Trump has Arizona republicans confused

Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades

Did they implement national vote by mail with only months to prepare during a global pandemic? (blueslegend said with extreme sarcasm and a :itsok:)

No we don't. It's up to the States to do that if they wish. It's not up to the Feds to force it to happen nor is it up to the Feds to prevent it. So far, we don't see a concerted effort too force the states to implement a nationwide mail-in voting program but we are seeing a President doing his damnedest to hender the states from exercising their states rights in how they require people to vote. Considering the Republic Party was founded on States Rights, what the hell has happened?
I think it's called 'situational ethics'.

Once again, it's against Federal and state Laws in intentionally delaying a Ballot and the Mail. it's a Felony at both the State and Federal Level. If we actually HAD a real Judicial Branch, the AG would be issuing an arrest warrant on Rump.

President Trump as chief executive has broad executive branch powers. Remember Obama telling us he had a phone and a pen, well there you have it.
Article 2 we know, Trump seems to think it damn near makes him king.

You are fake news.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

Yah, they are so confused that they are investigating Rumps actions. You see, it's a Federal Felony and a Felony in most states to deliberately delay a ballot. And since the Supreme Court has thrown out that stupid Judicial Memo, Rump can be charged, tried and convicted on a State's Felony Charge. I can think of 5 other states that needs to do the same thing.


So I present facts and that is trolling. Right, there buddy. I guess I'll just troll on. No one is above the law except your Orange Deity.

As for me being a troll, troll,

Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

Yah, they are so confused that they are investigating Rumps actions. You see, it's a Federal Felony and a Felony in most states to deliberately delay a ballot. And since the Supreme Court has thrown out that stupid Judicial Memo, Rump can be charged, tried and convicted on a State's Felony Charge. I can think of 5 other states that needs to do the same thing.


So I present facts and that is trolling. Right, there buddy. I guess I'll just troll on. No one is above the law except your Orange Deity.

As for me being a troll, troll,

View attachment 376259

You're either a troll or a fucking retard, as nothing that you post is accurate and relevant.
I was being kind.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

Yah, they are so confused that they are investigating Rumps actions. You see, it's a Federal Felony and a Felony in most states to deliberately delay a ballot. And since the Supreme Court has thrown out that stupid Judicial Memo, Rump can be charged, tried and convicted on a State's Felony Charge. I can think of 5 other states that needs to do the same thing.


So I present facts and that is trolling. Right, there buddy. I guess I'll just troll on. No one is above the law except your Orange Deity.

As for me being a troll, troll,

View attachment 376259

You're either a troll or a fucking retard, as nothing that you post is accurate and relevant.
I was being kind.

Because, like your Orange Deity, reading is just too hard for you.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

Yah, they are so confused that they are investigating Rumps actions. You see, it's a Federal Felony and a Felony in most states to deliberately delay a ballot. And since the Supreme Court has thrown out that stupid Judicial Memo, Rump can be charged, tried and convicted on a State's Felony Charge. I can think of 5 other states that needs to do the same thing.


So I present facts and that is trolling. Right, there buddy. I guess I'll just troll on. No one is above the law except your Orange Deity.

As for me being a troll, troll,

View attachment 376259

You're either a troll or a fucking retard, as nothing that you post is accurate and relevant.
I was being kind.

Because, like your Orange Deity, reading is just too hard for you.

Poor Daryl
Stupid is in the eye of the beholder. Most normal folks think that increasing voter participation and turnout is a good thing. Oh, of course republicans don't want that...because their ideas are so universally unpopular. Can't be the minority party in power if the majority party actually gets out and votes!
If you're not smart enough to vote for the better candidate, it's a good thing if your vote isn't counted.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.
Mail in voting is not the issue. The reason that Democrats are all of a sudden so concerned about it is. I mean they are about to lose there is a TON of motive for them to start looking for ways to cheat.
Democrat party CHEATS their own damn voters for fucks sake. You ever heard of the super delegate system? It is a specific practice in the democratic primary to take the power out of the voters hand and give it to the politicians. You see what The Obama administration and government agencies tried to do to a Presidential candidate in 2015? Yeah I think there is cause to be highly doubtful about the Democrats intentions.
Mail in voting done without cheating would not even help the democrats. If Covid 19 going to keep any demographic out of the voting booths it is our elderly. And guess who is way ahead in all polls with older voters?
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades

Did they implement national vote by mail with only months to prepare during a global pandemic? (blueslegend said with extreme sarcasm and a :itsok:)

No we don't. It's up to the States to do that if they wish. It's not up to the Feds to force it to happen nor is it up to the Feds to prevent it. So far, we don't see a concerted effort too force the states to implement a nationwide mail-in voting program but we are seeing a President doing his damnedest to hender the states from exercising their states rights in how they require people to vote. Considering the Republic Party was founded on States Rights, what the hell has happened?
I think it's called 'situational ethics'.

Once again, it's against Federal and state Laws in intentionally delaying a Ballot and the Mail. it's a Felony at both the State and Federal Level. If we actually HAD a real Judicial Branch, the AG would be issuing an arrest warrant on Rump.

President Trump as chief executive has broad executive branch powers. Remember Obama telling us he had a phone and a pen, well there you have it.
Article 2 we know, Trump seems to think it damn near makes him king.

Yeah, if the President sets policy for governmental departments of the executive branch, that's him "thinking he's a king" . . . instead of him doing his actual job description.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades

Did they implement national vote by mail with only months to prepare during a global pandemic? (blueslegend said with extreme sarcasm and a :itsok:)

No we don't. It's up to the States to do that if they wish. It's not up to the Feds to force it to happen nor is it up to the Feds to prevent it. So far, we don't see a concerted effort too force the states to implement a nationwide mail-in voting program but we are seeing a President doing his damnedest to hender the states from exercising their states rights in how they require people to vote. Considering the Republic Party was founded on States Rights, what the hell has happened?
I think it's called 'situational ethics'.

Once again, it's against Federal and state Laws in intentionally delaying a Ballot and the Mail. it's a Felony at both the State and Federal Level. If we actually HAD a real Judicial Branch, the AG would be issuing an arrest warrant on Rump.

President Trump as chief executive has broad executive branch powers. Remember Obama telling us he had a phone and a pen, well there you have it.
Article 2 we know, Trump seems to think it damn near makes him king.

Currently Trump is the boss of the Dems.
If you say so Ivan
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades

Did they implement national vote by mail with only months to prepare during a global pandemic? (blueslegend said with extreme sarcasm and a :itsok:)

No we don't. It's up to the States to do that if they wish. It's not up to the Feds to force it to happen nor is it up to the Feds to prevent it. So far, we don't see a concerted effort too force the states to implement a nationwide mail-in voting program but we are seeing a President doing his damnedest to hender the states from exercising their states rights in how they require people to vote. Considering the Republic Party was founded on States Rights, what the hell has happened?
I think it's called 'situational ethics'.

Once again, it's against Federal and state Laws in intentionally delaying a Ballot and the Mail. it's a Felony at both the State and Federal Level. If we actually HAD a real Judicial Branch, the AG would be issuing an arrest warrant on Rump.

President Trump as chief executive has broad executive branch powers. Remember Obama telling us he had a phone and a pen, well there you have it.
Article 2 we know, Trump seems to think it damn near makes him king.

Yeah, if the President sets policy for governmental departments of the executive branch, that's him "thinking he's a king" . . . instead of him doing his actual job description.
You mean like mobilizing the FBI to investigate your political opponent during a Presidential election? Or actively denying people the protection of the police? Or using your constitutional powers to impeach a POTUS for absolutely no reason except hate and political agendas? Yeah I do not think a democrat should talk about a king and abuse of power.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.

Exactly. He is being a hypocrite.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.
NO you do not fucking listen. Trump performs an absentee ballot vote he is NOT USING VOTE BY MAIL. And absentee voting does not even mean by mail in some cases it is done on a website or other means. Vote in person you get there you vote you leave. Absentee ballot you mail in an application then recieve a ballot you fill out and mail back. MAIL IN VOTING is the democrats with bias sending out ballots to registered voters and accidently losing those from rural or Republican areas.
And even if the Democrats do not get away with their intended cheating and Trump wins they are going to waste another 2+ years investigating the republicans for doing it.
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

The only one that is confused is you - with that extreme low IQ.

President Trump opposes the democrat plans to expand vote by mail in the desperate democratic plan to steal the election.

It really is not difficult if your brain is capable of processing information other than snark. This is most people, take it to a support group if you have trouble.
Is it possible that "Arizonians are confused about how to vote" or is it another idiotic left wing generalizations from TDS lefties who have never set foot in Arizona?
Arizonians have been voting by mail for decades now they are confused as what to do since Trump has said voting by mail should be a no-no..Mailer featuring Donald Trump urges Arizona Republicans to vote by mail ... wait, what?

The only one that is confused is you - with that extreme low IQ.

President Trump opposes the democrat plans to expand vote by mail in the desperate democratic plan to steal the election.

It really is not difficult if your brain is capable of processing information other than snark. This is most people, take it to a support group if you have trouble.

You keep posting this crap. And the more people won't vote for Rump whom they see as someone attempting to destroy our voting rights. So I suggest, go out and buy more ammo. You are going to need it.
i personally am against mail in ballots being used by the able bodied,

because if you are too fucking lazy to go to the polls, i don't care what you have to say. fuck off.
That was in the good old days when there were polling places everywhere, schools, libraries and even peoples's garages but since the start of the great voter suppression era you now have very few places to vote in person. Oh, plus they have shortened the hours the polls stay open. Which is why, in many states, just as many republicans vote by mail as democrats.

i got the ballot application in the mail. i considered it, because i was worried that the local morons might close the polls cause of the terrible black death/not.

my position is the same. unless you are fucked up, fucking overseas or serving your fucking country, and you want to be counted, get off your ass and go vote.

if you can't be bothered, then keep chilling out dude. we don't need your input.

View attachment 375789
So if you get anything by mail, you're lazy? Do you walk your phone bill down to the phone company to pay it? Calling people who don't want to catch COVID "lazy" isn't going to guilt them to the polls. Try a different tact, yours is intellectually lazy.

elections are different than paying the phone bill.

if you can't be bothered to vote, that is fine with me. i see no gain for society, in making it easier for the lazy to vote.

So, how do you feel about Trump voting by mail?

President Donald Trump, who almost daily criticizes voting by mail with false claims about fraud, on Wednesday requested a mail-in ballot for himself, as did first lady Melania Trump, according to county election officials in Florida.

The president and his wife were sent ballots for next Tuesday's statewide primary election in Florida less than a week before the vote, according to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

The office mailed the ballots to the Trumps, at their registered address at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, according to entries on its website. The couple also voted by mail in Florida's presidential primary in March, according to election records.

he's out of state, for work. pretty much it's intended usage.
Yeah, except not....he is in Florida enough that he could vote in person. Guess he's just too lazy.

or he is not going to be in state at the time. or might not be. sounds like what the system was meant for to me.

i like the way you attack him for maybe being lazy though. like you know it is a character flaw that should not be pandered to.

now, take that feeling and project it, to those on your side too.
You got it wrong. YOU called him lazy. You said voting by mail is lazy. It’s not. Calling it laziness is very intellectually lazy, but VBM is not. Trump is being hypocritical for voting by mail, not lazy.

i was clear, voting by mail is for those with real issues. i said overseas, but out of state for work, is the same. you are reaching.

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