Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

Trump forced obama to his knees.

Obama halts immigration amnesty push in court, bows to incoming Trump administration

The administration has already taken the first step to accommodate President-elect Trump’s positions, agreeing Friday to take a timeout on President Obama’s push to kick-start his 2014 deportation amnesty.

In documents filed with a federal judge in Texas the Justice Department said that in light of the new management that will take over next year, the case should be suspended.

obama should spend his last days hiding in the closet.
I am not going to bother with your dumb ass spin you know what it was in 2008 and you know what it is now..
I am calling you a fucking liar

Prove me wrong

What was it in 2008?

What is it now?

Google is your friend I am not paid to teach willful ignorance people like you.

$11.8 trillion in 2009
$19.8 trillion today

I don't watch it tick off as well as you again what did Obama spend all the money on?

Out tax rate is ridiculously low. If we had returned to pre 1980 tax rates we wouldn't have this debt

Obama spent slightly over one trillion of that

So in your world stupid shit you would think they would stay and pay?

What is wrong with you liberals?

Why do you keep on thinking you raise taxes and they will stay?
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars? are brain are already spewing the "Fake News" meme that the democrats are long did that take for you to just start pushing that out onto the sites?

The "Fake News" meme is now a new front in the democrat totalitarian drive to get back power.............they want censorship since they got schlonged by Trump getting past their control of the press....
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

Don't take my word for it. Take the guy who was ambassador to the USSR under Raygun and Bush Snr. Jack Matlock. Gee, who to believe. An old windbag like SJ who just makes shit up, or a guy who actually knew Raygun. Knew Bush. And knew Gorby. Grow up yourself.

The Soviet Union didn't collapse because of external pressures. Nor did the Cold War end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan, for example, never claimed that we won the Cold War. He wrote about it in his memoirs as a negotiated settlement between partners. In 1992, when George H. W. Bush was losing the [presidential] election, he began saying that "we won the Cold War" on the campaign trail. Since then, a lot of this triumphalist mythology has come from the neocons whose ideas were rejected by Reagan, who in the end was more interested in negotiating. The neocons simply misrepresented what happened and claimed that Reagan had followed their approach in dealing with the Soviet Union. The only shreds of evidence to support it are snippets of political rhetoric taken out of context. It's because of the Obama administration's ideas about talking with nations that don't agree with the U.S. that I say that the president whom Barack Obama most resembles is Reagan. Not all their policies are the same, but their leadership qualities are strikingly similar.

You can suck it paid poster

You still don't want to admit it mother fucker?

You don't live in NZ faggot

I am still not done with you asshole I hate paid posterS who don't admit
I will fuck with you asshole till I get banned

I hate pretend kiwis who live in the Bronx mother fucker
I am calling you a fucking liar

Prove me wrong

What was it in 2008?

What is it now?

Google is your friend I am not paid to teach willful ignorance people like you.

$11.8 trillion in 2009
$19.8 trillion today

I don't watch it tick off as well as you again what did Obama spend all the money on?

Out tax rate is ridiculously low. If we had returned to pre 1980 tax rates we wouldn't have this debt

Obama spent slightly over one trillion of that

So in your world stupid shit you would think they would stay and pay?

What is wrong with you liberals?

Why do you keep on thinking you raise taxes and they will stay?

<sob>. If we don't treat our billionaires well, they will leave us

How many billionaires left in the 60s and 70s?
The entire thing is a lie and all who participate are the liars.
You worthless opinion.

Wanna try a sentence?
That IS a sentence, I made it short so you might be able to process it.

Home schooled, gotcha.
Were you? I thought you were a product of public education. I guess you don't have access to those safe places to grieve over the outcome of the election. Sucks for you, eh?

The planet is my safe space sparky, and since I didn't ever support either if these travesties the election was pretty much a wash for me, Im just gonna kick back and enjoy the show.
Out tax rate is ridiculously low. If we had returned to pre 1980 tax rates we wouldn't have this debt

Obama spent slightly over one trillion of that
As usual, rightwinger is completely devoid of facts. We've had the highest corporate tax rates in the world under Obama and our personal income tax is about 50% higher than Canada's (which has all of the idiotic socialism you demand).

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
Out tax rate is ridiculously low. If we had returned to pre 1980 tax rates we wouldn't have this debt

Obama spent slightly over one trillion of that
As usual, rightwinger is completely devoid of facts. We've had the highest corporate tax rates in the world under Obama and our personal income tax is about 50% higher than Canada's (which has all of the idiotic socialism you demand).

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
Why do you keep telling that lie?

You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

Don't take my word for it. Take the guy who was ambassador to the USSR under Raygun and Bush Snr. Jack Matlock. Gee, who to believe. An old windbag like SJ who just makes shit up, or a guy who actually knew Raygun. Knew Bush. And knew Gorby. Grow up yourself.

The Soviet Union didn't collapse because of external pressures. Nor did the Cold War end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan, for example, never claimed that we won the Cold War. He wrote about it in his memoirs as a negotiated settlement between partners. In 1992, when George H. W. Bush was losing the [presidential] election, he began saying that "we won the Cold War" on the campaign trail. Since then, a lot of this triumphalist mythology has come from the neocons whose ideas were rejected by Reagan, who in the end was more interested in negotiating. The neocons simply misrepresented what happened and claimed that Reagan had followed their approach in dealing with the Soviet Union. The only shreds of evidence to support it are snippets of political rhetoric taken out of context. It's because of the Obama administration's ideas about talking with nations that don't agree with the U.S. that I say that the president whom Barack Obama most resembles is Reagan. Not all their policies are the same, but their leadership qualities are strikingly similar.
Aside from your bullshit about the Cold War, the notion that your communist dictator wannabe Obama has ANYTHING in common with the greatest President in the 20th century (and this one so far) is utterly ridiculous. Obama is a pile of shit compared to Ronald Reagan. Hell, he's a pile of shit compared to ANY president we've had yet. Reagan was a true leader who gave others credit, even when they didn't deserve it, just for the purpose of unity. Obama never used the word "we". It was always about him and nobody else. Reagan was a humble man who loved the United States and always acted in her best interests. Obama doesn't give a shit about the United States and has actively worked to undermine her. The only thing he ever cared about was his fucking ego and pissing on our Constitution. Obama is a national embarrassment.
The Soviet Union didn't fall, you idiot. It was pushed!

Myth. USSR was running on ideological fumes without any real efficiency in underlying economy, there is only so long it could last.
Reagan was winning the Cold War while you were still shitting in your diapers, son. You don't know shit about him or the Soviet Union.

But I do. And he's right. Long before you were a poster on here, there was a lady from the former USSR who had some interesting posts on here. And we had some interesting discussions. I'm not talking the cesspit kind that pass for discussions on this board now, but serious, in depth discussions. She gave a lot of insight into why the USSR failed. And she categorically denied - and laid out succinctly - why Raygun had nothing to do with it. Coco the Clown could have been in the WH in the 1980s and the USSR would have faied. It started failing in the 50s but really hit the its failure straps in the late 60s and early 70s. Raygun got in on the action at the end. But it was already over.

It's a nice little story to tell kids that Uncle Ronnie killed the commies. But it's nothing more than that. A little story.
You're as full of shit as antontoo. And your childish use of "Raygun" doesn't exactly add to your credibility. Grow up if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

I didn't say Raygun, so in effect you are the one full of it ;)
I didn't say you did.
Aside from your bullshit about the Cold War, the notion that your communist dictator wannabe Obama has ANYTHING in common with the greatest President in the 20th century (and this one so far) is utterly ridiculous. Obama is a pile of shit compared to Ronald Reagan. Hell, he's a pile of shit compared to ANY president we've had yet. Reagan was a true leader who gave others credit, even when they didn't deserve it, just for the purpose of unity. Obama never used the word "we". It was always about him and nobody else. Reagan was a humble man who loved the United States and always acted in her best interests. Obama doesn't give a shit about the United States and has actively worked to undermine her. The only thing he ever cared about was his fucking ego and pissing on our Constitution. Obama is a national embarrassment.

Thank you for your opinion. But that is all it is. An opinion not based on fact. Raygun had alzheimers while in office. It showed. Obama did more for the US in his first six months than Raygun did in 8 years. You can throw in Dumbya's joke of a presidency, too. Oh, the irony of your supposition about Obama only caring about himself. If there ever was a type of person who only gives a shit about themselves, and it's all about "me, me,me" is the neocon whackjob. Plenty on this board. Including you.

Edit: it wasn't me saying it about Raygun and Obama. It was a Raygun appointee to the USSR ambassadorship...I think he would know a lot more than you.
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Months ago, long before Trump was elected, Apple asked 2 companies that it uses to make iPhones what it would cost to make iPhones in the US. 1 didn't bother to find out, the other told Apple costs would double. That is the story.

Breitbart is selling it as Trump forced Apple to start iPhone production in the US and succeeded.

This is why you asshats won the election. Because you swallow bullshit and you love it. You ask for seconds and thirds.

True , Apple was looking at manufacturing it's iPhone in the United States back in June.
Next we'll see a thread claiming Trump was involved in the invention of the wheel.

Apple is reportedly trying to move iPhone manufacturing to the US
Aside from your bullshit about the Cold War, the notion that your communist dictator wannabe Obama has ANYTHING in common with the greatest President in the 20th century (and this one so far) is utterly ridiculous. Obama is a pile of shit compared to Ronald Reagan. Hell, he's a pile of shit compared to ANY president we've had yet. Reagan was a true leader who gave others credit, even when they didn't deserve it, just for the purpose of unity. Obama never used the word "we". It was always about him and nobody else. Reagan was a humble man who loved the United States and always acted in her best interests. Obama doesn't give a shit about the United States and has actively worked to undermine her. The only thing he ever cared about was his fucking ego and pissing on our Constitution. Obama is a national embarrassment.

Thank you for your opinion. But that is all it is. An opinion not based on fact. Raygun had alzheimers while in office. It showed. Obama did more for the US in his first six months than Raygun did in 8 years. You can throw in Dumbya's joke of a presidency, too. Oh, the irony of your supposition about Obama only caring about himself. If there ever was a type of person who only gives a shit about themselves, and it's all about "me, me,me" is the neocon whackjob. Plenty on this board. Including you.

Edit: it wasn't me saying it about Raygun and Obama. It was a Raygun appointee to the USSR ambassadorship...I think he would know a lot more than you.
Blah, blah, blah. You think because you find one article by one person (possibly with an ax to grind) it somehow invalidates historical facts? And again, your continued use of the term "Raygun" shows your immaturity and disrespect, and makes it impossible to take you or your argument seriously.
Blah, blah, blah. You think because you find one article by one person (possibly with an ax to grind) it somehow invalidates historical facts? And again, your continued use of the term "Raygun" shows your immaturity and disrespect, and makes it impossible to take you or your argument seriously.

Of course it is disrespectful. I hated Raygun. Thought he was awful. Thought I'd never see a worse president in my lifetime. Then along came Dumbya. Thought the same about him. Then along came Trumpie. Couldn't make this shit up.

No, he had no axe to grind. he was also kept in the USSR job when Bush snr was president. So, no, you can't admit when you're wrong. I know. Because you're a fucking idiot.
Blah, blah, blah. You think because you find one article by one person (possibly with an ax to grind) it somehow invalidates historical facts? And again, your continued use of the term "Raygun" shows your immaturity and disrespect, and makes it impossible to take you or your argument seriously.

Of course it is disrespectful. I hated Raygun. Thought he was awful. Thought I'd never see a worse president in my lifetime. Then along came Dumbya. Thought the same about him. Then along came Trumpie. Couldn't make this shit up.

No, he had no axe to grind. he was also kept in the USSR job when Bush snr was president. So, no, you can't admit when you're wrong. I know. Because you're a fucking idiot.
Fuck you too, moron.
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Months ago, long before Trump was elected, Apple asked 2 companies that it uses to make iPhones what it would cost to make iPhones in the US. 1 didn't bother to find out, the other told Apple costs would double. That is the story.

Breitbart is selling it as Trump forced Apple to start iPhone production in the US and succeeded.

This is why you asshats won the election. Because you swallow bullshit and you love it. You ask for seconds and thirds.

True , Apple was looking at manufacturing it's iPhone in the United States back in June.
Next we'll see a thread claiming Trump was involved in the invention of the wheel.

Apple is reportedly trying to move iPhone manufacturing to the US

That's right. June. And Trump made his statement in January. Trump was also looking like he was going to win the Republican nomination in June.

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