Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

A debunked list from the 2020 election... where are they now?...
No not a debunked list. That is a lazy way of responding. The listed was vetted and pretty objectively presented. You’d know this if you actually read it which I can tell right now that you haven’t. Pull your head out of the sand
No not a debunked list. That is a lazy way of responding. The listed was vetted and pretty objectively presented. You’d know this if you actually read it which I can tell right now that you haven’t. Pull your head out of the sand
Well then where are they?... wouldn't this be a perfect time for them to show up?... it was BS back in 2020 and its BS today....
Well then where are they?... wouldn't this be a perfect time for them to show up?... it was BS back in 2020 and its BS today....
More ignorant commentary which I can easily flip on your argument. Where’s the Biden accuser today? That claim was so 2020. Totally debunked….

See how easy and useless it is to have lazy retorts? Do better. Try to actually read things instead of ignorantly reacting
More ignorant commentary which I can easily flip on your argument. Where’s the Biden accuser today? That claim was so 2020. Totally debunked….

See how easy and useless it is to have lazy retorts? Do better. Try to actually read things instead of ignorantly reacting
She had to leave the country in fear of her safety....
Rambunctious here posted about the Biden accuser expressing all in belief that her claims were true and that she was threatened so she moved.

When I brought up the Trump accusers Ramy here didn’t believe they existed so I posted a link with detailed story’s about 18 of them… Ramy didn’t read it but dismissed it all as debunked.

The willful ignorance and blind faith in Donald Trump is strong in that one.
you with a high IQ now that's funny... 50 is not a high IQ ... what does Clinton have to do with this ... and he didn't have sexual relations with that woman ... Mr. High IQ, allegedly ... sexual relation is defined as sexual intercourse ... he didn't have sexual intercourse with her ... he had a blow job.... a blow job is not defined as sexual relations ... Mr. high IQ ... so you showed your stupidity here Mr. high IQ... next thing you'll tell me is he got convicted of lying under oath ... he never got convicted of lying under oath mr. high IQ ... he was convicted of a misdemeanor of giving misleading testimony ... misleading testimony is not lying under
oath ...what else do you need to be educated about ...

wasn't sure, sorry about that ... my bad ...
Bwaaaahhaaaaa......A Joe Biden voter telling me i have a 50 IQ, now that is funny...

actually, you're wrong .... Amy Dorris becomes at least the 26th woman to publicly accuse Trump of sexual misconduct – with more than a dozen of that group having accused him of sexual assault. In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, she alleged that Trump accosted her outside the bathroom of his VIP box at the US Open tennis tournament in New York in 1997. there's one I can get you the rest of the 25 claiming sexually assaulted them ... theres Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Kathy Heller,
Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, There's more if you like ??? there's Bridget Sullivan, Tasha Dixon, Mindy McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jennifer Murphy, there's more Jessica Drake, Ninni LaaKosonen, Summer Zervos, Cassandra Searles, Jean Carrol, Amy Dorris, I'll stop for now ... seems you are very misinformed and each and every one of them has a story about those busy little grabby hands of trumps... you can go here below's web site and read every What??? story that you claim there are none

Yeah, just like the bitch Ms. Ford accused Justice Kavanaugh of inappropriate touching over 30 years ago, then finding out how she lied because she couldnt remember even if it was him. You fuckers on the left are such despicable assholes, in bringing up BS charges, because that is what MARXISTS always do. And as for William Jefferson Clinton who put a cuban cigar up Monica's you know what, yeah, that was him lying about the sexual relations. But then, Joe Biden voters would believe anything the Marxists tell them.

Rambunctious here posted about the Biden accuser expressing all in belief that her claims were true and that she was threatened so she moved.

When I brought up the Trump accusers Ramy here didn’t believe they existed so I posted a link with detailed story’s about 18 of them… Ramy didn’t read it but dismissed it all as debunked.

The willful ignorance and blind faith in Donald Trump is strong in that one.
Simple question... where are they today?... it was a campaign lie...
I thought we determined that the Joe Biden accuser moved in with them over seas
The Biden accuser... Tara Reade who lived about 30 miles from where I use to live has left the country after Biden's thugs threatened her.... she lives abroad now... so where are the Trump liars I mean accusers?...
The Biden accuser... Tara Reade who lived about 30 miles from where I use to live has left the country after Biden's thugs threatened her.... she lives abroad now... so where are the Trump liars I mean accusers?...
They are all probably abroad after being scared away by the maga crowd. Hiding with Tara. I thought we’ve been through this
They are all probably abroad after being scared away by the maga crowd. Hiding with Tara. I thought we’ve been through this
It really doesn't matter now does it.... because with gas back up to near record highs out west and crime surging with an open border Trump could have raped 50 women and Joe still couldn't beat him....
Should have gone with RFK Jr.... but I guess Obama wants that 4th term....
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
If a man excites a crowd to riot is he responsible for damages caused or was he just exercising his constitutional right to free speech? This is an issue that can only be settled in a court of law. When Trump encouraged his supporters, was he trying change the result of the election or to interrupt the actions of congress or was he just blowing off steam?

IMHO, the issue will probably never be settle because there are many people who do not want to see him brought to trial beginning with the Supreme Court.
If a man excites a crowd to riot is he responsible for damages caused or was he just exercising his constitutional right to free speech? This is an issue that can only be settled in a court of law. When Trump encouraged his supporters, was he trying change the result of the election or to interrupt the actions of congress or was he just blowing off steam?

IMHO, the issue will probably never be settle because there are many people who do not want to see him brought to trial beginning with the Supreme Court.
If i were Jack Smith, I would introduce into evidence the sworn testimony of hundreds of insurrectionist defendants who said Trump did incite them to do it. Spend a few days just reading it to the jury.
It really doesn't matter now does it.... because with gas back up to near record highs out west and crime surging with an open border Trump could have raped 50 women and Joe still couldn't beat him....
Should have gone with RFK Jr.... but I guess Obama wants that 4th term....
And now we get to it… all politics. You don’t care who assaulted who. You see an attack point against Biden so you use it and ignore the same accusations against Trump. All a big game. Right??
If a man excites a crowd to riot is he responsible for damages caused or was he just exercising his constitutional right to free speech? This is an issue that can only be settled in a court of law. When Trump encouraged his supporters, was he trying change the result of the election or to interrupt the actions of congress or was he just blowing off steam?

IMHO, the issue will probably never be settle because there are many people who do not want to see him brought to trial beginning with the Supreme Court.
Then why was Bernie Sanders never charged for inciting one of his followers to start a revolution and that person then went to DC to shoot up Republicans? How about dems inciting violence against Supreme Court justices? Kamala Harris herself urged people to fight like hell for abortion rights.

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