiasm gap between President Trump and Sleepy Joe.

People who are more enthusiastic, are going to be more likely to go to the polls in November.

What does Ukraine Joe plan to do to get his people excited and to the polls this fall?
Winter is a communist, hes for big government over reach.. sad little punk he is , I have a picture of him kneeling on the flag and kissing BLM assView attachment 347055

That is just sad. Lying to make yourself look better is one thing. But this is just pitiful.

And calling me a communist? lol Too funny. But, given your inept attempts at actual debate, I can see why you resort to photshopped pics and trying to insult people. YOu're out of your depth.
I’m not lying as you can see in my signature there is a “they’re listed from you saying you were going to get on your knees at a national football game during the singing of the national anthem to honor America.. did you not say that?

Indeed I did. But the pic you post IS a lie. In several ways.
On your knees right?

On one knee. Not on any flag.
So you will take a knee when they honor America?

You have a lot of gall pretending to the moral high ground. You have talked about denying people their 6th amendment rights. You want to deny people their 1st amendment rights. You want to deport law abiding American citizens for no good reason. You want to strip the citizenship from American citizens and steal their property. You want to deny hundreds of thousands of voters the result of their efforts. You are calling for the violent overthrow of a city & state's governments.

You have no room to talk about someone not standing for the national anthem.
This ain’t about me! Answer the question you chicken shit hahahaha

This is about you wanting to decide what my protest is about. You can't.
Lol chicken shit

Chicken shit? Lol. I point out your anti-constitutional beliefs, and you want to harp on me answering a question I have unequivocally answered several times. How many times do you need to hear the same answer?
When asked to verify with a yes or no.. you have refused, which makes you a chicken

You've asked me several times. I have answered the same each time.
Not with a yes or a no but a deflect

You are asking if I will kneel during the national anthem at an NFL game?
Yes a
Will you take a knee as they raise the American flags and sing the National to honor America.. yes or no? ( I don’t need your excuse)

I have answered that question more than once. Move on.
Yes or no?

I've answered. More than once. Nothing has changed.
Yes or no,, chicken chicken

Hey numb-nuts, I have answered this same question several times. I'm not answering again. Why are the other answers insufficient?
Yes or no! Let’s go boy

I just scrolled through the 3 threads where my kneeling was discussed.

Since I stated, on my own, that I would kneel at an Atlanta Falcons game, you have asked this same question 11 times. I have answered it 7 times.

All of my answers have been consistent. I have not backed down at all. If you cannot grasp what I have said I will do after all that, you need help with reading comprehension.

I am not answered again. Move on.
So is that a yes? Chicken chicken

Are you really that stupid that ou have to be told something again and again and again and again and again and again and a again?
Do you have refused to answer a yes or no question. That gets to the point.. pull your pants up floyd OR STAY DOWN!

Yes Or no! What are you afraid of ,, my signature? Haha

LMAO!! I have answered your question 7 times. I have told you I will kneel during the national anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game 7 (now 8) times. But you cannot understand it because I did not answer with a Yes or No? lmao

Sorry junior, I don't cater to morons who cannot grasp an answer simply because it has more than one word.
To clarify YES OR NO ,, chicken shit hahaha

I have said I am going to kneel during the anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game. That is as cut & dried as it gets. I am being as clear as can be when I say that.

Why can you not understand? Why do you obsess over these Yes/No questions?

So that’s a yes? You will kneel on the flag

If you can point out where, in the 10 times I have answered you, that I said I would kneel on the flag.....

But you can't. Any claims that I said I would kneel on the flag is just a blatant lie.
So it’s a yes, you will kneel when honoring the flag?

Can you not read?
I’m asking A very specific question.. answer it yes or no

I have told you exactly what I will be doing. I will kneel during the National Anthem at an Atlanta Falcons game.

I will not be kneeling ON our flag. I will not be dishonoring our flag. I will be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

You want me to say "Yes" or "No". But given the countless times you have lied about what I have said, I am not limiting it to one word. Even the quote you have in your Signature about gun is a lie in the way you put it there. But I doubt anyone notices much of that anyway.
So that’s a yes you will kneel when honoring America?

I will kneel during the national anthem, in protest. It is a quiet, low-key, nonthreatening, nonviolent protest. It does not interfere with anyone else standing during the playing of the national anthem.
So yes you will kneel while honoring America? Raising the flag? Yes or no

I will kneel during the national anthem.
Why are you scared of yes or no questions lol if you are really man enough say yes.. if not then your
A coward and won’t do it

Fuck you. I am not scared of a damned thing. You have said you want to clarify. I have explained it a dozen times. I don't know why you obsess over wanting a one word answer. But you will have to be satisfied with what you have. Your Signature says enough about how dishonest you are (as if all your lies were not).

I am plenty man enough to say it to your face.
Yes or no? Or are you to scared

I have answered more than a dozen times. If you can't handle the format of my answer, that is your problem.

As for scared, let me know when you are coming to Atlanta. I will happily meet with you and say it to your face.

But anyone who demean and belittle an innocent woman who was murdered by cops, and then make up "facts" to try and cover, is a worthless waste of skin.

I know you are just a liberal without a spine who is trolling to make real conservatives look bad. Your constant lies have become a USMB joke.

I am done. I'll post pics of me kneeling during the National Anthem at a Falcons game.

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