Trump has Arizona republicans confused

What I get out of all this...Republicans want to make it harder to vote..democrats want to make it easier.

What I get out of all this: you decided what you were going to hear before you started, and then TA DAAAHHH!!! That's exactly what you heard. What a coincidence.

Republicans want to make it harder for votes to be cast which have no business being cast. And we see no reason to apologize for that. As far as voting by legal, registered voters, WE are not the ones trying to change anything. And as much as you try to spin this in warm, fuzzy words about "easier to vote", the truth is that you're actually trying to make it easier to disenfranchise people entirely. There's no value in it being "easier" to vote if the votes are made worthless by Democrat election fraud.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

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So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.

i was clear, voting by mail is for those with real issues. i said overseas, but out of state for work, is the same. you are reaching.
But Trump has been in the state. He had someone else take his ballot from him IN FLORIDA, and deliver it to the registrar’s office. You know, ballot harvesting. You say that’s lazy.

has been? will he be there on election day? can he know in advance that he will be there on election day? he's not lazy for using Vote by Mail (while he was in Florida) in the past, only if he does it in the future? You really take sycophant to a brand new level.

Face it, your Naked Emperor is a raging fucking hypocrite and the only reason he's bringing up Vote by Mail is to have an excuse when he loses. He HATES losing.

Trump LOVES VBM for him, but not for you. You have to get COVID.

your desire to get the vote of every lazy person who normally can't get off the couch, is understandable.

we both know, that that bloc of "voters" would break your way big time.

Me? I pray for rain on election day, because I believe that republicans are more likely to be serious people who aren't scared of a little rain.

interesting the difference in the way we see ourselves, the two of us.

My goal to increase voter turnout is the nature of my job. If voting by mail makes it easier and more convenient for people to vote, yes, I'm all for it. This "one day to vote" bullshit is outdated. Not only has the population increased, the time sucks in our lives have increased.

Do you know WHY the election is always on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November? For another archaic reason that no longer exists. We don't have to wait for the harvest to be over and farmers to travel two weeks into town to cast their fucking vote.

It's the 21st century. Update your thinking. Not everyone gets time off from work to vote. Some people can't get to a polling place because they've got to pick up the kids, cook dinner, help out with homework then head off to their 2nd job after the kids are asleep. These people deserve to be able to vote and if voting by mail allows this to happen for that voter, yeah I'm all the fuck for it.

Who the fuck wouldn't be?

More Days, more ways!!!!

Who wouldn't be? Someone who doesn't want to give people who hate him, the partisan advantage.

They mail ballots to Republicans too. How is it a "partisan advantage" exactly? You're pretty self aware if you actually realize that Republicans and their ideas aren't very popular. I've got an suggestion for you, get better ideas.

Because you know your side is lazier. So does Trump. So do the dem leadership. That is why they are always pushing to make it easier and simpler for voters to vote. They would let people vote with crayons, if they could.

And it is not that your ideas are better. it is that our control of the means of communication allow you to spread your lies, very well.
Get better ideas and you won't have to lie....

Yours is the party built on lies and you know it.

Your input that there is no partisan advantage is noted. When the dem leadership starts acting like they believe that, I will take a more serious look at it.

If you had better ideas, you would not care who votes. You know you are a minority majority party and the only way to hold on to that is by suppressing the vote because when people vote, Democrats win. It's not because one method of voting gives any partisan advantage, voting itself gives the advantage...because more people support Democrats than support Republicans.

You're contradicting yourself.

if there is no partisan advantage for the dems to increasing voting turnout, which you claim,

and dems are the majority, which you also claim, then dem would win all the time, no matter what the level of turnout.

so, you're either deeply confused, or lying. Either way, your case for the change to how we do things, has no credibility.

Voting at the polls, worked fine for the first 250 years. Let's stick with that till someone comes up with a real reason for change.

There is a partisan advantage to more people voting, there is not a partisan advantage in Voting by Mail.

You are a minority majority party and the only way you can stay in power is by suppressing the vote. In a global, deadly pandemic, the way you do that is by fucking with the mail. Instead of trying to suppress the vote, simply get better ideas that the American people support.

1. I don't trust you, or yours studies. I think that dems are lazy and that is why you want voting by mail.

2. our ideas are better. your lying is better. such as the wacism, that terrifies conservatives blacks into voting for liberal whites.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.

i was clear, voting by mail is for those with real issues. i said overseas, but out of state for work, is the same. you are reaching.
But Trump has been in the state. He had someone else take his ballot from him IN FLORIDA, and deliver it to the registrar’s office. You know, ballot harvesting. You say that’s lazy.

has been? will he be there on election day? can he know in advance that he will be there on election day? he's not lazy for using Vote by Mail (while he was in Florida) in the past, only if he does it in the future? You really take sycophant to a brand new level.

Face it, your Naked Emperor is a raging fucking hypocrite and the only reason he's bringing up Vote by Mail is to have an excuse when he loses. He HATES losing.

Trump LOVES VBM for him, but not for you. You have to get COVID.

your desire to get the vote of every lazy person who normally can't get off the couch, is understandable.

we both know, that that bloc of "voters" would break your way big time.

Me? I pray for rain on election day, because I believe that republicans are more likely to be serious people who aren't scared of a little rain.

interesting the difference in the way we see ourselves, the two of us.

My goal to increase voter turnout is the nature of my job. If voting by mail makes it easier and more convenient for people to vote, yes, I'm all for it. This "one day to vote" bullshit is outdated. Not only has the population increased, the time sucks in our lives have increased.

Do you know WHY the election is always on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November? For another archaic reason that no longer exists. We don't have to wait for the harvest to be over and farmers to travel two weeks into town to cast their fucking vote.

It's the 21st century. Update your thinking. Not everyone gets time off from work to vote. Some people can't get to a polling place because they've got to pick up the kids, cook dinner, help out with homework then head off to their 2nd job after the kids are asleep. These people deserve to be able to vote and if voting by mail allows this to happen for that voter, yeah I'm all the fuck for it.

Who the fuck wouldn't be?

More Days, more ways!!!!

Who wouldn't be? Someone who doesn't want to give people who hate him, the partisan advantage.

They mail ballots to Republicans too. How is it a "partisan advantage" exactly? You're pretty self aware if you actually realize that Republicans and their ideas aren't very popular. I've got an suggestion for you, get better ideas.

Because you know your side is lazier. So does Trump. So do the dem leadership. That is why they are always pushing to make it easier and simpler for voters to vote. They would let people vote with crayons, if they could.

And it is not that your ideas are better. it is that our control of the means of communication allow you to spread your lies, very well.
Get better ideas and you won't have to lie....

Yours is the party built on lies and you know it.

Your input that there is no partisan advantage is noted. When the dem leadership starts acting like they believe that, I will take a more serious look at it.

If you had better ideas, you would not care who votes. You know you are a minority majority party and the only way to hold on to that is by suppressing the vote because when people vote, Democrats win. It's not because one method of voting gives any partisan advantage, voting itself gives the advantage...because more people support Democrats than support Republicans.

You're contradicting yourself.

if there is no partisan advantage for the dems to increasing voting turnout, which you claim,

and dems are the majority, which you also claim, then dem would win all the time, no matter what the level of turnout.

so, you're either deeply confused, or lying. Either way, your case for the change to how we do things, has no credibility.

Voting at the polls, worked fine for the first 250 years. Let's stick with that till someone comes up with a real reason for change.

There is a partisan advantage to more people voting, there is not a partisan advantage in Voting by Mail.

You are a minority majority party and the only way you can stay in power is by suppressing the vote. In a global, deadly pandemic, the way you do that is by fucking with the mail. Instead of trying to suppress the vote, simply get better ideas that the American people support.

1. I don't trust you, or yours studies. I think that dems are lazy and that is why you want voting by mail.

2. our ideas are better. your lying is better. such as the wacism, that terrifies conservatives blacks into voting for liberal whites.

Let's translate that shall we? "I don't trust you or your studies" Translated: "Facts are contrary to my ideological views so I will dismiss them"

No, your ideas are not better which is why the American public reject them. I doubt you could name two policies pushed by Republicans that are popular with Americans.


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