Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Tie anyone to that...........LOL

Which should have been the original scope of the investigation........Show the ties to GRU from Stormy can't do it.

Or show the ties that paid these Russian agents being told to hack the DNC.........with a Hotel can't............

The Russia Russia Russia show hasn't really been about Russia for a while now.......But hey indicting them sounds doesn't it.
If the United States wanted to send foreign agents to trial from the GRU who did the hacking.........why wouldn't they detain them instead of throwing them out of the country under Obama.............

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking

Thrown out..........but later Mueller INDICTS THEM.........If they were going to put them in jail for their crimes..........why did they EJECT THEM from the country......................Why wouldn't they be detained under Obama and sent to prison here.................

Like I said all those indictments sound good.........Useless but makes the left base go ahhhhhhhhh......Circus.
Mueller can clear trump of any wrong doing and I'm totally cool with it. And that very well may happen. Lets chill out on the tar and feathering of Mueller and see what comes of his investigation.
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Lawyers like to implicate what isn't to get the outcome they want. Their only defense is to marginalize the person that calls them out on the carpet to fess up. I'm rather pleased that bullshit winds up in the pasture. At least it's good for growing vegetables, so I'm not complaining. But it is always amusing when it is disbursed by hitting the fan. :laughing0301:
Here's what Michael Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI about

Flynn perjury trap indictment. What was his mistake.........He volunteered to answer questions under oath to the FBI........who then used old emails to entrap him. He should have never agreed to it. Should have pleaded the 5th and refused to answer the questions. He was part of a transition team who have the authority to talk to other foreign counterparts while waiting to take over. That is the job............

If he decided to talk he should have remembered these famous words........... I do not recall that conversation and will have to get back to you at a later date after I review those conversations...........Do not not recollect..............used over and over again by those savy to how this he is financially destroyed because he must have had idiots for lawyers.
Trump Tower Moscow, and Michael Cohen’s lies about it, explained

What did Cohen do wrong.......and he's a lawyer...........LOL

He agreed to testify under oath..............plain and simple...........should have pleaded the 5th and if he had to talk he should have stated........I don't recall those emails and will get back to you at a later date after looking at those emails.............Just stating I don't recall .......I don't recall.........would have blown that part of the perjury trap out of the water...........or pleading the can't get caught in a perjury trap if you plead the 5th.

In order to build a Hotel in Russia........guess what have to talk to officials there to build..........IMAGINE THAT.

Here's a professional who knows the game..........Sessions..........

Another expert on the system. Hillary Clinton...........I don't recall.........I don't know..........I don't remember..........experts on avoiding the perjury trap.

Cohen was a fool..............for even testifying............
This is how Clinton aids do it................Even after given IMMUNITY.............

For 5 minutes straight...........from the side that knows how the system works..........
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.
Did Cohen or Trump pay GRU or offer favors to hack the DNC and Clinton..................when you show me that I'll be impressed........As that was the entire focus on the investigation from the Start...................

Mueller is desperate to get a Russian connection anyway he can.............And it's a no brainer that Trump was considering getting into Real estate there for over a decade before the election.................But they never did it..............The Trump tower was never built there........and to get it built you have to go through that gov't to get it done................That's not a crime..........

Show the connection to the GRU on any of this...........You can't.
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.
Did Cohen or Trump pay GRU or offer favors to hack the DNC and Clinton..................when you show me that I'll be impressed........As that was the entire focus on the investigation from the Start...................

Mueller is desperate to get a Russian connection anyway he can.............And it's a no brainer that Trump was considering getting into Real estate there for over a decade before the election.................But they never did it..............The Trump tower was never built there........and to get it built you have to go through that gov't to get it done................That's not a crime..........

Show the connection to the GRU on any of this...........You can't.
I can't show you anything. I'm merely going by moves being made.

Calm down. We'll probably find out soon enough, one way or the other.
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.
Did Cohen or Trump pay GRU or offer favors to hack the DNC and Clinton..................when you show me that I'll be impressed........As that was the entire focus on the investigation from the Start...................

Mueller is desperate to get a Russian connection anyway he can.............And it's a no brainer that Trump was considering getting into Real estate there for over a decade before the election.................But they never did it..............The Trump tower was never built there........and to get it built you have to go through that gov't to get it done................That's not a crime..........

Show the connection to the GRU on any of this...........You can't.
I can't show you anything. I'm merely going by moves being made.

Calm down. We'll probably find out soon enough, one way or the other.
I responding to the situation.........I showed the indictments...........and how they got into the perjury trap........and showed how the professional politicians avoid it while testifying...............What wasn't calm about it..........Since when is pointing out facts and how it is done a NON CALM SITUATION........hmmmm.....

Had they just refused to answer using the 5th......they could have never been caught in a perjury Trap.........Or just repeated the lines I posted...I don't the best of my recollection.........I don't remember..........I'll get back with you after reviewing.........and on and on............

That is the truth and I've shown ample evidence of that with what I've posted..........Had Flynn done that they would have never got him on ANYTHING........And they got Cohen on the same thing.............when he should have just refused to answer which is his right.

They can't tie to date anything with the GRU that hacked the DNC............To date........that evidence led to the ousting of Russian officials and Sanctions against Russia........LONG AGO..........then later they indict GRU officials that can never be brought to trial........why didn't they hold those officials here under Obama............and try them then.............hmmmm
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.
Did Cohen or Trump pay GRU or offer favors to hack the DNC and Clinton..................when you show me that I'll be impressed........As that was the entire focus on the investigation from the Start...................

Mueller is desperate to get a Russian connection anyway he can.............And it's a no brainer that Trump was considering getting into Real estate there for over a decade before the election.................But they never did it..............The Trump tower was never built there........and to get it built you have to go through that gov't to get it done................That's not a crime..........

Show the connection to the GRU on any of this...........You can't.
I can't show you anything. I'm merely going by moves being made.

Calm down. We'll probably find out soon enough, one way or the other.
I responding to the situation.........I showed the indictments...........and how they got into the perjury trap........and showed how the professional politicians avoid it while testifying...............What wasn't calm about it..........Since when is pointing out facts and how it is done a NON CALM SITUATION........hmmmm.....

Had they just refused to answer using the 5th......they could have never been caught in a perjury Trap.........Or just repeated the lines I posted...I don't the best of my recollection.........I don't remember..........I'll get back with you after reviewing.........and on and on............

That is the truth and I've shown ample evidence of that with what I've posted..........Had Flynn done that they would have never got him on ANYTHING........And they got Cohen on the same thing.............when he should have just refused to answer which is his right.

They can't tie to date anything with the GRU that hacked the DNC............To date........that evidence led to the ousting of Russian officials and Sanctions against Russia........LONG AGO..........then later they indict GRU officials that can never be brought to trial........why didn't they hold those officials here under Obama............and try them then.............hmmmm
I don't know exactly what Mueller has.

Neither do you.
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.
Did Cohen or Trump pay GRU or offer favors to hack the DNC and Clinton..................when you show me that I'll be impressed........As that was the entire focus on the investigation from the Start...................

Mueller is desperate to get a Russian connection anyway he can.............And it's a no brainer that Trump was considering getting into Real estate there for over a decade before the election.................But they never did it..............The Trump tower was never built there........and to get it built you have to go through that gov't to get it done................That's not a crime..........

Show the connection to the GRU on any of this...........You can't.
I can't show you anything. I'm merely going by moves being made.

Calm down. We'll probably find out soon enough, one way or the other.
I responding to the situation.........I showed the indictments...........and how they got into the perjury trap........and showed how the professional politicians avoid it while testifying...............What wasn't calm about it..........Since when is pointing out facts and how it is done a NON CALM SITUATION........hmmmm.....

Had they just refused to answer using the 5th......they could have never been caught in a perjury Trap.........Or just repeated the lines I posted...I don't the best of my recollection.........I don't remember..........I'll get back with you after reviewing.........and on and on............

That is the truth and I've shown ample evidence of that with what I've posted..........Had Flynn done that they would have never got him on ANYTHING........And they got Cohen on the same thing.............when he should have just refused to answer which is his right.

They can't tie to date anything with the GRU that hacked the DNC............To date........that evidence led to the ousting of Russian officials and Sanctions against Russia........LONG AGO..........then later they indict GRU officials that can never be brought to trial........why didn't they hold those officials here under Obama............and try them then.............hmmmm
I don't know exactly what Mueller has.

Neither do you.
I can read the indictments..............what evidence he has still not LEAKED ............who the hell knows..........but I think if he had a smoking gun he would have already came forward or the LEAKING MACHINE would have already leaked it............that is an assumption.........

This is a thread of I GOTCHA again..........In this GOTCHA moment were is the connection to the GRU who hacked the DNC....... I don't see you.

Pure speculation and petty perjury traps.........turning the screws...........

Another expert on the system. Hillary Clinton...........I don't recall.........I don't know..........I don't remember..........experts on avoiding the perjury trap.

Cohen was a fool..............for even testifying............

There is only one unindicted coconspirator in this case and his name is Trump. Stop deflecting and defending the felon in the WH.
Last edited:

Another expert on the system. Hillary Clinton...........I don't recall.........I don't know..........I don't remember..........experts on avoiding the perjury trap.

Cohen was a fool..............for even testifying............

There is only one unindicted coconspirator in this case and his name is Trump. Stop deflecting an defending the felon in the WH.

Not deflecting...........showing how others just forget everything when they get questioned and never get caught in a perjury trap.......quite frankly Cohen is an was Flynn and others to testify at all..............

Big dummies.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.
To use a porn star as leverage ???? Leverage for what ?? If anything Trump has been attacked by those who were intent on blackmailing him in order to stop him, quiet him or shut him down from becoming President. They are the wrong doers, and Trump is the victim who had to protect himself from the sharks trying to eat him.

We all knew what we were getting in a Trump for president, and it sure brought out the worst of the worst trying to stop him. Why do they fear him so bad, and why did it force these creatures out of their caves to go after him, blackmail him, and threaten him in hopes to stop the American people from getting a better military, job situation, V.A. hospital situation, coal jobs back while still exploring clean energy, tax cuts, re-entry of off shore money for investments, deregulation, better gas prices, better trade deals, better safety in the world etc ??????????

What did the Demon-crats do under Obama ? Think about it. Zilch, notta, nothing, zero other than throw this nation and it's citizens into an unsafe, non-productive, deplorable, tyrannical situation, and the people voted for real change, and not more of what they were getting with the Demon-crats under Obama.

Mueller's helping the Demon-crats to take this nation back down a path of destruction as was being experienced will not end well. Him "Mueller", being part of the blackmail crew will not end well for his reputation.

I mean look at who this cat Mueller is helping to blackmail our President. Stormy Daniels, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and his deplorable race baiting ace ??? Good grief. The list is long, and really laughable when think about who is on that list.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.
To use a porn star as leverage ???? Leverage for what ?? If anything Trump has been attacked by those who were intent on blackmailing him in order to stop him, quiet him or shut him down from becoming President. They are the wrong doers, and Trump is the victim who had to protect himself from the sharks trying to eat him.

We all knew what we were getting in a Trump for president, and it sure brought out the worst of the worst trying to stop him. Why do they fear him so bad, and why did it force these creatures out of their caves to go after him, blackmail him, and threaten him in hopes to stop the American people from getting a better military, job situation, V.A. hospital situation, coal jobs back while still exploring clean energy, tax cuts, re-entry of off shore money for investments, deregulation, better gas prices, better trade deals, better safety in the world etc ??????????

What did the Demon-crats do under Obama ? Think about it. Zilch, notta, nothing, zero other than throw this nation and it's citizens into an unsafe, non-productive, deplorable, tyrannical situation, and the people voted for real change, and not more of what they were getting with the Demon-crats under Obama.

Mueller's helping the Demon-crats to take this nation back down a path of destruction as was being experienced will not end well. Him "Mueller", being part of the blackmail crew will not end well for his reputation.

I mean look at who this cat Mueller is helping to blackmail our President. Stormy Daniels, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and his deplorable race baiting ace ??? Good grief. The list is long, and really laughable when think about who is on that list.
Perhaps they should have the same zeal they have now when they found out about HSBC laundering ........largest in the history of the United States.............Laundering to Drug Cartels who were killing people South of the border by the thousands.......

But no one went to jail for it...............wasn't important to them.............even though it was the largest in history......but.........HEY.........It's Trump........
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed? Are we living in a twilight zone or what! ROFL this is hilarious.
You think Cohen May have documentation or taped anything?
I don't care if he does or doesn't. ANYTHING can be made up.
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed?

How do you know he’s lying?

His testimony has been corroborated by more witnesses.
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.
Cohen made up audio tapes of Trump?
Deep state clown Mueller can....he has the former heads of the "intelligence" communities on his side along who knows how many holdovers from the Obama regime.
Republican Robert Mueller

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