Trump Has Changed Everything...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Like him or not, agree with him or not, the undeniable truth; that one inarguable fact about Donald Trump is that he has changed everything about our political landscape.

Ross Perot tried it back in 1992 when he ran as an independent, and then in 1996 when he ran on the Reform Party ticket. He garnered almost 19% of the popular vote in 1992, which is the highest for an Independent. Now, in July of 1992 Perot withdrew from the race only five months after announcing his candidacy, but re-entered the race in October, after his name was placed on the ballots of all 50 states. One can only wonder what would have happened had he not temporarily dropped out. Would he have become President? Maybe, maybe not. Could he have? Absolutely.

See, one thing we do know now is that H. Ross Perot showed us that you didn't need to have (D) or (R) after your name to be a threat.

Donald Trump merely took it a step further. Trump stayed in it. He outlasted 16 other Republican candidates, many who possessed a deep well of political experience and savvy. Some would credit Trump's money for his eventual win, but we need to only look at Michael Bloomberg to know that money's not the end all in a campaign, and suggestions that the most money wins are simply not true. Donald Trump has a net worth of, by some estimations, $3.1 billion dollars. Bloomberg enjoys a fortune of over $55 billion.

Money can't buy everything.

Like Perot, Trump was not a politician. It could be argued now that he is or isn't, but when he announced his candidacy, he was a successful businessman, no more, no less. Hell, he entered the political arena as a punchline more than as a candidate. He was all but excommunicated by the GOP. Nobody thought he would win. After all, of his three viable democratic opponents, one of them was someone the sitting President said of "there has never been a man or a woman; not me, not Bill, nobody, more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America." That was some pretty high praise, and spoken by a great orator with an unwavering conviction.

And yet, Clinton lost the election.

Throughout the campaign, all Trump did was be Trump. He was brash, offensive, tactless; any number of negative adjectives you can come up with. But one adjective which also applies is "genuine". Not being a politician, all Trump knew was how to be Trump. He was true to who he was, since that's all he really knew how to do.

And it worked. For all of the good and all of the bad, it worked. Donald Trump outlasted a Republican field of 16 others, all with political experience, poise and acuity, to win the Republican nomination.

And just a little over three months after he accepted the Republican nomination for President, a non-politician became the most powerful person on the planet.

What Trump's campaign, the 2016 election, and the last four years of his Presidency has shown us that the industry of politics is not at all immune to change, and that someone with exactly zero political experience can become President. We can argue the good and the bad about his Presidency, but one thing we've learned is that the American voter has decided that political experience isn't quite that important anymore. The candidate who toes the party line at every turn may no longer be the right choice. The American voter has decided that it's perfectly okay if a non-politician becomes President, and therein lies the staggering change that Trump has brought about. After all, I'm pretty sure the last President we had who wasn't already a politician in some manner was George Washington.

So, like him or not, Donald Trump has forever altered the political landscape of this country, and I think that's a good thing...

Donald Trump Can't Win
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Like him or not, agree with him or not, the undeniable truth; that one inarguable fact about Donald Trump is that he has changed everything about our political landscape.

Ross Perot tried it back in 1992 when he ran as an independent, and then in 1996 when he ran on the Reform Party ticket. He garnered almost 19% of the popular vote in 1992, which is the highest for an Independent. Now, in July of 1992 Perot withdrew from the race only five months after announcing his candidacy, but re-entered the race in October, after his name was placed on the ballots of all 50 states. One can only wonder what would have happened had he not temporarily dropped out. Would he have become President? Maybe, maybe not. Could he have? Absolutely.

See, one thing we do know now is that H. Ross Perot showed us that you didn't need to have (D) or (R) after your name to be a threat.

Donald Trump merely took it a step further. Trump stayed in it. He outlasted 16 other Republican candidates, many who possessed a deep well of political experience and savvy. Some would credit Trump's money for his eventual win, but we need to only look at Michael Bloomberg to know that money's not the end all in a campaign, and suggestions that the most money wins are simply not true. Donald Trump has a net worth of, by some estimations, $3.1 billion dollars. Bloomberg enjoys a fortune of over $55 billion.

Money can't buy everything.

Like Perot, Trump was not a politician. It could be argued now that he is or isn't, but when he announced his candidacy, he was a successful businessman, no more, no less. Hell, he entered the political arena as a punchline more than as a candidate. He was all but excommunicated by the GOP. Nobody thought he would win. After all, of his three viable democratic opponents, one of them was someone the sitting President said of "there has never been a man or a woman; not me, not Bill, nobody, more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America." That was some pretty high praise, and spoken by a great orator with an unwavering conviction.

And yet, Clinton lost the election.

Throughout the campaign, all Trump did was be Trump. He was brash, offensive, tactless; any number of negative adjectives you can come up with. But one adjective which also applies is "genuine". Not being a politician, all Trump knew was how to be Trump. He was true to who he was, since that's all he really knew how to do.

And it worked. For all of the good and all of the bad, it worked. Donald Trump outlasted a Republican field of 16 others, all with political experience, poise and acuity, to win the Republican nomination.

And just a little over three months after he accepted the Republican nomination for President, a non-politician became the most powerful person on the planet.

What Trump's campaign, the 2016 election, and the last four years of his Presidency has shown us that the industry of politics is not at all immune to change, and that someone with exactly zero political experience can become President. We can argue the good and the bad about his Presidency, but one thing we've learned is that the American voter has decided that political experience isn't quite that important anymore. The candidate who toes the party line at every turn may no longer be the right choice. The American voter has decided that it's perfectly okay if a non-politician becomes President, and therein lies the staggering change that Trump has brought about. After all, I'm pretty sure the last President we had who wasn't already a politician in some manner was George Washington.

So, like him or not, Donald Trump has forever altered the political landscape of this country, and I think that's a good thing...

Donald Trump Can't Win
No truer words were ever spoken. In fact if Donald Trump has shown this nation anything it's that we the people would obviously be much better off without professional politicians and without political parties. Maybe it's high time we gave the idea of government of by and for the people a real run instead of just talking about it.
I wish I could be as confident about Trump as you.

The "DC Swamp" is a formidable foe and my gut feeling is that if Trump was truly an enemy of the Swamp, he'd have gone the way of JFK by now.

Let's see what he does in his 2nd term. I'm concerned that we'll quickly learn that his loyalties are in ALL politicians are forced to be.

I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)
I wish I could be as confident about Trump as you.

The "DC Swamp" is a formidable foe and my gut feeling is that if Trump was truly an enemy of the Swamp, he'd have gone the way of JFK by now.

Let's see what he does in his 2nd term. I'm concerned that we'll quickly learn that his loyalties are in ALL politicians are forced to be.

I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)

It will take time to correct a swamp 80 years in the making.
I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)

But making nominations to the Supreme Court is the duty of the President. To not do it would be to abdicate his responsibility as President. It's no surprise that he means to carry out that duty, nor is it any surprise that he would select someone whose values align with his. That's not "politics", that's just reality...
I wish I could be as confident about Trump as you.

The "DC Swamp" is a formidable foe and my gut feeling is that if Trump was truly an enemy of the Swamp, he'd have gone the way of JFK by now.

Let's see what he does in his 2nd term. I'm concerned that we'll quickly learn that his loyalties are in ALL politicians are forced to be.

I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)
JFK was a swamp critter born and bred. What are you some sort of clueless idiot that knows nothing at all of American history? Joe Kennedy was one of the biggest crooks of American political history.
I wish I could be as confident about Trump as you.

The "DC Swamp" is a formidable foe and my gut feeling is that if Trump was truly an enemy of the Swamp, he'd have gone the way of JFK by now.

Let's see what he does in his 2nd term. I'm concerned that we'll quickly learn that his loyalties are in ALL politicians are forced to be.

I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)
Ah but he is! The hinges came off and impeament attempted. The virus was their last stitch effort ahead of the jfk scenario. IMHO.
I wish I could be as confident about Trump as you.

The "DC Swamp" is a formidable foe and my gut feeling is that if Trump was truly an enemy of the Swamp, he'd have gone the way of JFK by now.

Let's see what he does in his 2nd term. I'm concerned that we'll quickly learn that his loyalties are in ALL politicians are forced to be.

I hope I'm wrong, but that is my gut feeling based on his actions so far (SCOTUS picks to be exact)
JFK was a swamp critter born and bred. What are you some sort of clueless idiot that knows nothing at all of American history? Joe Kennedy was one of the biggest crooks of American political history.
JFK taken out by his own party. That’s the truth.

Tammany Hall
Trump did cause a disruption in the 'political space-time continuum'

He overcame the cheating, criminal, treasonous Democrats
He beat Hillary
He defeated Obama's failed treasonous coup attempt
He defeated every Democrat treasonous coup attempt
He beat the Swamp
He beat the Washington Establishment
He created the strongest economy in DECADES
He created the lowest unemployment rate in DECADES
He created the lowest BLACK unemployment rate in US HISTORY
He created the lowest LATINO unemployment rate in US HISTORY
He created the lowest ASIAN unemployment rate in US HISTORY
He created the lowest WOMEN'S unemployment rate in US HISTORY
The most Americans working at 1 time in DECADES
More jobs, higher wages, bonuses, and more opportunity without raising the minimum Wage

He accomplished the miracle' Obama declared could not be done - bring back manufacturing jobs
He got MILLIONS of Americans off of Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps
He liberated millions of Americans living on the Democrat 'Plantation' because of their policies of 'economic slavery/...

The Democrats' un-Constitutional and Criminal WRATH, however has been insatiable, it has grown. Even now they are planning election fraud through mail-ib voting, a criminal process most other nations have abandoned. They have reportedly already begun planning more violence if Biden loses...while cities run by Democrats are / have been looted, burned, attacked, people murdered, cops assassinated already by foreign enemies of the US-funded and Democrat-supported criminals and Domestic terrorists.

The Democrats have demonstrated they will do anything, break any law, destroy any city, murder countless numbers of police and US citizens - anything to get back power.

The Democrats want to get back power, and they seek to send all of the minorities and other Americans Trump helped escape their Plantation / Rule right back to that Plantation and under their socialist oppressive rule where they survive ONLY because of Democrat hand-outs given in exchange for votes.

Frightening is even though they are not in 'power' - do not have the Senate and WH - they have demonstrated they are capable of sending millions of Americans back to those 'Plantations' without winning the Senate or WH.

Through their Socialist, oppressive Constitutional and Civil Rights mandates and laws the Democrats have ravaged the economy to hurt Trump politically, SACRIFICING Americans through COVID LOCKDOWNS.

In LESS THAN A YEAR these lockdowns have wiped out / eliminated / destroyed:
41% (almost HALF) of ALL black-owned small businesses in the United States
32% of ALL Latino-owned small businesses in the United States
26% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses in the United States
25% of ALL women-owned small businesses in the United States

This on top of the facilitation of the looting, burning, assaulting, raping, murdering, assassination of police in Democrat-run cities by foreign enemy-funded, Democrat-supported criminals and domestic terrorists....resulting in lost businesses, lost lives, and billions in damage tax payers will have to pay....

9 MONTHS! The Democrats lust for power has devastated this country, as they have betrayed this nation, colluded with our enemies, turned terrorists loose on the nation to regain power.

Even Biden declared publicly that if Americans want the devastation and violence to end all they have to do is vote for Biden! (Of course that crazy bastard also said that Trump controls fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and ll sorts of natural disasters -that if Trump wins those things will get worse & Americans will suffer more.)

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