Trump Has More Stolen Docs

Jesus dude. What do you think you're doing?

Just give em all back!

All presidents can legally keep the copies of any and all docs they are given.
They always have.

The only constraint is that NARA to also get copies in order to satisfy the FOIA.
There is zero law prohibiting presidents from keeping copies of all docs from their term.
I assume you are a total tool that rejects any possibility of Trump doing something wrong.

You can't deal with what has now been firmly established by facts - Trump violated document handling laws. So you just put up denial - "la la la la I don't care, it doesn't exist"

Prove me wrong.

I'm a person that thinks people like you would find a reason to prosecute Trump for Jaywalking if Pelosi, Biden and Obama were walking right next to him.

Those document laws aren't criminal laws, despite what your side is trying to imply.
You realize that it's illegal for him to have them right?

So much for the rule of law huh?

The laws are clear, that presidents get to dictate on docs, as to what is classified, who gets to see of have them, etc.
There are NO laws at all restricting presidents in any way, except for the FOIA, which only demands NARA get copies.
Your orange god is above the least you believe he is.

He's just taking the example of Dems across the country.

I guess violating an archival law of non criminal nature is much worse than pass on bribery like with Biden Jr.
All presidents can legally keep the copies of any and all docs they are given.
They always have.

The only constraint is that NARA to also get copies in order to satisfy the FOIA.
There is zero law prohibiting presidents from keeping copies of all docs from their term.
The constraint is that any docs kept are done so with coordination with NARA.

NOT done by Trump
The laws are clear, that presidents get to dictate on docs, as to what is classified, who gets to see of have them, etc.
There are NO laws at all restricting presidents in any way, except for the FOIA, which only demands NARA get copies.
Not true, at the presidential records act 1978, revise 2010.

No where, does it state the president can take his presidential records with him. They ALL MUST BE TURNED OVER TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES BEFORE HE LEAVES OFFICE.

THAT is the whole purpose of the Presidential Records Act.....the presidents records, now belong to us, we the people, and NOT the president. We allow the president for 5 years to have sole access to the presidential records through the Archives, or anyone the former president designates, and no one else, unless the DOJ or Congress needs them in a justified investigation.

Those 5 years allows the former presidents to work on what goes in the presidents library, which is also maintained by he National archives.


And the president has to show that he did DICTATE a declassification at the time of doing it.
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No. He can't. There is a process to go through. And even then, there are restrictions about what you can actually take with you. You can't just think about it and make it happen. :auiqs.jpg:
Oh, then why dont you give us the official process for a president then? Let me guess, you cant find it? Welcome to the party. No one has yet to find it.
Not true. A president can declassify documents at will. Thats why Trump wont let them get their greasey fingers on his documents going forward.
Wrong. It's illegal for ex-president to keep presidential records, no matter what classification they are.

Read Presidential Records Act.
The laws are clear, that presidents get to dictate on docs, as to what is classified, who gets to see of have them, etc.
There are NO laws at all restricting presidents in any way, except for the FOIA, which only demands NARA get copies.
What you fail to realize is that Trump is not Prez and hasn’t
Have what?
Bad teeth troll.
This opinion piece with no source "thinks" Trump has something..........

Makes RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA sound sane.
So just say so.

When it comes to Trump breaking laws you don't care and just leave out silly what-about-isms.

Shut up, TDS deranged fool.

No one cares about the Orange baboon that lives rent free in your head.

ONE PERSON is not worth all that much concern. (Except for you idiot leftards, it seems).

What we care about is the systemic abuse of the law and the government, by Stalinist leftard pigs who have the unmitigated audacity to call themselves Democrats
Of course the demafascist propagandist are going to release an op=ed like this to distract from the very real news that the Xiden family is about to be indicted for tax crimes and gun charges.
You realize that it's illegal for him to have them right?

So much for the rule of law huh?
It's ILLEGAL to throw people in gulags.

It's ILLEGAL to riot in the streets.

It's fucking ILLEGAL to throw Molotovs at cops and burn down the local CVS.

Don't complain to me about illegal, fucktard.

You're going to learn all about it in 30 days or so
The constraint is that any docs kept are done so with coordination with NARA.

NOT done by Trump
Fuck NARA. Once they start applying the law equally, then we'll care. Till then, they can go to hell.

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