Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

You have 14 million more jobs (although the quality of them probably isn't that great).

There's creating jobs, and then there's filling those jobs. So in truth, how many Americans truthfully have been actually employed right now? Don't mistake creating a job for employing someone in the same job.
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.
You have 14 million more jobs (although the quality of them probably isn't that great).

There's creating jobs, and then there's filling those jobs. So in truth, how many Americans truthfully have been actually employed right now? Don't mistake creating a job for employing someone in the same job.

Why would there be same jobs in changing economy?

Job growth and falling unemployment is now also accompanied by wage growth recovery, in 2015 wages grew by 5% and 2016 should be strong as well.

Median income has pretty much recovered to pre-recession level.

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The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

:rolleyes: I was born and spent much of my life in USSR, what are you going to explain to me about it?
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

But I do. And he's right. Long before you were a poster on here, there was a lady from the former USSR who had some interesting posts on here. And we had some interesting discussions. I'm not talking the cesspit kind that pass for discussions on this board now, but serious, in depth discussions. She gave a lot of insight into why the USSR failed. And she categorically denied - and laid out succinctly - why Raygun had nothing to do with it. Coco the Clown could have been in the WH in the 1980s and the USSR would have faied. It started failing in the 50s but really hit the its failure straps in the late 60s and early 70s. Raygun got in on the action at the end. But it was already over.

It's a nice little story to tell kids that Uncle Ronnie killed the commies. But it's nothing more than that. A little story.
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

:rolleyes: I was born and spent much of my life in USSR, what are you going to explain to me about it?
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

But I do. And he's right. Long before you were a poster on here, there was a lady from the former USSR who had some interesting posts on here. And we had some interesting discussions. I'm not talking the cesspit kind that pass for discussions on this board now, but serious, in depth discussions. She gave a lot of insight into why the USSR failed. And she categorically denied - and laid out succinctly - why Raygun had nothing to do with it. Coco the Clown could have been in the WH in the 1980s and the USSR would have faied. It started failing in the 50s but really hit the its failure straps in the late 60s and early 70s. Raygun got in on the action at the end. But it was already over.

It's a nice little story to tell kids that Uncle Ronnie killed the commies. But it's nothing more than that. A little story.
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.
The stories that have been coming out are truly astounding. Just on the news of his election, in less than two weeks, the markets have skyrocketed. World leaders have talked about peace and their confidence in Donald Trump. And now this. This. Apple will be making the iPhone in America. The company that set the record for the highest valuation ever is bringing manufacturing of their flagship product in the U.S.

He's months away from being sworn in and already Donald Trump has accomplished more in a week and a half than Obama did in 8 years as president. More indisputable proof that the progressive ideology is a failed ideology. Just ask Venezuela. They implemented the progressive utopia and have completely collapsed. We were headed in that direction but thankfully the American people saw the failure and reversed course.

Silicon Valley Bows to Trump: Apple to Build iPhones in America

Four years of loony delusional threads like these.

Please, do us all a favor and log off for four years if you'd like.

Waaaaaa, a plea for mercy.
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

But I do. And he's right. Long before you were a poster on here, there was a lady from the former USSR who had some interesting posts on here. And we had some interesting discussions. I'm not talking the cesspit kind that pass for discussions on this board now, but serious, in depth discussions. She gave a lot of insight into why the USSR failed. And she categorically denied - and laid out succinctly - why Raygun had nothing to do with it. Coco the Clown could have been in the WH in the 1980s and the USSR would have faied. It started failing in the 50s but really hit the its failure straps in the late 60s and early 70s. Raygun got in on the action at the end. But it was already over.

It's a nice little story to tell kids that Uncle Ronnie killed the commies. But it's nothing more than that. A little story.
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

You called someone else childish? You?

You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

Don't take my word for it. Take the guy who was ambassador to the USSR under Raygun and Bush Snr. Jack Matlock. Gee, who to believe. An old windbag like SJ who just makes shit up, or a guy who actually knew Raygun. Knew Bush. And knew Gorby. Grow up yourself.

The Soviet Union didn't collapse because of external pressures. Nor did the Cold War end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan, for example, never claimed that we won the Cold War. He wrote about it in his memoirs as a negotiated settlement between partners. In 1992, when George H. W. Bush was losing the [presidential] election, he began saying that "we won the Cold War" on the campaign trail. Since then, a lot of this triumphalist mythology has come from the neocons whose ideas were rejected by Reagan, who in the end was more interested in negotiating. The neocons simply misrepresented what happened and claimed that Reagan had followed their approach in dealing with the Soviet Union. The only shreds of evidence to support it are snippets of political rhetoric taken out of context. It's because of the Obama administration's ideas about talking with nations that don't agree with the U.S. that I say that the president whom Barack Obama most resembles is Reagan. Not all their policies are the same, but their leadership qualities are strikingly similar.

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This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Manufacturing coming back to US? A positive sign given that for the past decade, the side in Washibgton bent on sticking high taxes and egregious regulation on Corporate America is being shown the door. We tried their way and cash has stayed on the sidelines.
Show $11 trillion more than all the presidents combined

I am not going to bother with your dumb ass spin you know what it was in 2008 and you know what it is now..
I am calling you a fucking liar

Prove me wrong

What was it in 2008?

What is it now?

Google is your friend I am not paid to teach willful ignorance people like you.

$11.8 trillion in 2009
$19.8 trillion today

I don't watch it tick off as well as you again what did Obama spend all the money on?

Out tax rate is ridiculously low. If we had returned to pre 1980 tax rates we wouldn't have this debt

Obama spent slightly over one trillion of that
I insist, what do you think happened to 9 trillion dollars. Where did it go? How did Obama make 9 trillion dollars disappear? How was it wasted?
The fact that you really don't know is why you are completely unqualified to even be discussing matters such as these. This was directly from Senator Tom Coburn's (OK) website. Every year he tracked and published reports on government spending. He made a special one just for the Obama "stimulus package" and this is but a few of the hundreds of disgusting examples:

1. Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763
Despite having no plans to reopen a shuttered visitor center at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the U.S. Forest Service is spending more than $554,000 to replace its windows.

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte received more than $760,000 in stimulus funds to help develop a computerized choreography program that its creators believe could lead to a YouTube-like “Dance Tube” online application.

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62 million
ederal money has covered the vast majority of costs, with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) agreeing to provide $348 million—nearly the full original cost—leaving state and local governments responsible for a small fraction.30 Even with that level of assistance, the Port Authority still threatened to shut down the project due to the enormous cost overruns. With an infusion of more than $62 million in stimulus money, the project was taken off life support.

4. FEMA Stalls Two Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX) - $7.3 million
The City of San Antonio is hoping that there aren’t any fires for at least a year in the vicinity of two planned fire stations, thanks to “help” from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million
Taxpayers may not be happy to learn that they are paying for one broken down train station twice. The Glassboro train station was built in 1860 and closed in 1971. Unused for nearly 40 years, it now sits boarded up and riddled with graffiti.

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million
The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million
An Ohio road project received $1.8 million in stimulus funds,56 despite the threat it poses to the residents of over two dozen homes next to it. Pastor Greg Sheets of Newark, Ohio’s Truth Tabernacle 57 has already lost his front yard to the project, and could lose his entire home.

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710
Once considered ahead of its time, the Fitchburg Furnace in Kentucky was abandoned after just five years in service—it then sat unused for nearly 140 more. Now it is getting a $357,710 makeover to repair stonework on the old structure and allow historians to conduct research.

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308 million
BP may have found itself staring down huge financial losses over the past several months, but executives can take solace knowing that a stimulus windfall will help offset them. On September 28, 2009, Hydrogen Energy California, LLC (HECA), owned largely by BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate more environmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298
People around Boynton, Oklahoma were left scratching their heads after the town was awarded nearly $90,00096 to replace a quarter-mile stretch of sidewalk that was replaced only five years ago. Another resident, Mike Lance, noted that “the best indication of the absurdity of the project is what the contractor did with a section of sidewalk at the north end of town – one that fronts no homes or businesses, and leads directly into a ditch.”
When dealing with almost $20 trillion in debt, you are talking pennies.
Most of the crap you posted are perfectly defensible

BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate moreenvironmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

Don't take my word for it. Take the guy who was ambassador to the USSR under Raygun and Bush Snr. Jack Matlock. Gee, who to believe. An old windbag like SJ who just makes shit up, or a guy who actually knew Raygun. Knew Bush. And knew Gorby. Grow up yourself.

The Soviet Union didn't collapse because of external pressures. Nor did the Cold War end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan, for example, never claimed that we won the Cold War. He wrote about it in his memoirs as a negotiated settlement between partners. In 1992, when George H. W. Bush was losing the [presidential] election, he began saying that "we won the Cold War" on the campaign trail. Since then, a lot of this triumphalist mythology has come from the neocons whose ideas were rejected by Reagan, who in the end was more interested in negotiating. The neocons simply misrepresented what happened and claimed that Reagan had followed their approach in dealing with the Soviet Union. The only shreds of evidence to support it are snippets of political rhetoric taken out of context. It's because of the Obama administration's ideas about talking with nations that don't agree with the U.S. that I say that the president whom Barack Obama most resembles is Reagan. Not all their policies are the same, but their leadership qualities are strikingly similar.

You can suck it paid poster

You still don't want to admit it mother fucker?

You don't live in NZ faggot
What EXACTLY has Trump done in the last two weeks?

1) Won an election
2) Spoke with 32 world leaders
3) Met with his first world leader in person (Japanese PM Shinzo Abe)
4) Nominated four men to his cabinet, and
5) Fired all of the lobbyists and imposed 5 year lobbying bans on anyone leaving the government.

What has he done? More than you I'd wager.

Trump has done more than me in the last two weeks? I beg to differ

What I have done in the last two weeks:

1). Rescued a kitten from a tree
2). Helped an old lady across the street
3). Gave a Twinkie to a homeless guy
4). Stopped a kid who was running with scissors

You lose your wager my friend
The Soviet Union was well on its way out before Raygun was even elected. Even as far back as the late 60s it was going bankrupt.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

But I do. And he's right. Long before you were a poster on here, there was a lady from the former USSR who had some interesting posts on here. And we had some interesting discussions. I'm not talking the cesspit kind that pass for discussions on this board now, but serious, in depth discussions. She gave a lot of insight into why the USSR failed. And she categorically denied - and laid out succinctly - why Raygun had nothing to do with it. Coco the Clown could have been in the WH in the 1980s and the USSR would have faied. It started failing in the 50s but really hit the its failure straps in the late 60s and early 70s. Raygun got in on the action at the end. But it was already over.

It's a nice little story to tell kids that Uncle Ronnie killed the commies. But it's nothing more than that. A little story.
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

I didn't say Raygun, so in effect you are the one full of it ;)

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